
  1. 为其提供澎湃动力的是一台4.2升V8引擎,该引擎既能满足最新版欧洲排放标准的要求,同时也符合美国制定的相关环保规定。

    It is powered by a4.2-litre V8 engine which satisfies latest European emissions requirements and also American environmental regulations .

  2. 在大众汽车丑闻之前,柴油汽车面临危险:欧洲排放标准的收紧将大大提高汽车制造商生产柴油汽车的成本,这将拉平与电动汽车的价格差距。

    Diesel was under threat before the VW scandal : the tightening of European emissions standards will make it much more expensive for carmakers to offer diesel cars , levelling the price gap with electric vehicles .

  3. 本文介绍了轻型柴油车的欧洲排放标准及尾气排放特点,综述了轻型柴油车氧化催化剂技术的研究和开发进展。

    The European exhaust emission limits and exhaust emission characters of light duty diesel vehicles were introduced in this paper . The progress of research and development of oxidation catalysts for light duty diesel vehicles was reviewed .

  4. 本文在对大量现行标准法规进行整合的基础上,阐述了机动车排放标准体系的概念与构成,并对欧洲排放标准体系和我国排放标准和法规体系进行了全面的分析与比较。

    Through the integration of many standards and codes , this article introduces the concept and components of the vehicle-emissions standard system and stresses on the analysis and comparison of the vehicle-emissions standard systems of Europe and China .

  5. 首先介绍了欧洲排放标准,然后分析了柴油机为达到不同阶段的排放标准所需要采取的技术措施,并对目前国内外的一些成熟技术实例进行了分析。

    This paper first presented the European exhaust emission standards , and then gave an analysis of the necessary techniques to reach the emission standards at each stage with some examples that have been used at home and abroad .

  6. 一些行业专家表示,如果对欧洲排放标准和检测的新一轮审视让人们更容易听取环保人士的呼吁,大众丑闻就有可能会成为柴油机热的一个转折点。

    Some industry experts say that the Volkswagen scandal could prove a turning point in the diesel love affair , if the new scrutiny of European emissions standards and testing makes it easier for the environmentalists to be heard .

  7. 其各项燃烧指标优于或与普通柴油相仿,满足欧洲Ⅱ排放标准。

    The burning index of this bio-diesel fuel was similar with or even better than diesel fuel and the emission met Europe II standard .

  8. 试验结果表明,安装该紧密耦合催化剂的汽车,其废气的排放完全可达到欧洲Ⅱ号排放标准的排放限值要求。

    The emission of exhaust gas of the catalyst reached the standard of Europe - ⅱ in the vehicle test .

  9. 属于聚氨酯系列的环抱产品,溶剂排放量低,符合欧洲最严格的排放标准。

    It is a2K product based on acrylic resins with high solids content ( HS ), and its low VOC conforms to the strictest European standard .