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  1. 法官告诫律师不得诱导证人。

    The judge warned counsel not to prompt the witness .

  2. 略论司法过程中的和谐&法官与律师关系的思考

    Harmony in Judicial Process : Relationship between Judge and Attorney

  3. 法官提醒律师不要提示证人。

    The judge warn counsel not to prompt the witness .

  4. 我国法官与律师关系的理性建构

    The Rational Construction of the Relations between Judge and Lawyer of Our Country

  5. 法官和律师独立性问题特别报告员

    Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers

  6. 埃格兰说,受害者包括新招募的警察、法官和律师。

    Jan Egeland says the victims include police recruits , judges and lawyers .

  7. 法官只是律师,直到他们进行司法宣誓的那一天。

    Judges are just lawyers until the day they take the judicial oath .

  8. 他们是法官、律师、探长!

    They 're judges , attorneys and detectives !

  9. 在法庭工作的人不完全都是法官和律师。

    Judges and lawyers are not the only people who work in the courtoom .

  10. 法官与律师关系规范化刍议

    Study on Regularizing Relationship between Judge and Lawyer

  11. 讨好法官的律师们;

    Lawyers kowtowing to a judge ;

  12. 而美国的法官和律师也不认为自己会因为摄像机而发挥失常,尽管这不总是可信的。

    And American judges and lawyers deny ( not always plausibly ) that they act up for the camera .

  13. 免于起诉权利也可给在诉讼中作陈述的治安法官、律师和证人。

    Immunity from prosecution is also granted to magistrate , counsel and witness as regarding their statements in judicial proceeding .

  14. 就像法官和律师与法律程序一样重要,哈巴斯认为陪审员有着最关键的作用。

    As important as judges and lawyers are to the judicial process , Habas believes jurors have the most vital role .

  15. 以法律职业的共同精神规范法官与律师的关系,维护司法公正

    Standardizing the relationship between judges and lawyers by the common spirit of the legal practitioners and safeguarding the fairness of justice

  16. 到18世纪下半期,法官和律师开始关注合理地出现在陪审团心中的怀疑问题。

    In 1900s , judges and lawyers began to pay attention to the " doubt " which reasonably appear in the jury .

  17. 为了妥善解决垄断损失计算问题,我国亟待建立专家证人法律制度,提高法官和律师的反垄断法学和经济学素养。

    China needs prompt establishment of expert witness legal system and improvement of the antitrust law and economics training to judges and lawyers .

  18. 从各国的经验看,对于调解的观念转变的先后在法律职业中依次是法官-律师-法学家。

    Experiences from various countries , the concept of change for mediation in the legal profession has followed the judge - lawyer - lawyers .

  19. 发现你们的从政者竟然能用金钱买通,你们的法官和律师既不讲理又不诚实,这真是一个大灾难。

    It is a disaster to find your politicians can be bribed , and that your judges and lawyers are neither responsible nor honest .

  20. 对于规范性司法解释的态度,笔者通过问卷调查发现,多数法官、律师和公务员支持规范性司法解释,认为它具有合法性。

    The author finds through the questionnaire investigation that most of the courts , lawyers and civil servants think the normative judicial interpretation has legitimacy .

  21. 一些话语标记语经常被法官和律师作为一种说服性的语言技巧使用在与对方的辩论中。

    Some of the discourse markers are frequently employed by judges and counsels as a linguistic device of persuasion to debate with the other party .

  22. 我是在请求您认识到要求一个21岁的警察去理解法官和律师们都不能理解的法律是多么的可笑。

    I am asking you to recognize how ridiculous it is to require a21-year-old police officer to understand the law when the judges and lawyers can 't.

  23. 在查理二世统治之前的数百年间,法官和律师都要留着短发和胡须出庭。

    For hundreds of years before the reign of Charles II , judges and lawyers were expected to come to court with short hair and a beard .

  24. 比如现在我们能担任司法工作的干部,包括法官、律师、审判官、检察官、专业警察,起码缺一百万。

    For example , we now need at least one million additional cadres for the administration of justice , including judges , lawyers , procurators and specialized police .

  25. 对股票价格波动的不理解、对股票内在价值决定因素的不确定性,是当时绝大多数法官和律师的共同感受。

    The uncertainty of stock price fluctuation and not familiar with the intrinsic value of the stock is a common feeling of the vast majority of judges and lawyers .

  26. 它是庭审参与者(检察官、法官、律师、证人等)为了顺应各种语境因素而经常使用的重要交际策略。

    It is an important communicative strategy used by courtroom participants ( such as the judge , attorneys and witnesses ) in various ways to adapt to different contextual factors .

  27. 家庭暴力常常困扰着检察机关、法官和律师,遭受家庭暴力的妇女在忍无可忍的情况下,以暴抗暴,杀死施暴者,如何量刑?

    Procuratorial organ , judges and lawyers feel puzzled about home violence and the problem that how women under home violence to imposed a penalty on when they murder violence users .

  28. 裁判事实认定的主体是人,法官、律师因其在裁判中的不同地位,会对裁判事实真实性产生不同程度的影响。

    The subject of defining judicial facts is people . Judges , lawyers for the different status in the referee to the referee facts veracity and the influence of different level .

  29. 法官和律师虽然分工不同,但他们同属法律职业共同体成员,共同以公平正义和司法公正为职责。

    Although the division of judges and lawyers is different , they are both members of the legal professional community , which safeguard fairness and justice and judicial fairness as the duties .

  30. 现在,警察不够,警官更不够,法院院长、法官、律师、检察官、审判员都缺乏。

    Right now we don 't have enough policemen & especially police officers . There is also a shortage of presiding and ordinary judges in the courts and of lawyers and procurators .