
yóu xì
  • play;end play;backlash
游隙 [yóu xì]
  • [play] 机器部件能保持运转自如的长度或尺寸

游隙[yóu xì]
  1. 轴向游隙在角接触球轴承应用中的影响及措施

    The Axial Backlash Influence and the Measurement in the Application of the Angular Contact Ball Bearing

  2. 本文主要阐述了角接触轴承的安装形式及其轴向游隙在实际应用中的影响,并介绍了相应的应对措施。

    This article explains mainly installation form of angular contact ball bearing and its axial backlash influence in practical application , and introduces the corresponding counter-measure .

  3. FEA在圆锥孔四列圆锥滚子轴承径向游隙设计中的应用

    Application of FEA in Design of Radial Internal Clearance for Four Row Tapered Roller Bearing with Tapered Bore

  4. 当采用文中导出的互换游隙公式进行配套计算后,轴承游隙能满足标准规定范围的要求,同时滚针内切圆直径偏差一定为F6。

    The bearing clearance can be satisfied to conform to the requirements of standard and the diameter deviation of needle incircle will be F6 . When the clearance interchangeable formula derived in this paper is adopted .

  5. UNIPAC轴承单元:是一种预组装、预先调定游隙、预先润滑的汽车轮端轴承单元。

    UNIPAC : A pre-assembled , pre-lubricated , bolt-on Timken unit bearing assembly designed for front wheel automotive applications .

  6. 大型柔性轴承的设计及游隙的测量与计算

    Design of Large Flexible Bearing and Measurement & Calculation of Clearance

  7. 注:径向游隙为无载荷测量值。

    Note : The radial gap is a measurement without load .

  8. 轴承游隙检测台数据采集与通讯软件系统

    Software System about Data Gathering Communication of Bearing Windage Testing Device

  9. 高速旋转的滚动轴承工作游隙影响因素的分析

    Factors Affecting Radial Internal Clearance of Operating High-Speed Rolling Bearing

  10. 大型直升机机体纵向轴系支承游隙的计算

    Calculation of Longitudinal shafting Bearing Play of Large Helicopter Airframe

  11. 特大型负游隙四点接触球轴承接触应力分析

    Contact Stress Analysis on Large-sized Four-contact-point Ball Bearing with Negative Axial Play

  12. 圆锥孔双列圆柱滚子轴承径向游隙的合理选择

    Rational Selection of Radial Windage for Conical Dual-Row Roller Bearings

  13. 调整径向游隙提高滚动轴承性能的研究

    Improvement of the Behaviour of Rolling Bearing by Adjustment of Diametral Clearance

  14. 滚动轴承的游隙和初始接触角

    The Clearance and the Free Contact Angle of Rolling Bearing

  15. 对滚动轴承装配径向游隙不等式的探讨

    Question to the inequality of the fitting diametral clearance of ball bearing

  16. 高速滚动轴承在失去润滑情况下工作游隙的计算方法

    Calculation of High-Speed Rolling Bearing ′ s Work Clearance in Loss-Lube Condition

  17. 深沟球轴承游隙综合设计与控制

    Design and Control for Clearance of Deep Groove Ball Bearings

  18. 涡轮钻具装配对四支点推力轴承组游隙的影响

    Influence of Turbodrill Assembly on Clearance of Four-touching Point Thrust Bearing Group

  19. 滚动轴承的疲劳故障分析及最佳游隙选择

    An Analysis of Fatigue Breakdown and the Best Clearance Choice for Rolling Bearings

  20. 配合对向心球轴承游隙和承载能力的影响

    The influence of the fitting on the play of the radial ball bearing

  21. 采用8031单片机实现了轴承径向游隙测定仪的自动检测。

    Using 8031 mono-computer has achieved automatic measure of bearing diametral clearance checker .

  22. 滚动轴承最佳工作游隙的确定

    The Determination of Optimum working Windage about Rolling Bearing

  23. 温度变化对滚动轴承游隙的影响

    The Influence of the Varing Temperature on the Play of the Roling bearing

  24. 铁路货车轴承轴向游隙及装配高检测装置

    Development of Measuring Instrument for Axial Clearance and Assemble Height of Boxcar Bearings

  25. 高速主轴陶瓷球轴承工作游隙的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Working-play of Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearings for High-speed Spindles

  26. 影响滚动轴承径向游隙因素的探讨

    Discussion on affecting factor of rolling bearing radial clearance

  27. 控制双列圆锥滚子轴承轴向游隙的工艺探讨

    Discussion on technology of controlling axial clearance of double row tapered roller bearing

  28. 轴向游隙较大时,轴承容易损坏。

    Axial clearance is bigger , bearing damage easily .

  29. 主驱动电机轴向游隙的选择

    Choice Selection of Shifting Gap in the Axial Direction for Main Drive Motor

  30. 大型四列圆锥滚子轴承最佳游隙值的确定

    Determination of optimum clearance for arge size four row tapered ro ler bearing