
  • 网络GamePad;joystick;wii;Joypad;usb
  1. 具备遥控器相关产品诸如无线键盘,游戏手柄,万能遥控器以及学习型遥控器的相关经验。

    Experience in Remote Control related products such as Wireless Keyboard , Gamepad , Universal Protocols RC Learnable RC .

  2. 相反,任天堂或许会将注意力转向WiiUGamePad游戏手柄这样的配件。

    Instead , Nintendo may seek to concentrate on accessories such as the Wii u gamepad .

  3. 本文研究的是基于短距离无线通信的3D游戏手柄控制器设计。

    This paper is based on the 3D games short-range wireless communication game paddle controller design .

  4. 多种USB接口技术在游戏手柄控制系统中的应用

    The Application of Various USB techniques in The Control System of Game Handle

  5. 设备可支持USB,例如支持直接从相机导入照片、支持键盘和游戏手柄

    USB support for devices , import of photos from camera , keyboards , game controllers

  6. 我们支持带游戏手柄的手机,比如索尼的XperiaPlay。

    There are phones with gamepads , like the Sony Xperia play , that we support .

  7. WiiU的游戏手柄名为GamePad,带有一个6.2英寸LCD触摸屏。

    The Wii u will come with a controller , called the gamepad , that has a 6.2-inch LCD touchscreen .

  8. 研究人员对玩Wii和使用传统游戏手柄的玩家的运动量进行了比较。

    The researchers compared activity levels during gaming using the Wii with those achieved using traditional seated joypad-controlled consoles .

  9. 比如说,索尼一直通过playstationnetwork,将一次性客户转化为重复回访的付费用户、专有网络的会员、以及通过每次按动游戏手柄或敲击键盘向该公司提供行为数据的消费者。

    The Playstation network , for example , has been a means for Sony to turn one-off customers into repeat subscribers , members of a proprietary network and consumers who provide behavioural data with each click of a controller or keyboard .

  10. 他认为,到时候游戏手柄仍会处理各种数据。

    Until then , he thinks consoles will continue to crunch the data .

  11. 打个比方,玩家可以拿它当游戏手柄,在电视上向游戏里的敌人发射飞镖。

    Players could use the controller , for example , to shoot ninja stars at enemies displayed on a television .

  12. 传统的人机交互界面是基于机械装置的,如键盘、鼠标、操纵杆和游戏手柄等。

    The traditional human-computer interaction ( HCI ) is based on mechanical devices such as keyboards , mouses , joysticks or gamepads .

  13. 最初的建议包括一个太阳能电池板方案、一个可以360度旋转的第二屏幕方案,以及一个可以连接键盘和游戏手柄的模块化设计。

    Initial proposals have included a solar-panel case , a second screen that can rotate 360 degrees , and a modular design to connect with keyboards and games controllers .

  14. 一种自动测试游戏机手柄芯片的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Automatic Testing Game Controller Chip

  15. 游戏机手柄模具的数控加工

    CNC machining of a game pad mould

  16. 任天堂公司(NintendoCo.)在WIIU游戏机的控制手柄中融合了触摸屏,这款游戏机于去年11月发布。

    Nintendo Co. 7974.OK + 2.97 % melded a touch screen into the controller for its Wii U console , which was released last November .

  17. 要知道,微软的Kinect游戏机并没有手柄。

    So as you can see , there is no hand controller with the Microsoft Kinect .

  18. 由于安卓电视游戏机的实体手柄也适用于手机和平板,因此开发者投资打造的游戏也适用于所有设备。

    Since the physical controllers for Android TV devices will also work with phones and tablets , the investment for developers will be across all devices .

  19. 但是这种技术可以追踪大脑注意力是集中了还是放松了,而无法追踪具体的、有目的的行动,一些意念游戏玩家在发现他们不能像用游戏手柄那样可以完全控制游戏时可能会感到索然无趣。

    The technology is still limiting , however , tracking mostly the brain 's ability to concentrate and relax but not specific , purposeful actions . Some players of mind games might be underwhelmed that they don 't have total control in the same way they could with a joystick .

  20. 这份文件显示,三星对UnityTechnologies和GreenThrottleGamesInc.等初创企业进行了评估。前者是旧金山一家游戏平台开发商,后者是加州克拉拉(SantaClara)一家制造游戏手柄和移动设备与电视连接软件的公司。

    According to the document , Samsung has evaluated startups such as Unity Technologies , a San Francisco-based developer of gaming platforms , and Green Throttle Games Inc. , a Santa Clara , Calif. - based company that makes game controllers and software that connects mobile devices to televisions .

  21. 游戏主机是一个厚厚的黑色塑料盒,看起来很像外置硬盘,不过与游戏手柄相比黯然失色。

    The console , a thick slab of plastic that resembles an external hard drive , takes a back seat to the controller itself .

  22. 这款游戏机配置有1.2g赫兹处理器,运行修正版的安卓2.2系统,并配有一个电视遥控器和游戏手柄。

    The console itself runs a 1.2 g Hertz processor , a modified version of Android 2.2 , and would come with a TV remote and game controller .