
  • 网络SOFITEL;Sofitel Agadir Royal Bay Resort;Sofitel Luxembourg Le Grand Ducal;Sofitel L'Imperial Resort and Spa
  1. 这已经是我们第三次采访索菲特品牌的酒店了。

    It has been our third trip to a Sofitel hotel .

  2. 早上好,索菲特Y,我是约翰。

    Good Morning , Sofitel Y , John Speaking .

  3. 索菲特丽豪酒店已于2007年7月开业。

    Sofitel riverside Qingyuan already opened on July of2007 .

  4. 杭州索菲特世外桃源度假酒店为公司度假和会议提供了杭州市最先进的会议设施。

    The hotel provides the most advanced conference facilities to companies for vacations or meetings .

  5. 即将步入婚礼殿堂的新人们可以在申基索菲特体验豪华的游轮主题婚礼。

    New couples would be able to apply for a wedding on cruise at Sofitel Forebase Chongqing .

  6. 法式奢华与江南风情的完美融合,这就是索菲特世外桃源度假酒店。

    The French luxury and Chinese delicacy combine together to create the Sofitel Hangzhou Xanadu Resort in paradise .

  7. 从杭州火车站驱车不过十几分钟便来到索菲特世外桃源度假酒店。

    It only takes more than ten minutes to ride from Hangzhou Railway Station to Sofitel Hangzhou Xanadu Resort .

  8. 实习期满后,上海黄河佘山索菲特大酒店将为表现优异的实习生提供在我们酒店工作的机会。

    After the internship , Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Huanghe will offer the well-performed trainees real jobs in our hotel .

  9. 毋庸置疑,泰国的大部分服务业都很不错,但是我们对索菲特酒店感到尤其的满意。

    Of course most service is Thailand is great , but we were especially happy with the folks at Sofitel .

  10. 而其所属酒店员工的培训则会随着索菲特品牌的全球升级而不断的有所提高。

    He said that his staff training programs would be further improved following the footsteps of Sofitel 's global upgrade .

  11. 上海东锦江索菲特大酒店专业的会务设施以及舒服的入住环境,为此次重要会议的成功举行提供了完善的服务保障。

    The professional conference facilities and the comfortable accommodation service of the hotel fully supported the needs of this remarkable conference .

  12. 河内索菲特广场酒店:我们主要的客人是来自欧洲,然后是亚洲,澳大利亚,美洲。

    Sofitel Plaza Hanoi : Our guests are predominantly from Europe , which is followed by Asia , Australia and America .

  13. 索菲特奢华酒店品牌发布了其全球品牌提升计划。

    Sofitel recently revealed its ambitious strategic plan to elevate the brand into the premium-end of the international luxury hotel market .

  14. 我们上海黄河佘山索菲特大酒店为所有实习生提供我们最关切的照顾,优越的福利待遇和长期发展的机会,如下。

    Our Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Huanghe is providing internship trainees our thoughtful cares , competitive benefits and long-term development opportunities as follows .

  15. 加上,索菲特俱乐部在27楼提供了很棒的空间来吃早餐,喝下午茶和检查电子邮件。

    Plus , the Sofitel club lounge on the27th floor offers a great space to have breakfast or afternoon drinks and check email .

  16. 我们以喜来登酒店、索菲特酒店、和凯宾斯基酒店为例来看看这些国际品牌集团如何保持、延伸老牌酒店的生命力。

    Let 's take Sheraton , Sofitel and Kempinski as examples to see how the big brands to maintain and extend their brand power .

  17. 2011年9月19日,马卓义先生被任命为索菲特中国区域中区总经理以及西安索菲特人民大厦总经理。

    Marc Cherrier has been named Area General Manager Sofitel Central China and General Manager Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square effective September19th , 2011 .

  18. 清幽儒雅与时尚前沿在此并行。这些无不精辟解读了“生活无限精彩”,这一索菲特品牌的宗旨。

    It is here that fashion and culture blend well with each other for an excellent explanation of the Sofitel motto that " Life is Magnifique " .

  19. 本文结合博鳌索菲特酒店及会议中心工程中太阳能光伏发电系统的设计实例,为大家提供了一种工程上的解决方案。

    The article provides a solution of engineering by studying the design examples of solar power systems of both Sofitel Boao Hotel project and conference center project thereof .

  20. 厦门索菲特大酒店是厦门首家由国际酒店管理集团管理,以五星级标准打造的商务会议酒店,酒店环境优雅、大气。

    Sofitel Plaza Hotel Xiamen , as the first hotel in Xiamen to be managed by an international hotel group , is a five-star business hotel with an elegant mien ambience .

  21. 河内索菲特广场酒店的317间客房与俱乐部休息室坐览最绚丽的西湖,特鲁茨巴赫湖和红河全景。

    Sofitel Plaza Hanoi is as well the only hotel boasting the best panoramic views of West Lake , Truc Bach Lake and the Red River viewed from its317 rooms and Club Lounge .

  22. 有史以来第一次在欧洲,Frost&Sullivan公司将主办成长,创新和领导国会的大声展2009年:欧洲'的五月19号至20号,在伦敦圣詹姆斯,索菲特。

    For the first time ever in Europe , Frost & Sullivan will be hosting the Growth , Innovation and Leadership Congress'GIL2009 : Europe'on19-20 May , at the Sofitel St James in London .

  23. 首先,索菲特酒店的房间是以现代风格来装修的,其清洁和简单弥补了缺乏先锋风格和高质量材料的缺陷。

    First , the rooms at the Sofitel are done in a modern style that make up for a lack in cutting edge style and high quality materials by their cleanliness and simplicity .

  24. 报道称,目前正在达令港后面建设的新索菲特悉尼港酒店也采取了不设13层和14层的预防措施,以吸引外国买家。

    The new Sofitel Sydney Harbour Hotel currently under construction behind Darling Harbour has also taken precautions as to not deter foreign buyers , and have simply skipped out on building levels 13 and 14 .

  25. 作为南昌的第一家国际五星级酒店南昌索菲特耐克大酒店,矗立在南昌新兴商业区中心,北邻市政府,正对秋水广场,是您商务休闲的最佳选择!

    Right in the heart of the new business and government district , Sofitel Trilec nanchangm , as the first international five star hotel in the city , sets itself as the hotel of choice for business and leisure travelers .