
suǒ jù
  • rigging;gear
索具 [suǒ jù]
  • [rigging] 见帆具

索具[suǒ jù]
  1. 所有索具都进行了检查,并把该更换的部件全部更换一新。

    All the rigging had been examined , and renewed where necessary .

  2. 是的,小型三桅船的索具有很大的区别。

    Yes , it 's big difference in rigging a xebec .

  3. 船的桅杆、帆桁和帆总称为“索具”。

    The collective name for mast , boom and sails on a boat is the ' rig ' .

  4. 生产销售五金索具、工艺品、塑料制品。

    Hardware sales demand with production , handicrafts , plastic products .

  5. 前支索:从前面固定桅杆的索具。

    Forestay : The rigging that secures the mast forward .

  6. 此影片的重点是脸骨索具和动画。

    This video focuses on facial bone rigging and animation .

  7. 浇铸式钢丝绳索具的无损检测方法及评定

    Nondestructive testing and evaluation of casting wire rope rig

  8. 这些索具不能保证货物安全装卸?

    These slings do not permit safe cargo handling .

  9. 由于大部分原来的弹簧索具将被更换。

    Since much of the original spring rigging will need to be replaced .

  10. 他们在小船上睡着时朋友把索具解开了。

    They had been sleeping in the boat when friends United its moorings .

  11. 机车车辆索具设计原则与实践

    The Principles and Practices of the Design of the Rigging of the Rolling Stock

  12. 舢板上独特的索具

    The distinctive rigging of the junk 's sails

  13. 国外吊索具及相关零件

    Lifting attachments and related parts used abroad

  14. 他们利索地安装好了船上帆缆和索具。

    They rigged up the ship efficiently .

  15. 使产品充分满足用户要求,引领全球吊索具潮流。

    So that their products fully meet user requirements , lead sling a global trend .

  16. 液压同步提升中的承重系统及承重索具均载分析液压提升技术系列文章之三

    Load Support System and Load Balance of the Carrying Cable for the Hydraulic Synchronizing Lifting Technology

  17. 把电气设备固定在地面上。前支索:从前面固定桅杆的索具。

    Fastening electrical equipment to earth . Forestay : The rigging that secures the mast forward .

  18. 他是一个石油索具装配人。

    He is an oil rigger .

  19. 特大型井架起吊索具加工工艺

    Processing Techniques of King-sized Lifting Sling

  20. 谁提供装卸货索具?

    Who will provide slings ?

  21. 船壳保险船壳与索具保险

    Insurance of hull and appurtenances

  22. 有的高高地爬在索具上,仿佛要尽量把海景看个痛快似的。

    some high aloft in the rigging , as if striving to get a still better seaward peep .

  23. 装卸与搬运作业中,使用合理的吊索具及相关零件,不但可以减轻劳动强度,还可提高劳动生产率。

    Appropriate use of lifting attachments and related parts in materials handling lowers labour intensity and raises productivity .

  24. (航海)配有或者装有必要的索具(帆、横桅索、支索等)。

    ( nautical ) fitted or equipped with necessary rigging ( sails and shrouds and stays etc ) .

  25. 断线钳系列、管子钳系列、索具链条系列等。

    The leading products include wire breaking pliers series , pipe pliers series , and link chain series etc.

  26. 那些雇来舱里和索具上工作的人,天黑后还要工作好久。

    and the men employed in the hold and on the rigging were working till long after night-fall .

  27. 主营行业:桥架;其他行业专用设备;起重机;金属加工;其他未分类;索具。

    Bussiness Industry : Bridge ; Other specialized equipment ; Crane ; metal processing ; Other classifications ; Rigger .

  28. 利用吊索具捆绑对脱线事故机车车辆进行快速吊复、顶复,迅速开通线路。

    The railway line is opened by stitch wire tools binding to accident of train derailment lifting and jacking recovery .

  29. 本公司是生产、经营钢丝绳、索具及各类起重设备的专业型企业。

    This company is the production , management steel wire , rigging and all kinds of hoisting equipment professional enterprises .

  30. 本公司历史悠久,主要生产各种滑轮等索具和五金工具。

    The Company has a long history , mainly produces all kinds of pulleys , such as rigging and hardware tools .