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suǒ xù
  • brushing;beating
索绪[suǒ xù]
  1. 论索绪尔的结构主义自动缫丝机索绪要点分析

    Analysis about the Main Points of Cocoon Brushing in Automatic Silk Reeling Machine

  2. 立缫索绪机理与方式的研究

    Researches on the Mechanism and Mode of End Groping in Multi - End Reeling

  3. 索绪四定与索绪效率、缫折的关系;

    Relations between " four-point setting in end groping ", groping efficiency and cocoon consumption ;

  4. 从索绪机理上阐明了机械索绪装置不同,煮熟茧茧腔的吸水率也需不同的道理;

    And he further expounds in view of end groping mechanism why water absorption by cavity of cooked cocoons varies with different end-groping devices .