
  • 网络City Hotel;Urban Hotel;Hotel City;CITY INN
  1. 从竞争分析结果看,JY城市酒店明显处于一个较为不利的竞争地位,要想实现持续的发展,JY城市酒店必须付出更大的努力。

    With analysis result , the JY city hotel is at a relative disadvantageous competition position . If it wants to realize the continue development , JY city hotel must make a greater effort .

  2. 深圳的美丽的度假城市酒店的发展之路!

    Beautiful resort city hotel development of the road !

  3. 没有几家城市酒店能与克里雍大饭店媲美。

    Few city hotels can outclass the Hotel de Crillon .

  4. 典型情况下,不管是城市酒店还是度假酒店,后勤区分为以下区域。

    Typically , whether urban or resort setting , the BH is grouped into the following areas .

  5. 即使是在仙台的日航城市酒店已从地震中得以幸免并会很快重新开业。

    Even our JALCity hotel in Sendai managed to survive the earthquake and will soon be reopened .

  6. 如果你想自行前往新城市酒店的话,可以在我这里获取去那里的地图。

    A map with directions to the New City Hotel is available from me if you wish to make your own way .

  7. 新城市酒店的停车场有限,所以如果你想开车去那里,你需要一张许可证。

    There is limited car parking at the New City Hotel so if you wish to drive there you will need a permit .

  8. 许多度假酒店如今有完整的会议设备,大多数新的城市酒店在设计中也考虑了会议产业。

    Many resort hotels nowadays have complete convention facilities , and most new city hotels have also been designed with the convention business in mind .

  9. 除了明天有关软件课程的最后一次会议,所有的会议都将在这家酒店举行,最后一次会议将在新城市酒店举行。

    All the sessions will take place in this hotel except for the last session on Tomorrow 's Software , which will be at the New City Hotel .

  10. 度假酒店建筑公共空间不但要提供普通城市酒店所具有的基本功能和服务,还要为游人休息、交往、放松心情、欣赏户外的迷人景色提供相应的场所。

    The public space of building of resort hotel should not only offer the basic function and service that ordinary urban hotels have , offer the corresponding place for the pleasant scenery that visitors relaxing , enjoying the open air .

  11. 开业前,不管是城市酒店还是度假酒店,后勤区是第一个交付宾馆经营团队的区域,来启动宾馆这个引擎。

    The BH , whether urban or resort hotels , are the first areas that require to be handed over to the Hotel Operating team in a Pre-opening situation , in order to start up the motor which is the hotel .

  12. 万豪今年开始在其中国酒店以及位于一些国际性城市的酒店接受支付宝(Alipay)付款。支付宝是由阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)的金融子公司运营的移动支付服务。

    Marriott began accepting Alipay , the mobile payment service run by Alibaba Group 's financial affiliate , in its China hotels and some international locations this year .

  13. 城市花园酒店「粤」中菜厅的厨师以一双巧手,创作出诗情画意的名菜

    The chef of YUE at City Garden Hotel created a spectacular winning dish

  14. 两个回家探望期系统在大城市的酒店是罕见的。

    The two home visits system is rare for hotels in big cities .

  15. 本文是对城市综合体酒店式公寓建筑设计的研究型论文。

    This is an update to the urban complex hotel-style apartment building design research papers .

  16. “两个回家探望期”系统在大城市的酒店是罕见的。

    The " two home visits " system is rare for hotels in big cities .

  17. 论文还通过配套服务设施、安全保障和造型设计等方面对城市综合体酒店式公寓涉及的热点问题提出了自己的观点,具有较强的时效性。

    Also through the facilities , security and design of urban comprehensive apartment involve his views on hot issues , with strong timeliness .

  18. 我觉得,目前在中国的大多数城市,酒店设施都没有达到让人欣喜的水平,但我认为这种情况应该会逐渐改变。

    I don 't find the offerings in most Chinese cities that exciting at the moment . I think that will gradually change .

  19. 比如,如果你在一个新城市住酒店,能知道附近哪儿有一家好吃的匹萨店,固然是挺不错的;

    For instance , if you 're in a hotel in a new city , it 's nice to know there 's a good pizza place nearby .

  20. 城市综合体酒店式公寓是城市综合体中重要的功能组成部分,现已成为房地产市场的新宠,投资者把它作为新兴物业,发展商把它作为新的利润增长点。

    Urban complex hotel-style apartments are important functional component of the urban complex , has now become the new darling of the real estate market , investors put it as an emerging property developers as new profit growth point .

  21. 同时对我国中小城市综合体酒店式公寓的设计模式进行探索,提出了政策法规的完善建议和建筑设计优化原则,就其使用的多元性进行适应性设计研究。

    At the same time on China small and medium urban complex of apartments to explore design patterns , made a perfect architectural design optimization recommendations and principles of the policies and regulations , on their diversity using adaptable design study .

  22. 本文在分析新疆酒店业空间分布特征及影响因素基础上,对1993-2008年乌鲁木齐城市星级酒店的发展、空间分布特征及影响因素进行分析,并对未来酒店布局趋势进行预测。

    Based on analyzing the characteristics and influenced factors of spatial distribution of hotel industry in Xinjiang , the spatial and development characteristics of hotels distributing in Urumqi in 1993-2008 are studied , and the distribution trend of hotels in the future is predicted .

  23. 近年来,酒店行业的发展越来越受到人们的关注,尤其以接待国内宾客为主的二三线城市的酒店需求和一线城市的国际化需求有很大不同。

    Nowadays people pay more and more attention to the development of the hotel industry , especially in the demand of domestic customers at the second-tier and third-tier cities , which are quite different from the first-tier cities that give the priority to the demand of international customers .

  24. 共有超过十万名读者参与了该旅游杂志的这项活动,评选出了最喜爱的城市、酒店、景点、岛屿、航班、航线、计划旅游目的地,以及连续第四年进行评选的世界最友好城市。

    More than 100000 readers responded to the travel magazine 's reader survey of favorite cities , hotels , resorts , islands , airlines , cruise lines , future travel destinations and , for the fourth year in a row , reader opinions of the world 's friendliest cities .

  25. 然而事实是,住的是开罗城市之星酒店(CairoHolidayInn),早上叫醒你的不是祷告声,而是无休止的出租车鸣笛声。

    You are awoken in your Cairo Holiday Inn by the incessant honking of a billion taxi drivers .

  26. 北京城市周边郊区酒店发展与大型房地产酒店项目开发!

    Beijing city and surrounding suburbs hotel development projects of large hotel real estate development !

  27. 我所在城市一些大酒店的污水脉络早被人摸得清清楚楚。

    In the city I am in , people already clearly scooped out the big restaurants and hotels'sewage pathways .

  28. 在2006年,在卫生处发出禁令之前,一半的纽约城市里的酒店都在使用这种反式脂肪。

    In2006 , before the health department ban , half of New York City 's restaurants were using trans fats .

  29. 其氛围让城市具有度假酒店的味道,这里您可以感受到与繁华环境完全不同的气氛。

    The atmosphere offers resort experience in town , and is a place where you can feel distinctively different the surrounding busy areas .

  30. 主客体视角的城市经济型酒店空间分布研究&以扬州市为例

    A Study on the Spatial Distribution of Urban Budget Hotels under the Perspective of the Subject and Object & A Case Study of Yangzhou