
chénɡ shì huán jìnɡ
  • urban environment
  1. 应用SPOT卫星图像分析唐山的城市环境

    Analysis on Urban Environment in Tangshan Using SPOT Image

  2. 我们应用SPOT卫星图像对唐山的城市环境进行了分析判读,并将结果编绘成《唐山市环境现状图》。

    The study and interpretation of urban environment of Tangshan were made with SPOT image , the present environmental map of Tangshan city is formed from their results .

  3. 面向GIS数据的城市环境保护系统的设计研究

    The Design and Implementation of Urban Environmental Protection System Based on GIS Data

  4. 基于GIS的城市环境规划决策支持系统

    Decision support system of urban environmental planning based GIS

  5. LCA在汽车对昆明城市环境污染评价中的应用

    The Application of LCA Method in the Assessment of Reducing Automobile Pollution in Kunming

  6. 对Web-EIS的构架、设计和实现方法进行了详细的分析,并以利用Java编程语言的方法开发出面向Web的武汉市城市环境地理信息系统为例介绍了其功能特点,很好地实现了Web-EIS。

    The framework , designing and implementing method were amply analyzed in this article . It also introduced the functional characteristics of environmental CIS based on web about Wuhan City by using Java programme language and primely accomplished Web-EIS .

  7. 城市环境·公共艺术·绿色生态

    The urban Environment · the Public Art · the Green Ecology

  8. 我国大城市环境铅污染影响因素分析

    Analysis of factors effecting lead pollution in urban environment of China

  9. SO2连续监测对城市环境空气质量评价的影响

    Impact of consecutive monitoring method of SO_2 on air quality evaluation

  10. 福建省城市环境空气污染特征与对策

    Characteristics and Countermeasures of The Urban Air Pollution in Fujian Province

  11. 成都市城市环境铅同位素地球化学特征

    Geochemical features of the urban environmental lead isotope in Chengdu City

  12. 垃圾围城城市环境质量不可回避的一道坎石家庄城市垃圾资源化处理的几点思考

    Garbage-surrounded city & the unavoidable pit of environment quality in cities

  13. 论现代城市环境中的色彩污染及其改造

    On the Color Pollution and Its Remedies in Modern Urban Landscapes

  14. 园林绿化、建筑、市政设施与城市环境

    Park Greening , Building , Municipal Facilities and Urban Environment

  15. 灰色系统理论与方法在城市环境噪声污染分析中的应用

    The Gray System Theory and Method Applied in Environment Noise Pollution Analysis

  16. 徐州城市环境构成与空间结构

    Geographical conditions and space structure about urban environment of Xuzhou

  17. 我国的城市环境基础设施建设明显滞后经济的发展。

    Environmental infrastructure lags obviously after economic development in China .

  18. 屋顶绿化改善城市环境效果分析

    Analysis on Improvement of Urban Environment Made by Green roof

  19. 佛山城市环境经济政策研究

    A Study of the Urban Environmental Economy Policies in Foshan

  20. 新一代城市环境信息系统的开发及其关键技术

    The Exploitation of Newly Urban Environmental Information System and its Core Technology

  21. 城市环境艺术设计及其改造中的问题

    Urban Environmental Art Design and Problems Arising from its Reconstruction

  22. 城市环境下的水土作用对土强度的影响

    Influence of Water-soil Interaction on Soil Strength in Urban Areas

  23. 城市环境与地质问题研究现状与发展

    Current status and developments of urban environmental geology in China

  24. 城市环境下粘性土细观结构的热力学行为研究

    Thermodynamic Behavior Research on the Soil Structure about Urban Environment

  25. 决策支持系统应用于城市环境管理

    Application of Decision Support System in Urban Environmental Management

  26. 21世纪中国城市环境地质问题

    Urban environmental geological problems in China in 21st century

  27. 环境磁学在城市环境污染监测中的应用和进展

    The application and research progress of environmental magnetism in monitoring urban environment pollution

  28. 浅析园林绿化在城市环境中的作用

    Analysis on Function of Garden Greening in Rural Environment

  29. 吐鲁番旅游城市环境质量问题及其环境保护对策

    City Environmental Quality Problems and Environmental Protection Countermeasures in Tour City , Turpan

  30. 上海城市环境经济系统发展过程的数量分析

    Quantitative process of environment and economic progress in Shanghai