
  1. 云南省城市现状及发展前景

    The current situation and prospects of cities in Yunnan Province

  2. 对城市现状进行分析、解读。

    To analyze and interpret the present urban situation .

  3. 其次,对三峡坝区城市现状进行了解读,剖析了三峡坝区城市存在的问题。

    The second part analyzes the status of Three Gorges Dam area city and rises problems .

  4. 本文根据汕头市城市现状,提出了汕头市地震灾害评估方案。

    The scheme of earthquake damage assessment for Shantou city is presented according to the current situation of Shantou city .

  5. 但从国内城市现状看,公共交通系统的发展还存在不少问题,带着问题我们对城市公共交通系统的发展问题进行了详细的研究。

    However , at present in the internal city , there are a lot of problems in the development of public transportation system .

  6. 计算出1997~2003年反映大庆市生态城市现状和发展过程的几种评价指数,体现了生态城市指标体系的功能。

    Some evaluative indexes of Daqing eco-city present situation and development process from 1997-2003 are calculated , which embodies the function of index system of eco-city .

  7. 在此基础上,对大连市的城市现状及城市经营发展历程进行简单的介绍,并列举了国内外各大城市的成功经验。

    On the basis of this , manage the development course and introduce simple one to the urban current situation and city of Dalian , And has enumerated the successful experience of the domestic and international every big city .

  8. 并分析了公共交通优先发展的影响因素,对影响公交优先发展的因素进行了系统的研究。第二部分分析了苏州市城市现状、公共交通现状、以及存在的问题。

    Then analyses the factors of he development of public transit priority , and Conducted a systematic study with them . Second , analysis of the status of Suzhou city , public transport status , as well as the existence of the problem .

  9. 目前,国内外对于收费费用优化模型和如何实现拥挤收费的技术问题研究较多,而对于实施拥挤收费对城市现状交通影响评价的研究较少。

    At present , researches are concentrated on the study of fees optimization models and technical issues on how to implement congestion charging both at home and abroad , but less on the study of current traffic impact evaluation due to the policy .

  10. 结合资源型城市现状,一方面,对资源型城市产业结构单一化、稳态型和协同性差等特征进行了熵解释,指出产业优化和结构调整的必要性和紧迫性;

    Based on status quo of resource-based city , on the one hand , industry structure characters , such as single , steady and poor cooperation , are explained by Entropy idea , and the necessity of industry optimization and structure adjustment are pointed out .

  11. 中部地区城市化现状研究

    The Study on Current Situation of Urbanization in Central China Area

  12. 太原市城市节水现状分析

    The analysis on current situation of water saving in Taiyuan City

  13. 处于社会排斥中的城市贫困现状分析;

    Present situation analysis of urban poverty in social exclusion ;

  14. 我国三大地区城市发展现状及差异

    Current Situation and Divergence of Urban Development in Three Regions of China

  15. 河北省城市蜚蠊现状及防治对策

    City cockroach present status and control measures in Hebei province

  16. 安徽省城市化现状分析及对策研究

    Study on Status Analysis and Countermeasures of Anhui Urbanization

  17. 城市公交现状问题分析与线网布局规划模式研究

    Analysis of current problems and study on network layout model of urban transit

  18. 天津生态城市建设现状比较分析及对策研究

    The Research of Eco-city Construction Present Condition Comparison Analysis and Strategy in Tianjin

  19. 城市建筑现状和建筑发展

    The Current Situation and Development of City Architecture

  20. 城市化现状的认识。

    The objective knowledge of urbanization status quo .

  21. 试论我国民族地区城市化现状及发展

    Discussing City Present Situation and Development of the National Area . In Our Country

  22. 根据永州的经济及城市发展现状,提出经营城市的观点。

    The viewpoint of urban management of Yongzhou is based on the development actuality .

  23. 苏州夏季城市热岛现状及影响因子分析研究

    The study of the urban heat island and its influence factors in Suzhou city

  24. 兰州生态城市建设现状定量评价

    Quantitative assessment on ecocity construction in lanzhou

  25. 南京市城市绿地现状遥感分析

    Analysis of Ecological Vegetation in Nanjing City

  26. 城市供热现状分析及电采暖的选择

    The Analysis of Current Situation of Urban Heating and the Choice of Electric Space Heating

  27. 数字城市:现状及未来

    Digital City : Today & Future

  28. 本文通过运用音乐人类学方法对二人转在城市剧场现状进行分析,欲以揭示它重新兴盛的个中原因。

    The thesis is an ethnomusicological analysis of the causes for its revival in urban theatres .

  29. 丽水小盆地型城市酸雨现状及成因分析

    Present status and cause of formation of acid precipitation in the small basin city of Lishui

  30. 中国城市绿地现状及其生态经济价值评价

    Present State of Chinese City Green Areas and Estimation of Its Value in Ecology and Economy