
  • 网络Urban internal structure;infrastructure of city
  1. 信息产业发展对宁波城市内部结构的影响

    The Impact of Development of Information Industry on Urban Internal Structure of Ningbo City

  2. 20年代以来西方国家城市内部结构研究进展

    Progress in city struture research since the 1920s

  3. 这个问卷调查是通过5大项来决定的,稳定度,医疗系统,文化,环境,教育和城市内部结构。

    The survey is based the findings on five categories : stability , health care , culture and environment , education and infrastructure .

  4. 基于GIS的盐城城市内部空间结构演变分析

    Analysis of evolution of urban internal spatial structure in Yancheng based on GIS

  5. 城市内部空间结构合理化是一个系统、长期的工程,它既需要科学城市理论的指导和先进技术的支持,又需要政府、市场、公众的参与和配合。

    The rationalisation of urban inner spacial structure is a systematic .

  6. 大城市内部空间结构对城市交通作用研究

    Review on spatial structure of the metropolis affecting its traffic

  7. 试论城市内部空间结构合理化&以武汉市为例

    A Study on Rationalization of Urban Inner Spacial Structure & For Example WuHan City

  8. 中、日城市内部空间结构比较研究

    A comparative study on the urban internal spatial structure between Chinese cities and Japanese cities

  9. 武汉市城市内部空间结构存在的问题主要有四个方面:第一是建成区用地结构不合理;

    There are four problems in urban inner spacial structure in Wuhan . First , the land-using structure in building area in not rational .

  10. 分别对国内外交通与城市内部空间结构和城市群体空间组织的研究理论进行了综合的评述。

    It has respectively discussed the home and overseas theory on the connection between transportation and the city inner spatial structure 、 urban agglomerations spatial organization .

  11. 产业结构与土地利用结构相辅相成,是城市内部空间结构的重要体现,产业结构与土地利用结构的互动影响着城市空间功能的优化。

    The industrial structure and land use structure is complementary , which importantly reflected the internal spatial structure of city , and the interaction between industrial structure and land use structure affects the optimization of a city space function .

  12. 本文以城市内部空间结构形成和演变的动力机制及影响因素为基础,旨在提出相应的措施,使城市空间结构适应内外环境的变化,提高城市竞争力,实现城市可持续发展目标。

    Based on the theories of motive and influencing factor of the former and the development of the urban spatial structure inside , this paper wants to improve the urban competitiveness and realize the goal of sustainable development of the city .

  13. 城乡差别大、城市内部二元结构突出;

    The huge gap existed between urban and rural areas , with the dual-structure within cities exposed ;

  14. 本文试图探索信息化城市的内部空间结构演变规律,形成信息化城市研究的基本框架。

    We try to grope for the rule of evolvement of the interior spatial structure of informational city , and to shape a basic frame of informational city .

  15. 在提出城市内部功能空间结构重组模式时,首先研究新产业空间、新居住空间、新商业空间、新休闲空间等不同新城市空间的空间布局模式。

    On the other hand , in interior model , this paper firstly studies the new industrial new spaces , residential spaces , commercial spaces and so on .

  16. 第三,发现抚顺市存在着明显的二元城市形态与内部结构,采煤区域的多级直线型结构与工商业区域的多核心组合式结构共存;

    Pointing out the multi-polar linear structure of the coal-mining area and the multi-core structure of theindustrial and commercial area in Fushun coal region , then interpreting the reasons .

  17. 欲望搬迁与城市内部生活空间质量结构

    Desire to relocate GND the structure of urban living space quality

  18. 东汉&北魏时期洛阳城市形态与内部空间结构演变城市形态边界维数与常用空间测度的关系

    The Evolution of Form and Internal Spatial Structure of Luoyang City in the Period of the Eastern Han Dynasty-the Northern Wei Dynasty

  19. 因此城市商业银行内部治理结构的优化成为有效支持和优化城市经济增长极的重要问题。

    As a result , the optimization of its internal administration structure becomes very important to efficiently support and optimize city economics growth pole .

  20. 本届政府下决心要再改造一千万户以上各类棚户区,这既是解决城市内部的二元结构,也是降低城镇化的门槛。

    Within the term of this government , we are determined to redevelop over ten million different types of shantytowns so as to overcome the barrier within the cities and to lower the threshold of urbanization .

  21. 本文运用定性分析与定量分析、规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,系统地探讨了城市土地市场的内部结构关系,对完善土地市场结构和土地市场管理提出具有前瞻意义的政策建议。

    Applying to the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , and combining the normative analysis with positive analysis , the thesis systemically probes into the inherent structure relationship of urban land market , and brings forward the foresighted policy suggestion on perfecting the land market structure and land market management .

  22. 就城市的面状结构而言,南通城市内部空间结构具有其独特性。

    At the city level , there are several uniquenesses concerning the internal spatial structure of Nantong .

  23. 1990年代以来,在经济全球化、快速工业化和城市化的背景下,中国大城市内部空间结构发生急剧变化。

    On the background of globalization , fast domestic industrialization and urbanization , the urban structure of various Chinese Metropolises has been sharply changing since 1990 .

  24. 第四部分从城市扩张、城市中心区开发、城市内部用地结构发生变化、城市道路与用地的关系以及信息化等五个方面探讨了我国城市土地利用中的城市交通问题。

    Urban transportation problems in domestic urban land-use are researched in part 4 from the following five terms : the urban expense , the development of urban center , the change of land structure in urban , the relationships between urban road and land-use , information .

  25. 这两个方面与城市体系、城市用地规模、城市内部用地结构和土地生态系统之间存在着相对应的关系,本文也主要从上述四个方面来探讨城市化对土地利用的作用机制问题。

    The above two aspects have a corresponding relationship with city system , city land scale , city inner land use structure and land ecological system , which are also the main aspects for the dissertation to discuss the impact of mechanism of urbanization on land use .

  26. 由于行业的性质和城市在产业链中的位置不同,广东省城市创新职能内部结构与城市职能内部结构存在着一定的相似性,但相关的程度不高。

    Because of the different natures and the positions in industry chain , the two internal structures between urban innovative functions and urban functions exist in certain similarity , but related degree is not very high .

  27. 知识经济时代的城市空间结构将主要呈现出城市外部空间结构与全球和区域融合、城市内部空间结构重构两个突出特征。

    The main characteristics of urban space structure in knowledge economy era are : urban outer space structure will mix together with that of globe and region , and the urban inter space structure will be readjusted . 4 .

  28. 街道属于城市的最基础构成部分,对街道的研究将有助于我们更好的认识城市内部结构。

    Streets are the most basic part of a city , the exploration of the streets will help us to better understand the internal structure of the city .

  29. 随着经济水平逐步增长、城市化步伐加快、城市化水平不断提高,大连市各种建设用地面积不断扩大,城市内部用地结构也在逐步调整优化。

    With the constant development of economy , the acceleration of urbanization pace and the constant enhancement of urbanization level , the scale of various construction land of Dalian increases continuously .

  30. 中原城市群区位优势明显,交通便利,资源丰富,但是整体经济实力不强,中心城市的首位作用不突出,城市群内部产业结构趋同,对外开放的程度低等问题制约着中原城市群的发展。

    With advanced location , convenient transportation and rich natural resources , the agglomeration does not show its strong economic power , with a weak primate city , few business contacts with outside world and industrial convergence among cities within agglomeration .