
chénɡ ɡuǎn
  • Urban management;city administration ;urban management officer
  1. 基于移动GIS的数字城管数据采集系统架构与实现

    Components and Realization of Data Collection System for Digital Urban Management Based on Mobile GIS

  2. 本文以LH区城管部门为例,对城市管理工作中的公众满意度进行研究。

    The paper , taking LH area as an example , studied the degree of public satisfaction in urban management department .

  3. 一位城管对CCTV记者说,露天烧烤会导致PM2.5浓度迅速上升。

    ' This outdoor barbecuing can cause the PM2.5 to rise rapidly , ' a city administration official told CCTV .

  4. 本文主要介绍了河北移动TD数字城管应用方案研究与基于本建设方案进行的工程实施情况。

    This paper mainly introduces the application of Digital City Management ( DCM ) of Hebei mobile TD scheme research and the implementation of the project based on the development scheme .

  5. 易凯资本有限公司CEO王冉在他的新浪微博上将邮票上的龙比作在中国声名狼藉的城管队员。

    On his microblogging Sina Weibo account , Wang Ran , chief executive of boutique investment bank China eCapital Corp. , compared the dragon to China notorious city inspectors , who are sometimes caught on camera beating up street vendors .

  6. 城管服务热线系统的功能十分强大并且可靠性、实时性、通用性都非常的好,同时他也是CTI应用的一个重要的领域。因此该系统应用前景十分广阔。

    Urban management and service hotline system is an area of CTI applications . it is powerful , high reliability , real time and common good , so the system is very broad application prospects .

  7. 文中重点阐述了CTI技术的基本原理以及它在城管热线系统中的应用和实现,分析了城管热线系统的各个组成部分以及各部分是如何实现各种通信和调度的。

    The thesis focuses on the basic principles of CTI technology and its hotline at the city management system and implementation , and analysis of the urban management system and hotline of the various components as well as the part is how to achieve a variety of communications and movement .

  8. 随着计算机应用水平和城市信息化管理程度的提高,地理信息系统得到越来越多的应用,诸如公众电子地图、城市户籍管理、门牌号码分布、POI兴趣点、数字城管、数字园林等等各行各业。

    With the development of computer application and improvement of information management in cities , geographic information systems get more and more application , such as Electronic Maps , urban residence registration , house number distribution , point of interest , digital city management and digital landscape .

  9. 会议综述&全国部分城市城管工作研讨会暨《城市管理》理事会2004年年会

    Summarization on Symposium of Urban Management by Some Cities in China

  10. 他了解到城管的工作量很大。

    He learned that a city administrator 's workload is heavy .

  11. 因此我到城管去拿到了这个。

    So-so I went down to city hall and got these .

  12. 基于混合模式的城管服务热线系统

    Hotline Call Center System Based on the Mixed Computer Structure

  13. 城管综合行政执法若干问题的法律探析

    A Legal Analysis of Some Problems of City Management Synthesis Administrative Enforcement

  14. 城市化呼唤复合型城管人才

    Mixed Talents Cultivation for Urban Management at the Request of Urbanization Development

  15. 城管新模式:再造城市管理流程

    New Mode of Urban Management : To Recreate an Urban Management Procedure

  16. 来自城管一线的声音

    Voice from the Front Line of the Urban Management

  17. 这就是数字化城管的一个画面。

    This is the picture of digital urban management .

  18. 改革:构建城管工作新格局

    Reform : Constructing the New Situation of Urban Management

  19. 但这次事件中的城管肯定没有预料到接下来发生的事情。

    But the chengguan , surely , didn 't expect what happened next .

  20. 他写道,成为一名城管是我的选择,我为之自豪。

    Becoming a chengguan was my choice , and I 'm proud of it .

  21. 提高城管执法和服务水平。

    Improve the service quality of urban management .

  22. 数字城管数据处理的关键技术研究

    Key Technologies Study for Data processing In Urban Municipal Supervision and Management Information System

  23. 然而,这两个创意却不被城管部门看好。

    However , neither of the two creations is appreciated by urban management officials .

  24. 空间分析技术在数字城管系统中的应用

    Space Analyse Technology Use in Digital City Management

  25. 青岛市数字城管数据采集方法研究和实施

    The Study and Implement On Data Acquisition Way of Digital City Management In Qingdao

  26. 数字城管与数字执法统一平台设计与开发

    Design and Development of a Unified Platform for Digital Urban Management and Law Enforcement

  27. 被破坏的板房当时由城管的卡车运走。

    The damaged shack was taken away by a chengguan truck , Zhang said .

  28. 试论城管执法工作的基本原理

    On the Basic Principles of Urban Management Enforcement

  29. 探讨和出台规范城管执法救济法的专门规定和切实可行的救济手段已成为当务之急。

    Introduction of norms of special relief provisions and practical remedy has become imperative .

  30. 几名城管队员被人群殴打。

    Several chengguan were beaten by the crowd .