
chénɡ mén dònɡ
  • archway in a city wall
  1. 软土地基中城门洞式放水洞的内力计算

    Internal Force Calculation of City-gate Section Channel in Soft Soil Foundation

  2. 普通城门洞形断面正常水深的近似计算方法

    Approximate method for calculating normal water depth in common city-opening shaped cross-section

  3. 城门洞型倒虹吸管混凝土模型支承方案

    Form supporting scheme of inverted siphon pipe concrete with gate way-like structure

  4. 城门洞形及马蹄形过水隧洞的临界水流

    Critical flow in city gate and horseshoe conduit

  5. 《老城车站》车站的大门就是古老的城门洞。

    The station of the old city The front gate of the station is the old door opening .

  6. 并将此方案推广至所有城门洞型现浇倒虹管的施工中,达到了施工方案的技术经济要求。

    Appling this scheme to all inverted siphon works with gate way like structure the anticipated technical and economic requirements can be achieved .

  7. 本文采用平面有限元方法,利用自编施工期温变效应仿真分析程序SPS-FET2D,对隧洞典型城门洞段进行浇筑全过程的仿真计算。

    With the plane FEM simulation and analysis program SPS_ & FET2D , the temperature field and stress field is analyzed during whole construction process .

  8. 火车站就在北城门外,电话亭正好在城门洞左边的一棵古槐树下。

    The depot was right outside of the Northern City Gate , the phonebooth right being under an age-old acacia that stood on the left side of the Northern City Gate entrance .

  9. 普通城门洞形过水断面是泄洪隧洞和灌溉引水隧洞较常采用的断面形式之一,其水力计算中的正常水深求解无显函数形式的表达公式。

    The arched section is one of the usually adoptive section shapes in flood discharge tunnels and irrigation tunnels , but the analytic expression of normal water depth for this section is not explicit .

  10. 城门洞型洞室围岩&支护系统稳定性数值仿真试验研究两柱掩护式放顶煤支架与围岩关系及适应性研究

    NUMERICAL TEST ON THE STABILITY OF THE SURROUNDING ROCK AND SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR THE RECTANGULAR TUNNEL WITH ARCH CROWN ; Research on the Relationship between Two-Leg Sublevel Caving Shield Support and Surrounding Rocks and Adaptability

  11. 押尼珥回到希伯仑、约押领他到城门的瓮洞、假作要与他说机密话、就在那里刺透他的肚腹、他便死了.这是报杀他兄弟亚撒黑的仇。

    And when Abner was returned to Hebron , Joab took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly , and smote him there under the fifth rib , that he died , for the blood of Asahel his brother .