
  • 网络urban master layout;urban overall layout
  1. 论生态导向下的城市总体布局模式

    Discussion on the urban master layout mode under the instruction from ecological oriented

  2. 由于西北地区东部整体生态环境脆弱,城市快速发展与生态恢复、保育的矛盾日益突出,探讨生态导向的中小城市总体布局显得尤为迫切。

    Because the whole ecological environment in the eastern region of northwest China is frangible , the fast urbanism is in contradiction with ecological resumption and protection . It is very instant to discuss the urban master layout towards ecology .

  3. 生态导向的西北地区东部中小城市总体布局研究

    Study on the Master Layout towards Ecology in the Middle or Small-scale Cities in the Eastern Region of Northwest China

  4. 现代化城市具有总体布局合理、基础设施完善、环境质量优良、第三产业发达等基本特征;

    The basic features of modernization city are the followings : Rational overall distribution . Perfect understructure facilities . Good environment .

  5. 设计了基于客户驱动的产品配置的总体结构。连云港市是一个带状城市,总体布局为:一市双城。

    The collectivity configuration of the product configuration for customer-driven is designed . The configuration of Lianyun-gang city is belt form and its collectivity distribution is a city of two towns .

  6. 据此可以对带形城市总体规划布局中的一些关键问题如城市长度控制、新中心区位置选择、城市空间增长边界等作出相应判断。

    So that we can make correct judgements on some critical problems such as the rational length of the linear city , the proper location of the new urban center , the city space growth boundary .

  7. 关于城市形象建设总体布局。

    Layout of city identity building .

  8. 珠海市城市森林的总体布局与植物组成

    General Distribution and Composition and Collocation Pattern of Plant Species of Urban Forests in Zhuhai City

  9. 本文介绍珠海市城市森林的总体布局和不同绿地类型的植物组成和配置模式。

    The general pattern of urban forests in Zhuhai City and the composition and collocation of plant species are introduced .

  10. 在上海城市总体发展、人口布局调整、轨道交通快速发展的新背景下,常规的、服务功能单一的地面公交模式已经不适应国际化大都市快速发展的要求。

    In the background of city planning , transform of population distribution and rapid development of rail transit , routine bus system with simplex service function has already been unfit for the development of Shanghai .

  11. 最后,论文提出韩城城市未来发展的构想,并对西北地区中小历史文化名城的城市总体布局提出了发展建议。

    Finally , this paper advanced the concept to the future development Hancheng city and propose of the development of the master layout of middle and small cities in the northwest which are historical city .

  12. 在对蒲江县城市森林构建中,结合蒲江现状,提出了符合该县的城市森林总体布局的规划设想,概括为两带、四片、十六廊、多点、绿网覆盖。

    The overall summary of urban forestry construction put forward which suits the current situation of Pujiang is two belts , four parts , sixteen corridors , several points green-net-like coverage .

  13. 以厦门市为研究对象,对厦门城市林业的现状与问题进行了调查研究,提出厦门城市林业建设的总体布局,并对厦门本岛山地森林提出了改造建议。

    Regard Xiamen as the research object , has made investigations to the current situation and question of the urban forestry of Xiamen , Propose Xiamen urban forestry total arrangement of construction , propose suggestion of transforming to the transformation forest of mountain region in xiamen .

  14. 阐述了城市设计的原则对规划及建筑设计的重要作用。结合具体的工程项目,从城市设计的角度探讨了现代城市建设中的总体布局、道路结构、建筑环境的场所设计。

    Based on some projects , this paper explores the total composition , road structure and architectural environment design in modern urban construction .