
  • 网络horticulture and gardening
  1. 论文学、绘画对中国园林艺术发展的影响

    Effects of literature and painting of the development of Chinese landscape art

  2. 中国园林艺术探源

    The Source of the Art of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  3. 中国园林艺术的出名,在很大程度是有赖于它所创造的园林景观中所蕴含的种种意境。

    The well-known Chinese garden art depends on the creation of landscape contained in the garden conception .

  4. 浅议中国园林艺术与书法艺术之文化关联&以苏州园林为例

    About the Cultural Connection between the Chinese Garden Art and Calligraphy Art-Taking Suzhou Garden as an Example

  5. 这四大特征在造就独树一帜的中国园林艺术的同时,也使其具有着与生俱来的一些弊病。

    Although these four features constructed the unique Chinese garden art , they also presented some inherent defects .

  6. 所以在某种程度上,禅是以审美的态度对待人生和世界的,这就成为禅文化与中国园林艺术发生联系的契机所在。

    So in some distance , this atitude is the connective point of Chinese gardens art and zen culture .

  7. 中国园林艺术之所以有着丰富的主题思想和含蓄的意境,原因在于中国园林美学思想的丰富和中国传统文化的博大精深。

    Chinese landscape art has embodied profound theme and implicit artistic conception . The reasons lie in the rich aesthetic thoughts in Chinese landscapes and the abundance of Chinese tradition and culture .

  8. 离上海仅有几小时路程的苏州和杭州,是中国园林艺术的代表,被人称为“天堂”。

    Neighboring Suzhou and Hangzhou , only a couple of hours away from Shanghai by train , are two garden cities , each considered by Chinese to be " paradise on earth . "

  9. 中国古典园林艺术中的禅境

    The Deep Zen in the Art of China 's Classical Garden

  10. 中国古典园林艺术的内在超越精神之审美赏析

    Aesthetic Appreciation on the Self-transcendence Spirit of Chinese Classical Garden Arts

  11. 其中,听觉美乃是中国古典园林艺术所追求的高妙境界之一。

    Acoustic beauty is the highlight of the Chinese classical garden .

  12. 中国古典园林艺术对欧洲的影响

    Influence upon Europe from the Art of Chinese Classical Gardens

  13. 浅谈中国古典园林艺术的虚实论

    Preliminary Discussion on the Theory of Abstraction and Object in Chinese Classical Garden

  14. 试析中国古典园林艺术中的哲学源流

    On Analysis of the Philosophical Origin of the Art In Chinese Classical Gardens

  15. 中国园林的艺术特色在于含蓄抒情、富于绘画美。

    Artistic characteristics of Chinese Gardens lie in implied lyrics and painting beauty .

  16. 中国传统园林艺术对西方园林的影响

    The Influence of Chinese Traditional Garden in Western Garden

  17. 论中国古典园林艺术中的《周易》美学思想

    On the Aesthetical Thoughts of the Book of Changes Embodied in Chinese Classical Gardens

  18. 中国古典园林艺术风格的形成

    The Stylistic Formation of the Classical Chinese Gardens

  19. 园桥是中国传统园林艺术中一种独特的建筑形式。

    The garden-bridge is a very individual architecture style in Chinese traditional garden arts .

  20. 中国皇家园林艺术的文化基础

    The Cultural Basis for the Chinese Landscape Gardening

  21. 中国古典园林艺术在空间营造上显示出独特的人生智慧和空间理念。

    Building space showed wisdom of life and idea of space in traditional Chinese garden .

  22. 它们相互补充,相互生发,构成了一个集萃式的中国古典园林艺术王国。

    With one complementing another , together they constitute an artistic kingdom of Chinese classical garden .

  23. 中国私家园林艺术精神

    Art spirits in Chinese private garden

  24. 中国古典园林艺术中的众多造园手法中,对比手法的运用十分广泛。

    The paper analyzes the contrast method application and results of the garden building from three aspects .

  25. 中国古典园林艺术发展至唐代趋于成熟。

    In Tang dynasty , China ′ s classic gardening art was developed to a high level .

  26. 禅与清代皇家园林&兼论中国古典园林艺术的禅学渊涵

    Zen and Qing 's Royal Garden & and the Zan 's Origin and Connotation of Classical Chinese Garden

  27. 阐明了中国的园林艺术赢得世界的园林之母的地位的原由。

    It displayed the reason that the landscape art of China won the name of the Mother of World Gardens .

  28. 模拟自然界的生态系统、植物的生长状况是山水画艺术与中国古典园林艺术的精神归宿。

    Simulating ecosystem and plant growth status in nature is the spiritual home of Chinese landscape painting and Chinese historical gardens .

  29. 在近代以来的科学主义对自然的彻底地祛魅时期,中国的园林艺术转向了西方几何化理性化的风格。

    Tht last period , when science was introduced into China since modern times , Chinese gardening came towards the western gardening 's style .

  30. 中国古典园林艺术是一幅由点及线带面的由小景观连成大景观的画卷。

    China is a classical garden art and from the point of the line with the landscape even become famous by the small landscape painting scroll .