
  • 网络China Cuisine Association;Chinese Culinary Association
  1. 中国烹饪协会常务副会长杨柳表示,到2010年,预计快餐市场零售额将达到20000亿人民币,将有很大一部分消费者会选择中餐而非西餐。

    The fast food market is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan in value in 2010 , and a larger number of consumers would prefer Chinese-style cuisine rather than Western food , according to Yang Liu , vice chairman of China Cuisine Association .

  2. 根据中国烹饪协会的数据显示,2017年中国在线外卖市场规模为2046亿元人民币(合325亿美元)。

    China 's food delivery market was valued at Rmb204.6bn ( $ 32.5bn ) in 2017 , according to the China Cuisine Association , an industry group .

  3. 中国烹饪协会是经国家民政部门正式批准成立的全国餐饮业行业协会。

    CCA is an authorized guild approved by National Civil Administration Department .

  4. 北京餐饮五大投资热点&访中国烹饪协会副秘书长边疆餐饮企业的人力资源开发与管理

    Five Hot Investment Topics in Beijing Restaurant Industry Development and Management of Human Resources in Catering Trade

  5. 边疆说,中国烹饪协会确定其首选提名后,将在明年3月申报至文化部。

    After the Chinese Cuisine Association picks its top choice , it goes to the Ministry of Culture in March .

  6. 去年年底,中国烹饪协会决定,把“全聚德”、“狗不理”及“兰州拉面”这三个品种确定为推广中式快餐的试点。

    At the end of last year , the Chinese Cooking Association decided to establish Quanjude , Goubuli and Lanzhou Handpulled Noodles as three trial brands to promote Chinese fast foods .

  7. 同年,企业被中国烹饪协会评为“中华餐饮名店”,王刚董事长被中国烹饪协会授予“全国优秀餐饮企业家”;

    In the same year , the company was recognized as " China Famous Restaurant " by China Cooking Association and President Wang Gang was awarded " China excellent Entrepreneur in Food & Beverage Industry ";

  8. 曾被中国烹饪协会授予“中华金厨奖”荣誉称号的屈浩推荐大葱烧海参,理由是这道菜历史悠久。

    Qu Hao , a Chinese chef who won the China Golden Chef Award given by The Chinese Cuisine Association , recommends braised sea cucumber with leeks because it ' enjoys a long history , ' he says . '

  9. 中国烹饪协会在2011年就曾试图让中国美食加入非物质文化遗产名录,并在当时申报了逾30种食物和烹饪技艺。

    The Chinese Cuisine Association , which tried to get Chinese cuisine on the list in 2011 when it proposed more than 30 foods and food-preparation techniques , is making another go at getting Chinese food on the organization 's list .