
  • 网络Chinese Classic;classical Chinese architecture
  1. 中国古典建筑的理性及其特征分析

    Analysis of Chinese Classic Architecture Logos and Characters

  2. 用钢筋混凝土仿造中国古典建筑时,出檐和翼角的施工是其中的难题之一。

    In the design of eaves of imitative Chinese classic buildings , the use of reinforced concrete is one of the difficulties .

  3. 首先概述了中国古典建筑木结构平坐层中的附角斗;

    This article describes the Fu-jiao-dou of the support platform firstly .

  4. 中国古典建筑木结构特性的分析研究

    A Study on the Structural Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Timber Architectures

  5. 中国古典建筑意境结构分析

    Analysis of the Structure of Artistic Conception in Chinese Classical Architecture

  6. 翘起的屋顶是中国古典建筑最独特的地方。

    Curved roofs are the most peculiar feature of ancient Chinese architecture .

  7. 文予中国古典建筑装饰文化的审美启示

    Aesthetic Enlightenment of ' Wen ' to Adornment Culture of Chinese Classical Architecture

  8. 中国古典建筑的自我认同精神之美学赏析

    Aesthetic Appreciation and Analysis of the Spirit of Self-identification in Chinese Classical Architecture

  9. 浅谈中国古典建筑的构成特征

    On the Structural Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Building

  10. 西方古典建筑和中国古典建筑是世界建筑艺术中的两大体系。

    There are two principal systems in world architecture-Western classic architecture and chinese traditional architecture .

  11. 建筑形式的文化来源兼论对称形式在中国古典建筑的运用

    Cultural source of architectural form about the application of symmetry form into Chinese classical architecture

  12. 论儒学经权观对中国古典建筑观念的影响

    Discussion on the Influence of the Confucian Thoughts of Invariability and Flexibility on Chinese Classical Architectural Ideas

  13. 中国古典建筑具有结构、装饰、自然和数象等理性特征。

    Such rational characters exist in Chinese classical architecture as structure , decoration , nature and numerical image .

  14. 摘要门作为建筑元素之一,在中国古典建筑型制中有着重要的作用。

    Gate is one of the building elements and has important function in the system of Chinese classical buildings .

  15. 顺天应人的生态自然观与中国古典建筑

    The Ecological View of Nature Emphasizing Man 's Obeying Nature and Caring for Man and China 's Classic Architecture

  16. 就园林设计和建筑来看,颐和园是中国古典建筑的纪念碑。

    The Summer Palace is a monument to classical Chinese architecture , in terms of both garden design and construction .

  17. 中国古典建筑装饰窗格图案在现代中式餐厅的应用研究

    THE APPLICATION OF SPACE TRUSSES WITH RECTANGULAR LATTICEWORK IN FACTORY BUILDING A Study on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Window Latticework Design

  18. 我们将中国古典建筑的立面特点和现代主义的先锋运动荷兰风格派运动影响下的现代建筑立面进行比较,可以看到二者立面的许多处理手法都是一致的。

    We can analyse the different facade features ( between ) Chinese classical architecture and modern architecture influenced by de Stijl of Holland .

  19. 顺天应人的生态自然观对中国古典建筑观念产生了重要的影响,主要体现在虽由人作、宛自天开的建筑观和因地制宜、因势利导的建筑观方面。

    The idea has important influence on China 's classic architecture . For example , the architectural idea of adjusting measures to local conditions comes from it .

  20. 中国古典建筑组群式的空间构成方式,比较模糊、变幻的空间思维意识,空间追求旨趣侧重于表现精神美;

    Chinese classical architecture prefers building-complex in space arrangement , which mirrors Chinese people 's vague , fluid space consciousness and their interest in pursuing spiritual beauty ;

  21. 酒店建筑融汇了中国古典建筑和苏州园林的精华,小桥、流水、亭台、楼阁,处处体现苏式格调与优雅。

    The hotel holds exquisite features of scenic gardens , sculptured bridges , rushing water and towers to display the history and culture of this garden city in China .

  22. 数千年来,其独特的木构体系成为中国古典建筑文化的精髓,是中华艺术和思想的精彩部分。

    The number millennium comes , its unique wooden construction system becomes the Chinese classical architecture culture the essence , is the Chinese art and the thought splendid part .

  23. 天坛,作为中国古典建筑的典范之作,不仅拥有辉煌壮丽的宫阙建筑、气势恢宏的祭殿祀坛,同样以优美的自然景观著称。

    The temple of heaven , as an outstanding example of Chinese classic structure complex , possesses not only splendid palaces and imposing sacrificial altars , but also beautiful scenery .

  24. 作为建筑艺术与人文精神交融的产物,牌坊不但是中国古典建筑的代表,更直观体现了社会伦理文化。

    As the products of mixture of architecture art and human spirit , the archways are not only presentation of classical achievement , but also reflect directly the culture of social ethics .

  25. 木结构建筑是中国古典建筑中最具特色的结构形式,研究其结构特性对现阶段的古建筑文化遗产保护与恢复具有重要意义。

    Timber structures are the most characteristic ones in ancient Chinese architectures . It is of great importance in protecting and rehabilitating the ancient architectural culture of China to study the structural characteristics of ancient Chinese timber architectures .

  26. 并结合自己的作品进行说明,从中得出在现代中式餐厅中应用中国古典建筑窗格图案的可行性与必要性的结论。

    And summarizes the application method , Unifies own work to carry on the explanation , and draws the conclusion . Applies the Chinese classical architecture window lattice design in the modern Chinese type dining room the feasibility and the necessity .

  27. 江南水乡民居是中国古典建筑的宝贵遗产,经过千百年来自然环境和人文环境的沉淀,形成了今天我们所看到江南水乡民居形态。

    Jiangnan residence is the priceless heritage of the Chinese classical architecture , after one thousand years precipitation in the natural environment and humane environment to form the shape of traditional residence in the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river that we see today .

  28. 在豫园,你可以看到中国古典园林建筑。classical古典的;经典的architecture建筑;

    You can see the classical Chinese garden architecture in Yu Garden .

  29. 例句:中国的古典建筑很具特色。

    Example : Chinese classical architecture has many unique characteristics .

  30. 在这一点上,当代花鸟画与中国古典园林建筑是有异曲同工之妙的。

    In this regard , contemporary flower-and-bird painting and landscape architecture is similar to the .