
  • 网络Chinese Journalist
  1. 他是第一个在以色列进行官员采访的中国记者。

    He was the first Chinese journalist who performed an official interview in israel .

  2. 一个星期后,一名高级中国记者在首都听到抱怨。

    A week later , a senior Chinese journalist in the capital was heard complaining .

  3. 中国记者XueJingmeng跟国家海洋环境预报中心的一名研究人员交谈,该人员解释了对中国沿岸的威胁。

    Our reporter Xue Jingmeng spoke to a researcher at the national marine environmental forecasting center , who explained the threat to the Chinese coast .

  4. 当一大群中国记者拥在他面前时,林书豪(JeremyLin)短暂地将目光投向远处的曼哈顿天际线。那是“林来疯”(Linsanity)现象的诞生地。

    As a throng of Chinese reporters crowded in front of him , Jeremy Lin briefly cast his eyes toward the distant skyline of Manhattan , the birthplace of Linsanity .

  5. 中国记者进行合法采访的自由是得到充分保障的。

    The freedom of lawful coverage by Chinese journalists is fully guaranteed .

  6. 在今年的戛纳电影节上,一位中国记者在采访张艺谋时问起了他的奥斯卡情结。

    At Cannes this year , a Chinese reporter asked Mr. Zhang about his Oscar complex .

  7. 尽管有勇气的中国记者不断试探突破这种界限,但面对监管他们是在逆水行舟。

    While courageous Chinese journalists continually test the boundaries , they swim against a regulatory tide .

  8. 在今年的戛纳电影节上,一位中国记者在采访张艺谋时问起了他的“奥斯卡情结”。

    At Cannes this year , a Chinese reporter asked Mr. Zhang about his " Oscar complex . "

  9. 一名中国记者今年提名姚明以突出贡献者的身份竞选名人堂名人。

    Yao was nominated to the Hall of Fame this year as a contributor by a Chinese reporter .

  10. 由于有中国记者在网上报道了刘铁男涉嫌挪用公款的报告,2013年5月,刘铁男被免去了职务。

    Liu lost his job in May 2013 after allegations of embezzlement were posted online by a Chinese reporter .

  11. 一名中国记者为获取钱财和名誉而发表了某公司的失实报道,日前这名记者为此事道歉。

    A Chinese reporter has apologized for releasing unverified and untrue stories about a company for money and fame .

  12. 中国记者可能欠缺出版自由,但至少他们获得了一个在其他国家可能无法得到的称呼。

    Reporters here may want for press freedom but at least they receive a title they might not merit elsewhere .

  13. 针对美国收紧针对中国记者的签证规定的新决定,中国警告要采取反制措施。

    China has warned of countermeasures in response to the U.S. new decision to tighten visa guidelines against Chinese journalists .

  14. 几天前,有关部门专门就保障中国记者在突发事件报道中的采访权问题做出规定。

    A few days ago , competent authorities have made special stipulations to ensure the reporting rights of journalists during emergencies .

  15. 在赛后的新闻发布会上,至少两名中国记者失声痛哭,竟不能描述所发生的一切。

    In post-race news wrap-ups , at least two Chinese journalists choked up , unable to describe what had just happened .

  16. 关于第一个问题,我想借此机会向中国记者和外国同行们祝贺节日。

    I 'd like to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations to all the Chinese journalists and their foreign counterparts .

  17. 他说,希望不要把一只小猫说成是只老虎。他的此番讲话赢得了在场中国记者的掌声。

    ' Don 't describe a kitten as a tiger , 'engineer Pan Jiazheng said to applause from Chinese reporters present .

  18. 美国政府发布了一项新规定,将中国记者的签证期限缩短至90天,可申请延期。

    Washington has issued a new rule limiting visas for Chinese reporters to a 90-day period , with the option for extension .

  19. 在九月公开报道之前的数周内,中国记者或多或少地知道了这个问题。

    Chinese journalists knew about the problem , if not the full extent of it , weeks before it became public in September .

  20. 此外,还有个别报道称,外国记者被禁止进入中国记者已经在场的地震灾区采访。

    Moreover , there have been isolated stories of foreign journalists being prevented from visiting quake sites where local reporters were already present .

  21. 此次国际文化和交流基金会邀请中国记者来访主要是作为韩国文化全球化项目的举动之一。

    The visiting Chinese reporters were invited by the Foundation for International Culture and Exchange as part of its globalization project of Korean culture .

  22. 雅虎的信息,中国记者师涛因泄露机密罪被判处10年徒刑。

    On the basis of that information , Shi Tao , a journalist , was sentenced to10 years in prison for revealing state secrets .

  23. 知情权在我国的确认与实现刍议&写在中国记者节确立之日

    On the Affirmation and Realization of the Right to Know in our Country ── Written on the Day when Chinese Journalists ' Day was Established

  24. 在周四举行的近一个小时的记者会上,与会的中国记者就上述事件反复追问中国国防部发言人耿雁生。

    Mr. Peng , the defense ministry spokesman , was asked repeatedly about the incident by Chinese reporters attending Thursday 's nearly one-hour press conference .

  25. 现年61岁的骆家辉在就职演说中提醒中国记者,尽管美国被降级,但投资者仍把美国国债视为全球避险资产之选。

    Locke , 61 , reminded China reporters that despite the downgrade , investors were still treating Treasury debt as the global safe haven asset of choice .

  26. 一些中国记者表示,在媒体机构,通常只有资深员工才够级别接触宣传部门的指令,不过普通记者和编辑也可能会通过上级知晓指令内容。

    Only senior media employees have official access to propaganda instructions , though journalists and editors may learn about their contents through superiors , Chinese journalists say .

  27. 在英国和美国求学之后,她来到了北京教授英语,继而成为了《印度》报纸驻中国记者。

    After studying in Britain and the United States , she arrived in Beijing to teach English and went on to become the China correspondent for The Hindu .

  28. 李阳曾对他的行为表达过歉意,但上周他告诉中国记者,所谓家暴有时只不过是两种文化的差异而已。

    Mr Li has apologised for his actions but last week he told Chinese reporters that what is called domestic violence could just be a difference between cultures .

  29. 最后,上海公安局在其网站上发布了一则公告,允许中国记者采访报道此事。

    In the end , the PSB [ Shanghai 's Public Security Bureau ] issued a notice on its website that allowed Chinese reporters to take up the story .

  30. 有些中国记者以新闻腔和官腔向读者陈述新闻内容,而西方记者则以平实白描的语言向读者描述新闻事实。

    Some Chinese news stories are written in journalese and gobbledygook , telling readers the news , while western journalists write in plain language , showing readers the news ;