
  1. 中国民族器乐是我国民族传统音乐文化中非常重要的一个组成部分。

    China 's ethnic instrumental music plays a very important role in China 's traditional music culture .

  2. 在众多的中国民族器乐流派中,蜀派二胡是有光彩的一家。

    Abstract : in many of the Chinese national instrumental music genre , Shu sent the erhu is a disgrace .

  3. 柳琴,作为中国民族器乐中一个新起的弹拨乐器,止以骄人的姿态迅速发展着,并受到世人的广泛关注。

    Liu Qin as a newly developed Chinese national stringed musical instrument is developing rapidly and given a world-wide attention .

  4. 讨论中西音乐的关系、民族音乐发展出路的问题,已近一个世纪,而且这种探讨还在不断地延续;谈论中国民族器乐的继承与发展,也不是个新鲜的话题。

    The exploration of the relationship between Chinese and Western music , the future of Chinese national music has lasted for nearly a century ;

  5. 中国民族器乐新潮,是中国现代音乐思潮的一个重要层面,它在20世纪80年代前期萌生。

    The " new trend " of China national Music is one of the most important aspects of ideological trend of China 's modern music . It started during the early period of 1980 's.

  6. 扬琴,具有民族性,世界性的外来击弦乐器,在华夏的土地上已经有四百多年的历史了,无论是从作品的创作风格还是演奏技巧,艺术家们对中国民族器乐的发展增添异彩。

    Dulcimer , with national , world foreign hammered string instruments , in the land has a history of more than400years ; either from the work creation style or performance skills , artists of China national music development adds color .

  7. 节奏乐器是中国传统民族器乐中最为主要的一个部分,它有着上千年的悠久历史,在中国民间文化和宗教祭祀活动中都发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Percussion instruments is important traditional part in Chinese nation instruments and have a long-playing time history , especially have important action in the Chinese folk culture and religion fete .

  8. 中国传统民族器乐的起源可追溯到原始时代,经过历朝历代的发展到现在已自成体系并有其独特的魅力。

    The origin of Chinese traditional musical instrument can be traced back to primitive times , through the development of dynasties ; they have been completed to self-contained and have their own unique charm .

  9. 洞箫作为中国最古老的民族器乐之一,在中国传统音乐的发展过程占有重要的地位。

    Tung-hsiao , one of the most ancient instruments , plays an important role in the development of Chinese traditional music .

  10. 然而,长期以欧洲音乐理论体系为基础对学生进行专业教育,对中国传统民族音乐文化的重视有所不足,造成了高师中国民族器乐课程教学相对滞后的现状。

    However , at the same time , long-term professional education based on the European music theoretical system has neglected the traditional Chinese national music culture , which renders the stagnant situation of national instrument teaching in normal universities .