
  1. 加入WTO后中国连锁超市业面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges faced by the chain stores in China on entering WTO and the Corresponding strategies

  2. AC尼尔森中国连锁业的解决方案简析

    AC Nielsen : A brief analysis of the solution to the Chinese chain industry

  3. 中国连锁超市行业的SCP模式分析

    Research on Chinese Supermarket Chain Industry Based on the SCP Model

  4. 中国连锁超市基于ECR的品类管理研究

    Category Management Research Based on ECR for Chinese Chain Supermarkets

  5. 当英国私人股本公司3i主动联系小肥羊(littlesheep)时,它发现,自己并不是第一个与这家中国连锁餐厅接洽的潜在投资者。

    When 3I , the UK private equity firm , cold-called little sheep , it discovered it was not the first potential investor to contact the Chinese restaurant chain .

  6. 曾光表示,他对全聚德的IPO感到乐观,但其他中国连锁餐饮企业的成功取决于它们在门店的标准化方面做得如何,一如外国竞争对手那样。

    Mr. Zeng says he is optimistic about Quanjude 's IPO but that the success of Chinese chains depends on how well they can standardize their restaurants , as foreign competitors have .

  7. 百胜在2009年收购了它的流通股,当年小肥羊得到了3i的投资,从而推动了(小肥羊)中国连锁特许经营模式而且重塑了小肥羊品牌。

    Yum took its current stake in Little Sheep in2009 when it acquired shares from3i , a UK private equity firm that developed the Chinese chain 's franchise model and re-branded the restaurants .

  8. 王健林的商业帝国包括百货商店、旅游业务、中国连锁电影院以及他在2012年斥资26亿美元收购的美国第二大连锁电影院——AMC电影院公司。

    His business empire includes department stores , tourism businesses and a chain of cinemas in China as well as AMC Entertainment , the second-largest US cinema chain , which he bought in 2012 for $ 2.6bn .

  9. 中国连锁经营企业的发展策略研究

    A Study on the Development Tactics of China 's Chain Enterprises

  10. 浅谈中国连锁商业的发展

    A Brief Talk on the Development of Chain Commerce in China

  11. 心路历程&食物中国连锁超市生鲜农产品经营研究

    Research on Management of Fresh Food in Supermarket in China

  12. 中国连锁零售企业主导的供应链竞争力评价

    Evaluation of China retail chain enterprise dominant supply chain competitiveness

  13. 规模扩张压力,即中国连锁超市受到了投资规模扩张的资金压力;超市行业低赢利水准的竞争压力;

    Competition pressure from low profit criterion of supermarket business ;

  14. 中国连锁集团数量分析之应用

    The Application of Quantitative Analysis in China 's Chain Groups

  15. 中国连锁超市发展现状及其对策

    Research on the Present Development Situation of Chain Supermarket in China and Countermeasures

  16. 经济全球化与中国连锁经营对策探析

    Analysis on the Countermeasures to Global Economy and China 's Chain - Store Management

  17. 中国连锁业发展的阶段特征及面临的挑战

    The phased characteristic of development and challenge that the chain industry of China faces

  18. 提升中国连锁商业企业竞争能力

    Promote the competitive power of commerce chain Enterprises

  19. 基于此,我们提出了对中国连锁董事网形成的制度论的新解释。

    Based on this argument , we propose an institutional theory to explain the networks formation .

  20. 通过合并、收购、破产等方式,一些规模小、竞争力不足的连锁超市企业将逐步退出历史舞台,而另一些具有真正实力的连锁超市集团将脱颖而出,为中国连锁超市的发展进一步积蓄力量。

    Through firm combination and bankruptcy , some small supermarket has disappeared and some chain supermarket group has developed fleetly .

  21. 本文通过对百强连锁企业总部和店铺布局的考察,对中国连锁企业的跨区域扩张战略进行了初步研究。

    The authors take Chinese top100 chain enterprises as samples and study the problems of their regional distribution and expansion strategy .

  22. 据北京华文东方集团的官方网站称,该楼是华文东方在中国连锁酒店的旗舰店。

    According to its Web site , the Mandarin Oriental-Beijing is the flagship property in China for the Mandarin Oriental hotel chain .

  23. 例如,(外国)零售商现在可以获得中国连锁零售企业的全部控制权,而不再是必须通过合资公司的方式运营。

    Retailers , for instance , can now acquire full control of Chinese chains , rather than having to operate through joint ventures .

  24. 2006年,国美集团以869.3亿元的销售额位列中国连锁经营100强首位。

    It occupys the first place in the top 100 of china chain-store operations due to its total sales reached 86.93 billion yuan ( 2006 ) .

  25. 在这三年过渡期中,中国连锁零售业在襁褓中快速成长,同时,面对的是外资企业、跨国集团的紧锣密鼓的扩张。

    During the three transition years , Chinese retail industry was growing at high speed under the swaddling environment when confronted with the foreign investment and multinational firms ' rapid expansion .

  26. 网络以及报道都呼吁以抵制法国的家乐福和其它国外在中国连锁的零售商来做出对奥运火炬在巴黎传递受阻的回应。

    Online and text message calls for boycotts of French Carrefour and other foreign retailers are circulating in China in response to the disruptions of the Olympic torch relay in Paris .

  27. 随着行业成熟度的提高和竞争的升级,中国连锁超市在规模扩张的同时,效益却开始下滑,与供应商、顾客的关系都不断恶化。

    With the industry maturity deeper and competition more intense , Chinese chain supermarket scale has been enlarging , however , their benefits are decreasing , and the relations between suppliers and customers are deteriorating .

  28. 校方表示,学校的饭菜价格自那之后有所降低,食堂目前还在维修。麦当劳(McDonald's)中国连锁店对其九项菜单内容提价,上周也将矛头指向通货膨胀。

    McDonald 's pointed to inflation last week when it hiked the price in China chains of nine menu items , including chicken McNuggets , pies and ice cream , by1 yuan , or15 cents .

  29. 根据中国连锁经营协会数据显示,江苏苏宁集团在2015年中国零售企业销售排行中位居首位,销售营业额为1590亿人民币,拥有1577个零售网点。

    Jiangsu-based Suning ranked first among Chinese retail companies by sales in 2015 with Rmb159bn ( 24bn dollars ) in turnover and 1577 retail outlets , according to the China Chain Store and Franchise Association .

  30. 分析了中国连锁零售企业实施越库配送的必要性,探讨了越库配送的运作流程和模式,并对我国零售企业实施越库配送提出了建议。

    This paper analyses the necessity of implementing cross-docking in China chain retail enterprises , discusses the logistic process and operational mode of cross-docking and gives some suggestion for implementing cross-docking strategy to chain retail enterprises .