
  • 网络CHINA BUSINESS HERALD;Business Daily
  1. 中国商报在周二发表报道称,针对稀土部门的更加严格的环境法规也有望明年出台。

    Tougher environmental regulations for the rare earth sector are also expected to be unveiled next year , the China Business News reported on Tuesday .

  2. 总部位于北京的《中国商报》上周二援引一位省级司法机构匿名人士报道称,芮成钢一案是中央电视台34起与贪腐有关的案件中的一例,其中29起已经交送给中国东北吉林省的司法机关审理。

    Rui Chenggang 's case is among 34 corruption-related cases at CCTV , and 29 of them have been assigned to judicial organs in Northeast China 's Jilin Province , Beijing-based weekly newspaper China Business Journal reported last Tuesday , citing an anonymous source close to the provincial judicial agencies .

  3. 中国石材商报:我们知道金凤凰在07年取得了不俗的成绩,那么,08年公司有何规划呢?

    China Stone Business Newspaper : We know you have made great achievements in2007.Could you talk about your development plan in2008 ?