
  1. 结果实习中护生SAS和SDS评分有高度相关性,SAS和SDS评分与PSQI总分里显著正相关关系。

    Results There was a positive correlation in both total score of SAS and SDS , and there was a significant correlation between total SAS ( or SDS ) score and factors score Of PSQI .

  2. 中护生毕业实习期适应中存在问题及对策研究进展

    Discussion on the problems of secondary nursing students in clinical practice

  3. 内科护理学教学中护生情感的激发

    Arousing the nursing student 's emotion in the medical nursing teaching

  4. 板栗饮料加工中护色剂及稳定剂的研究

    Study on anti-browning and stability in processing of Chinese chestnut beverage

  5. 肉苁蓉加工过程中护色工艺的研究

    Study on the protective coloration technology of Herba Cistanches processing

  6. 基础护理学教学实习中护生的心理诱导

    On psychological guide to the student nurses during teaching practice on general nursing

  7. 《护理学基础》教学中护生记忆品质的培养

    Cultivation of Memorization Quality of Nursing Students at the Teaching of Basic Nursing

  8. 香蕉酱加工中护色的研究

    Studies on the bleaching processed in the banana jam

  9. 失重状态下共育大鼠成骨与破骨细胞中护骨素表达的变化

    Changes of osteoprotegerin expression in the co-cultured osteoblast and osteoclasts of rats under weightlessness

  10. 洗涤剂中护色剂对织物护色效果的探讨

    Study of color fixatives on fabric color-keeping effect

  11. 《临床营养学》教学中护生实践能力的培养

    Fostering of a practical ability of nursing students in teaching of " Clinical Nutrition "

  12. 在护环外补液胀形工艺中护环阻力环的设计方法

    The designing Method of Retaining Rings in the Process of Hydraulic Expansion with Additional Liquid

  13. 钢筋混凝土在线腐蚀监测中护环电极智能约束研究

    Smart confinement of guard ring electrode technique for online monitoring of corrosion of reinforced concrete

  14. 实习中护生心理障碍状况与睡眠质量的相关性研究

    Study on the Relationship of Psychological Disorder and Sleep Quality of Nursing Students in Clinical Practice

  15. 目的减少临床护理工作中护患纠纷的发生。

    Objective To reduce nursing disputes .

  16. 性病诊治中护患关系的伦理学探讨

    An Ethical Discussion on the Relationship between Nurses and Patients During the diagnosis and treatment of STDs

  17. 本文研究了苹果脯生产中护色、抽空处理、浸渍等关键工序对产品质量的影响。

    The effect of sulphuring , vacuum treatment and soaking on the quality of candied apples was studied .

  18. 尿道口护理中护患心理接受程度的调查分析及对策

    The Analysis of the Psychological Acceptability of the Patients and Nurses for Urinary Meatus care and Proper Management

  19. 而水稻小穗中护颖的性质究竟是叶的突变形式还是退化的小花也一直没有定论。

    Whether the empty glume of rice spikelete came from leaf or rudimentary spikelete still remains less understood .

  20. 《人体形态学》网络教学中护生实践能力及创新精神培养的研究

    A study on fostering practice ability and creative spirit of nursing students in network teaching of human body morphology

  21. 结论较高的护理技术和人文关怀是护理中护患关系和临床护理质量提高的重要因素。

    Conclusion Higher nursing skills and humanistic care nursing is an important factor in the nurse-patient relationship and clinical nursing quality improvement .

  22. 提出了形状参数的概念,并推导出了形状参数的计算公式,较好地解决了在外补液胀形过程中护环阻力环设计的问题。

    And deduced its calculation formula . and solved the problem of designing retaining rings . in the process of hydraulic expansion with additional liquid .

  23. 结论了解实习中护生心理状况、睡眠质量及其相关关系,有助于护理管理者采取有效对策,帮助护生提高适应环境的能力,疏导心理障碍,改善睡眠质量,保持身心健康。

    Conclusions To realize these results can help administrative personnel of nurses take efficient measures to improve sleep quality and mental health of nursing students .

  24. 研究了动态过程中护巷煤柱稳定性及巷道群变形破坏特征,从而确定了合理的护巷煤柱宽度。

    Study the stability of chain pillar and the distorted destruction of roadway group in the dynamic process to confirm the reasonable width of chain pillar .

  25. X型排在长江中下游护滩工程中的应用

    Application of X-shape Mattress in Beach Protection Project on the Middle & Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River

  26. 对香蕉打浆护色的不同条件(温度和O2)进行了系统研究,研究护色剂在香蕉加工过程中的护色效果,对护色条件进行了优化;

    Systematically studied the effects of banana grinding condition ( temperature and O2 ), and optimized the color protect condition by studying the effect when adding certain agent ;

  27. 在护理学基础教学中加强护生职业良心教育

    Strengthen nursing students ' vocational conscience education in fundmental nursing teaching

  28. 对枇杷果酒加工过程中的护色工艺进行了研究。

    The color-protecting techniques in Loquat fruit wine processing were studied .

  29. 地下空间开挖动态过程中支护结构受力分析

    Analysis of Lining Structures During the Excavation Process of Underground Space

  30. 在临床带教中培养护生批判性思维

    Cultivating Nursing Students With Criticizing Thinking in the Course of Clinical Teaching