
  1. 第二,将五年一贯制作为中高职衔接的过渡模式;

    Second , making " five-year system " impermanent connect mode from middle to high vocational school .

  2. 中高职衔接的理论思考

    Theoretical Study of the Link between Intermediate Vocational Education and Higher Vocational Education theory and generalization ; On Cohesion

  3. 中高职衔接一体化能够增加职业教育的自然吸引力,有利于建立完善的现代职业教育体系。

    Increase the natural attractive of vocational education ; the splice Gleichschaltung is benefit to set up the perfect modern vocational education system .

  4. 学前教育专业中高职课程衔接问题的探讨

    On Linking up Problem between Secondary Education and Higher Vocational Education for Preschool Education Specialty

  5. 我国的中、高职衔接在学制方面主要有独立结构类型和一体化结构类型。独立主格结构是一种具有逻辑主谓关系的独立结构。

    There are mainly absolute construction type and the whole construction type . The English absolute construction is a kind of absolute construction with logical subject-predicate relation .

  6. 如何做好中、高职衔接,本文通过结合当前职业教育的发展和社会经济的发展,针对中、高等职业教育发展的现状及衔接中存在的问题,探讨中、高职有效衔接的思路与对策。

    By combining the present vocational education development with the social economic development and problems existing in connection this paper , from four parts , discusses the thought of effective connection and countermeasure of middle and higher vocational education .

  7. 本文分析了“3+2”模式的起因及其作为中、高职衔接模式的依据,并对具体衔接内容作一深入探讨,以期对提高中、高职教育教学质量,不断完善这一新型办学模式提供参考。

    The article analyses the origin of " 3 + 2 " pattern and the basis of connection , discusses the content about connection so as to make reference on improving teaching quality and perfecting the pattern of running school .

  8. 中国与新西兰在中、高职教育衔接方面有相似之处也有重大的差异。

    There are many similarities and differences on the linkage between secondary and advanced vocational education in china and New Zealand .

  9. 模块化课程是实现中高职合理教学衔接的基础,有助于避免教学内容的重复和脱节。

    Modularization curriculum is the basis of achieving reasonable linkage in teaching of vocational education , which can avoid repeat and out of join of teaching content .

  10. 中高职服装专业教学衔接问题的探讨

    On the Connection of Garment Specialty Teaching between Vocational School and Vocational College

  11. 中、高职数学课程衔接的探讨

    On the Cohesion of Mathematics Curriculum between Middle Vocational Education and Higher Vocational Education

  12. 中澳两国中高职衔接比较研究英美澳德四国职业教育评析

    Comparative Study on the Connection of Secondary and Higher Vocational Education between China and Australia

  13. 中高职课程体系的衔接是目前中高职教育发展的瓶颈,是我国现代化建设中技能型、技术型人才培养的一个重大课题。

    The juncture of curriculum system between higher and middle vocational education has been the bottleneck of current vocation education development , and has been an important project of skill-type and technique-type talents development in China 's modernization construction .