
  • 网络logistics;Supply Chain Management/Logistics
  1. 本论文试图将GIS的技术与观念引入到物流专业中,构建一个全新的物流GIS系统。

    This paper is trying to lead the technology and concept of GIS to the major of logistics , in order to constitute a bran-new logistics GIS system .

  2. 为了满足物流专业实验教学的需要,研发一种以磁检测为导引方式,基于红外传感器和压电电缆设计的安全防护系统的实验AGV控制系统。

    In order to meet the needs of the logistics Experimental Teaching , an experimental AGV control system is developed by using magnetic detection-guided approach and the security protection system based on infrared sensor and piezoelectric cable sensor designed .

  3. 高等职业教育物流专业定制式人才培养模式初探

    Higher Vocational Education Logistics Professional " Custom-style " Model of Training

  4. 谈阅读物流专业英语文章的技巧

    Skills of Reading Comprehension on Reading the Essay Majored in Logistics English

  5. 关于物流专业英语教学改革的几点思考

    Several Proposals About Teaching Reform of Specialized English for Logistics

  6. 物流专业设置与课程教学内容避免交叉重复的探讨

    Discussion of Avoiding Cross-repetition between Logistics Specialty Setup and Curricula Teaching Content

  7. 物流专业学习型教学工厂建设与实践

    Construction and Practice of ' Learning-based Teaching Factory ' of Logistics Specialty

  8. 高职物流专业实践教学存在问题与改进措施

    The Problems and Solutions to Practical Teaching of Advanced Logistics Vocational Education

  9. 订单式生产&高职物流专业教育模式的选择

    Order Production & the Model Choice of Logistics Education in Vocational Colleges

  10. 包装设计专业实训室建设和实训模式初探物流专业实验/实训室的构建及其意义

    On Laboratory Construction and Training Model of Packaging Specialty

  11. 广州市高职物流专业建设存在问题的调研

    Investigation on the Problems of Guangzhou Logistics Specialty Construction

  12. 高职高专物流专业人才培养探讨

    Discussion on Logistics Students Training in High Vocational Education

  13. 论中职物流专业人才需求与教学改革

    Discussion of Demand for Logistics Personals in Secondary Vocational School and Teaching Reform

  14. 对物流专业《管理运筹学》课程教学改革的思考与探索

    Pondering and Exploration on Teaching Reform of Logistics Specialty

  15. 我国物流专业人才需求浅析

    Our country physical distribution professional demand discussed shallowly

  16. 进入21世纪,市场对物流专业人才的需求量大幅增加。

    Entered the 21st century , market offers increasing demands for logistic specialized talents .

  17. 高职高专物流专业校外实训基地的选择与建设研究

    On Selection and Construction of Out-of-school Training Base for Logistic Majors of Higher Vocational Education

  18. 构建三位一体仿真实训平台培养港口物流专业人才的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Professional Training of Port Logistics by Constructing the Trinity Simulation Platform

  19. 高职高专物流专业英语阅读学习策略研究

    Research on Learning Strategies in English Reading Of Logistics Major in Higher Vocational Technology College

  20. 高职院校物流专业教学与就业结合模式探析

    On the Combining Mode of Teaching and Employment for the Logistics Majors in High Vocational College

  21. 物流专业人才培养方案和研究&吉林大学珠海学院物流培养方案

    Logistics Professionals in Training Programs and Studies & Zhuhai College of Jilin University Logistics Training Program

  22. 物流专业职业基础平台+岗位群模块课程模式构建

    Construction of Curriculum Model of " Professional Basis Platform + Post Group Module " of Logistics Specialty

  23. 高职院校物流专业教师实践能力评价研究

    The Appraisal Research of Teacher 's Practical Ability in the Major of Logistics of Higher Vocational College

  24. 基于深圳物流专业职业教育的物流实训室建设分析

    Analysis on building the logistics training room based on the vocational education of logistics major in Shenzhen

  25. 但我国物流专业人才极度短缺,影响了国内物流业的长足发展。

    The very short of physical distribution talents influenced the great development of domestic physical distribution industry .

  26. 随着市场经济的发展和物流专业化水平的提高,物流配送业得到了迅速发展。

    With the development of economy and improvement of logistics professional , the logistics allocation develops quickly .

  27. 本科学习物流专业的她报考了人民大学新闻专业研究生。

    The logistics major has signed up for a master 's degree in journalism at Renmin University .

  28. 解决物流专业本科教育质量问题的前提是明确定位。

    The premise to solve the low quality problem of logistics education in undergraduate level is clear positioning .

  29. 高职院校物流专业实践教学体系的构建及校外实训基地建设问题的探讨

    About higher vocational college , logistics professional practice teaching system and the training base outside the building problems

  30. 高职物流专业2+3工学交替人才培养模式构建设想

    Conceiving of " 2 + 3 " Talent Training Pattern of Work-study Alternation for Logistics Major in Vocational Colleges