
  • 网络Material entity;material substance;physical entity
  1. 肉体不断地经历着各种各样的质变过程,影响着物质实体的每一个分子。

    This physical body constantly undergoes various processes of transformation , which affect each and every molecule of its material substance .

  2. 怀特海从过程哲学出发,拒斥实体观念,指出世界的本源既不是精神实体也不是物质实体。

    Starting from the process philosophy , Whitehead who pointed that the origin of the world is neither spirit substance nor material substance rejected the concept of substance .

  3. Mesotech鸡尾酒不包含任何物质实体的动物或人类起源或)来自转基因生物体(OGM的。

    Mesotech cocktails don 't contain any substance of animal or human origin or material derived from genetically modified organism ( OGM ) .

  4. 记录私事的本子(作为一个物质实体)。

    A personal record book ( as a physical object ) .

  5. 这些刊物以物质实体属性,介于传播者和受众之间。

    These publications onthe material entity attributes , between the disseminator and between audience .

  6. 作为一种物质实体的书本;许多书页装订在一起。

    A book as a physical object : a number of pages bound together .

  7. 数学符号越来越脱离物质实体。

    Mathematical symbols became less and less obliged to correspond directly with physical entities .

  8. 也可以说,在生产物流系统运行过程中,物质实体的流动是目的,而为达到这一目的,所进行的管理是以信息为基础的。

    So in the system of production logistics , material flowing is their goal .

  9. 没有物质实体和形态的。

    Having no material body or form .

  10. 其三,小说人物也被他们创造的物质实体&银矿所异化。

    Thirdly , the characters are alienated from their material creation & the silver mine .

  11. 第四章,道教传播媒介及传播特点分析:道教语言传播媒介是道教在传播过程中负载、传播道教思想的中介性物质实体。

    The Daoist communication medium is the intermediary substance in the spreading process of Daoism .

  12. (物理学)物质实体(尤指弹力实体)因受力的作用而引起的变形。

    ( physics ) deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forces .

  13. 作为物质实体的报纸。

    A newspaper as a physical object .

  14. 认为,经络不是具有形态结构的物质实体。

    It shown that Meridian is not the matter substance which has clear and definite form .

  15. 作为物质实体的平装定期出版物。那部小说的平装本什么时候出版?

    A paperback periodic publication as a physical object . When is the novel coming out in paperback ?

  16. 数学符号和物质实体之间没有关联,这个问题吸引了艾伦。

    This lack of any simple connection between mathematical symbols and the world of actual objects fascinated Alan .

  17. 色彩是建筑设计和室内设计中的重要表现手段,色彩的存在依赖于物质实体。

    Using color is one of the most important formative and expressive means during architecture design and interior design .

  18. 作为人居环境核心元素&住宅,代表的不仅是表像的物质实体,也代表着文化,我们的生活轨迹。

    As the key element of living environment & residential area , which represent not only material entity but culture .

  19. 因此尤其是好,不产生于,非物质实体,如自由理性的灵魂。

    So the good in particular doesn 't issue from an immaterial substance , such as a free and rational soul .

  20. 洛克的实体可以归为两大类:物质实体和精神实体。

    Actually Locke 's substances can be grouped into two main kinds : the one of matter and the other of spirit .

  21. 但我认为尼采反对两元论,的两方,已无物质实体,胜于非物质的心灵。

    But really I think Nietzsche rejects both sides of the duality . There 's no merely material body any more than there 's an incorporeal mind .

  22. 佛寺作为物质实体,是都城建筑的重要组成部分,同时也是佛教繁盛的重要表现。

    Buddhist temples as the physical entity , is an significant component of the city architecture , and meanwhile the important representation of the prosperity of Buddhism .

  23. 审美对象既不是物质实体也不是精神客体,其呈现过程既要有客体对象的参与,又要有主体意识的能动构建,审美对象是主客结合、关系性的对象。

    Neither a material entity nor a spiritual object is aesthetic object . Its present process includes not only anticipation of object also active establishment of consciousness .

  24. 在改造的观念上,须从注重物质实体空间向物质实体空间和社会空间综合考虑的转变等;

    At idea that transform , must from pay attention to material entity space to material entity space and social transition that space consider synthetically , etc ;

  25. 不仅如此,荀子认为就连人类也是自然界的产物,先有了人的形体,即物质实体,然后派生精神作用,“形具而神生”。

    Furthermore , Xun Zi believed that even human beings are the products of nature : born first is the physical body , from which spiritual functions are derived .

  26. 国土资源是指一个国家或地区由自然资源和社会经济资源组成的物质实体,主要包括土地资源和矿产资源。

    Land resource is a material entity of a country or region . It is composed of natural resou-rces and social economic resources , including land resources and mineral resource .

  27. 现代物流是建立在时空流动的物质实体基础上,引入高科技手段(如通过计算机)进行信息联网的科学管理。

    The modern logistics is a scientific management processing information exchange through high-tech means via computers , establishing on the basis of flowing materials entity in the time and space .

  28. 主导产业是地勘单位企业化的物质实体,文章对地勘单位主导产业的选择、培育和发展作了全面论述。

    Leading industry is material entity of running geological prospecting units as enterprises , the paper discusses the choice , bringing up and development of leading industry in geological prospecting units .

  29. 首先,即令在所谓物质实体的生产方面,也必须记住,所生产的并非是组成物质实体的物质。

    In the first place , even in what is called the production of material objects , it must be remembered that what is produced is not the matter composing them .

  30. 所有这些物质实体从同一来源回到原点如同空间的拓扑流行,也就是说,来自更高的空间维度。

    All of these material entities spring at their point of origin from the same source as the topological manifold of space , that is , from a higher spatial dimension .