
  1. 胃大部切除术后血浆血管活性肠肽和P物质的变化

    Changes of Plasma Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide and Substance P after Partial Gastrectomy

  2. 正常妇女孕期血清W物质的变化

    Change of serum compound W in normal pregnant women

  3. 通过hplc,研究了在啤酒贮存过程中,酒花苦味物质的变化。

    The change in hop bitter substances in beer during storage was stydied using hplc .

  4. 研究黄腐酸(FA)对番茄秧苗在模拟运贮期间的部分信号物质的变化。

    Under simulated shipping and storage condition , the changes of the level of endogenous hormone and some signal substance were studied after treatment with FA .

  5. 根据对东太湖养殖区主要水化学指标进行的跟踪监测结果,系统分析研究了N、P等主要营养物质的变化趋势。

    This paper systematically analyses and studies the changing tendency of the main nutrients such as N , P in East Taihu Lake culture area on the basis of the result of following the tracks to the major hydrochemistry index .

  6. 将不同温度的随波长变化的粒子n、k计算值与Brewster计算值的规律进行比较,得出粒子与大块物质的变化规律基本符合。

    The calculated n and k value of different temperature changing with wavelength compare with Brewster value , conclude that the value of particle is consistent with the law of bulk .

  7. 该方法的准确度和精确度分别达到了0.96%和11%。(2)以维生素C和胡萝卜素为甘薯嫩叶的特征指标,研究甘薯嫩叶在常温及低温贮藏的过程中,营养物质的变化情况。

    The accurate and critically rate of this determination of conditions reached 0.96 % and 11 % . ( 2 ) To state vitamin C and carotene as characteristics of sweet potato leaves , studied its nutrient change storing in common temperature and low temperature .

  8. 动态观察犬和血管紧张素转化酶两血管活性物质的变化与血浆中血栓素A2/前列腺素I2、内皮素/一氧化氮胰腺血流量的内在联系。

    The immanent relationship was observed between pancreatic blood flow , angiotension-converting enzyme and plasma thromboxane A 2 / prostaglandin I 2 and endothelin / nitric oxide .

  9. 探讨神经肽类及粘附分子与气道高反应性(BHR)关系。支气管哮喘病人的气道高反应性和几种神经肽物质的变化

    To study the relationship between asthma and bronchial hyper responsiveness ( BHR ) . THE RELATION BETWEEN OF BRONCHIAL HYPER RESPONSIVENESS AND SEVERAL NEUROPEPTIDES IN ASTHMATIC PATIENTS

  10. 本文对酿酒酵母在低温和H2O2两种应激条件下产生的LYCD进行了研究,主要探讨了其中抗氧化物质的变化情况。

    This study was based on Live Yeast Cell Derivative ( LYCD ), especially on change of antioxidants , which was produced by live yeast cell stressed with low temperature and H2O2 .

  11. 以低温吸胀的青钱柳种子为材料,采用酸蚀、GA3浸种或GA3拌沙层积等措施进行处理后,对种子的萌发情况和层积过程中贮藏物质的变化进行研究。

    The study was to investigate the differential responses of germination and the changes of the storage substances during the stratification in Cyclocarya paliurus seeds imbibed in cold woodland . In the present study , the seeds were treated by the acid scarification , GA_3 soaking or cold stratification .

  12. 长期定位监测黑土有机物质的变化

    Variations of Organic Matter with Long-Term Location Monitoring in Black Soil

  13. 城市污水石灰法深度处理工艺中有毒物质的变化规律

    Change law of toxicants in municipal wastewater treated with lime precipitation

  14. 纯粹物质的变化对于政治家没有多大关系。

    The purely material changes do not much concern the politician .

  15. 冻害低温下越冬甘蓝渗透调节物质的变化和作用

    Role and change of osmotic adjustment of winter cabbage under freezing tolerance

  16. 凤兼浓酒在贮存过程中风味物质的变化

    Changes of Flavoring Substances of Fen-Luzhou-flavor Liquor During Storage Period

  17. 半干型荔枝干加工过程中香气物质的变化

    Change in Aromatic Components of Semi-dried Litchi during Drying Process

  18. 这些物质的变化均与微囊藻毒素-LR对机体造成的损伤有关。

    All those changes were related to the injuries caused by MC-LR .

  19. 椎动脉型颈椎病患者中缩血管活性肽类物质的变化及意义

    Changes and significance of neuropeptide in cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type

  20. 花生种子萌发中主要贮藏物质的变化

    The variation of major storage materials in Germinating Peanut Seeds

  21. 尿毒症血透患者血清内源性洋地黄物质的变化

    Change of Endogenous Digoxin - like Substance in Uremia Patients

  22. 山定子感染南京毛刺线虫后几种生理生化物质的变化


  23. 食管癌组织中的糖原和含糖物质的变化及其临床意义

    Changes of Glycogen or Sacchariferous Materials in Esophageal Epithelium Tissue

  24. 山楂种子层积过程中抑制物质的变化

    Changes of Inhibitory Substances in Stratification Process of Hawthorn Seeds

  25. 小儿腹腔手术中血管活性物质的变化对血压的影响

    Influence of vasoactive substances on blood pressure of children undergoing laparoscopic operation

  26. 松梢象危害前后红松挥发性物质的变化

    Volatile Changes of Pinus koraiensis before and after Damaged by Pissodes nitidus

  27. 酿酒葡萄中风味物质的变化规律研究

    Study on the Rules of the Flavor Components Changes of Wine Grape

  28. 农家腊肉冷熏加工过程中挥发性风味物质的变化

    Changes of Volatile Flavor Compounds in Traditional Chinese Bacon during Cold Smoking

  29. 老年高血压患者血小板5-羟色胺及血浆5-羟吲哚类物质的变化

    Platelet Serotonin and Plasma 5-hydroxyindoles in Elderly Hypertensive Patients

  30. 啤酒发酵过程中酸类物质的变化与酵母活力关系的研究

    Primary Study on the Relationship Between organic acids and yeast viability in beer