
  1. 阐述了建设物流互联网的必要性、物流互联网的功能和作用以及物流互联网的效益,提出了打造Internet物流互联网品牌应采取的措施。

    This paper expounds the necessity of constructing the goods and materials flow internet , the functions and benefits of the goods and materials flow internet , and puts forward some measures should be taken for modeling the brand of the goods and materials flow internet .

  2. 目前已广泛服务于银行、保险、证券、能源、制造、物流、互联网等多个行业及政府机构。

    GDS serves the banking , insurance , securities , energy , manufacturing , logistics , Internet industries as well as government agencies .

  3. 论述国际物流与互联网电子商务的关系,指出跨国公司物流是国际物流的主要形式,合理的物流对实现互联网电子商务和跨国公司营销活动起着十分重要的作用。

    This paper focuses on introducing the service of logistics in developed countries and main styles of international logistics . It finds the main problems in doing international logistics , and then describes the relationship between international logistics and e-commerce and the important role of e-commerce in reasonable logistics .

  4. 网上物流,就是基于互联网技术,旨在创造性的推动物流行业发展的新商业模式;

    E-Logistics , is based on Internet technology , designed to promote the creative development of the logistics industry , new business models ;

  5. 阿里巴巴的创始人马云在2012年表示,糟糕的物流阻碍了中国互联网零售行业的增长。

    In 2012 , Alibaba founder Mr. Ma said ' terrible ' logistics were slowing the growth of Internet retailing in the country .

  6. 信息成为了现代物流的灵魂,互联网技术所推动的信息革命使得物流现代化的发展产生了巨大的飞跃。

    Information has become the soul of modern logistics , Internet technology-driven information revolution makes the development of logistics modernization produced a huge leap forward .

  7. 互联网第三方支付位于整个互联网交易环节的中间,衔接着互联网交易过程中的信息流和物流,对依托互联网兴起的网络交易的发展起着重要的作用。

    As a middle session of the entire Internet payment , the Internet Third-party Payment links Information flow , capital flow and plays an important role in the development of electronic commerce which is based on the Internet .