
  • 网络line radiation
  1. HL-1M装置的杂质线辐射特性

    Impurity line radiation characteristics in the HL-1M Tokamak

  2. 三探头Si(Li)探测器对HL-1M装置中电子温度和重金属杂质线辐射谱测量

    Measurement of Electron Temperature and Line Radiation of Heavy Metal Impurities Using Three Si ( Li ) Drift Detectors in HL 1M Tokmak

  3. DNA聚合酶β对DNAγ线辐射损伤的修复作用

    Roles of DNA polymerase β on repair of DNA damaged by γ - rays irradiation

  4. ~(60)Coγ线辐射对耳蜗的影响

    Effects of 60Co r-ray Radiation on Cochlea in Guinea Pigs

  5. 不同浓度甲硝羟乙唑衍生物CM对8Gyr线辐射增敏效果的观察

    Observation of radiosensitization effects of different doses of metronidazole derivative ( cm ) on 8 Gy gamma-irradiation

  6. 分析了等离子体连续辐射、连续辐射的吸收、Al原子谱线辐射的时间演化规律,并进行了简短的讨论。

    The time resolved spectra including continuum radiation , absorption of continuum radiation and Al atomic spectral lines radiation were obtained .

  7. 美洲商陆丝裂原(PWM)激活淋巴细胞及~(60)Coγ线辐射效应的研究

    Studies on the function of pokeweed mitogen inducing lymphocytes and ~ ( 60 ) co γ - rays irradiation effect

  8. ADSL接入设备户外信号线辐射发射的抑制

    The Solution of the Radiated Emission for Outdoor Signal Lines in ADSL Access Equipment

  9. 用SKD高分辨光谱仪测量系统测量了CⅢ、CⅡ、OⅡ及Hα等谱线辐射的多普勒位移,给出了HL-1M托卡马克等离子体旋转速度。

    Plasma rotation velocity is measured with spectrum line Doppler shift obtained from the high resolution spectrometer on the HL 1M tokamak . The characteristic lines are C ⅰ, C ⅱ and H α .

  10. 在HL-2A实验中,等离子体成像系统中的CCD图片记录了等离子体辐射信息,特别是Hα线辐射信息(在相机前加Hα滤光片)。

    During the HL-2A experiment , CCD photos recorded the plasma radiation information using a plasma imaging system , particularly the H_ α line emission information ( with H_ α filter in front of the camera ) .

  11. CCD相机拍摄分子束与等离子体相互作用产生的Hα线辐射强度分布等实验结果表明,注入的冷通道模型可能是成立的。

    It is taken with CCD camera at an angle of 13.4 o to the hydrogen beam injection line . The experimental results show that the hypothesis of cold injection passage should be valid , and a simple model for the passage has been discussed .

  12. 伽玛线辐射对聚乙烯表面电荷累积的影响

    Effects of Gamma-Ray Irradiation on Surface Charge Accumulation of Polyethylene

  13. 高温高密类氢离子线辐射线形及其输运

    Line profiles of hydrogenic ions from high-temperature and high-density plasmas

  14. 中子及γ线辐射对药物的影响

    Studies on radiation effects of neutron and γ - ray to the drugs

  15. 中心域市交通线辐射影响的数学模型及应用

    A mathematical Model of the Impact on the Distribution of a Key city communication Line

  16. 宇宙线辐射对人类健康的影响

    Impacts of Cosmic Radiation on Human Health

  17. 连续热镀锌铝生产线辐射管退火炉的热模型的建立

    How to model the thermal model of the continuous galvanizing lines ' radiant tubes furnace

  18. 红外温度廓线辐射计高温计、辐射计、辐射热测量仪用来测定热辐射和热岩熔的表面温度。

    Pyrometers , radiometers , bolometers are used for determining heat radiation and have applications for measuring the surface temperature of hot lavas .

  19. 探讨了高能电子线辐射损伤后Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原含量的改变情况及TGF-β1对其的调控作用。

    To investigate the change of collagen type I and type III and the action of TGF - β 1 after high energy electrons radiation .

  20. 高能电子线辐射损伤对TGF-β1表达及Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原含量的影响

    The influence on the expression of tgf - β _1 and the contents of collagen type I and type III by high energy electrons radiation injury

  21. 只有当等离子体中存在局域热力学平衡状态时才有确切的温度定义。本文在局域热力学平衡的假定下,根据原子谱线辐射亮度与温度之间的关系,测定了氩等离子体射流中的温度分布。

    Based on the assumption that LTE prevails in an argon plasma jet , the temperature distribution across the plasma jet was determined by using the absolute intensity method .

  22. 常见的视差计算方法研究都是面向双目立体视觉,而双焦单目立体视觉的视差分布不同于双目视差,具有沿极线辐射的特点。

    The traditional disparity calculation methods are all targeted at binocular stereo . However , compared with disparity in binocular , the disparity in monocular stereo is radial along epipolar line .

  23. 通过对慢磁压缩下杂质线辐射时空分布的测量和模拟分析,得出了杂质约束因磁压缩而增强、杂质再循环随之降低等结论。

    From the measurement of impurity emission profiles and simulation analysis , it was concluded that the impurity confinement was improved and the impurity recycling was reduced by the slow magnetic compression .

  24. 用MEI方法研究脉冲线源辐射问题

    Study on EM pulse radiation problems with time domain MEI method

  25. 基于HFSS线天线辐射特性的仿真研究

    Analysis of HFSS-based Antenna Radiation by Simulation

  26. 脾细胞IL-2产生能力对裂变中子和γ线的辐射反应相近,D_(37)均约为2.5Gy,裂变中子RBE为1。

    The responses of splenic IL-2 production to fission neutron and gamma-ray irradiation were similar : bothD_ ( 37 ) values being about 2.5 Gy .

  27. 本文从点源的Sommerfeld型积分表达式出发,给出了计算在部分烧蚀介质层中或附近的水平线天线辐射场的公式。

    Starting with the sommerfeld 's integral representation for RF field of a elementary current , the formula for calculating radiation properties of horizontal wire antennas in or near partially ablated stratified dielectric structures are presented .

  28. 考察结果:北纬36°线上海拔3300m的高原,其uv线的辐射强度是同纬度平原处的2.01倍,故高原居民是强烈uv线伤害的主要对象。

    Abstract ; The measurement shows that the UV ray intensity on the 36 ° north latitude plateau 3 300m above sea level is 2.01 times stronger than that on the same latitude flatland area . So the plateau residents are the main victims of strong UV ray .

  29. 逐线积分辐射传输模式(LBLRTM)是国际上公认的精确辐射传输算法,它高分辨率、高精度地计算大气光谱透过率、大气辐射量和大气加热率。

    The line-by-line radiative transfer model ( LBLRTM ) is an accurate software for the application of radiative transfer . It can calculate the atmosphere spectral transmittance , radiance and cooling rate .

  30. 应用矩量法对任意线天线辐射特性的分析

    Analysis of radiation characteristic of conducting wire antenna using MoM