
  • 网络death dowry;Mishan;E.J.Mishan;Mishine
  1. 麦克马纳斯将这个“黄瓜手”带到了一场葡萄酒和奶酪派对上充当开胃菜,他还带来了一个能够在灯光变暗时转动身体的爆米香(RiceKrispiesTreats)机器人。

    He brought his cucumber robot to a wine-and-cheese party as an appetizer , along with a robotic Rice Krispies Treats man that pivoted whenever the lights dimmed .

  2. 感受:米香浓郁,松脆爽口!

    Experience : A delicate rice taste , crisp and refreshing .

  3. 酯化酶技术在米香型白酒生产上的应用

    Innovative Application of Esterified Enzyme Techniques in Rice-flavor Liquor Production

  4. 托罗店的脆米香辣金枪鱼寿司

    Spicy tuna on crispy rice from Toro 's. Ohh .

  5. 连续发酵5批,所得糯米稠酒米香、醇香浓酸甜适中,酒体醇厚,无苦涩味。

    After 5 times continuous fermentation , the quality of rice wine were marvelous .

  6. 水稻米香基因的克隆

    Cloning of the Gene Responsible for Rice Fragrance

  7. 水稻米香基因的初步定位

    Initial Mapping of Fragrance Gene in Rice

  8. 迷你萨拉米香肠栅栏效应及其加工控制研究

    Study on the Hurdle Effect of Chinese Style Mini - salami Sausage and Its Process Control

  9. 磊花烧酒是客家人在继承和发展小曲米香型白酒生产过程中博采众长、自主创新的成果。

    Leihua distilled liquor was developed by Hakkas through the inheritance and innovation of traditional Xiaoqu rice-flavor liquor .

  10. 以上三配方酒样中的总酯、总酸含量均达到优质低度米香型白酒的国家标准。

    Total ester and total acid content in three prescriptions above all reach national top quality standard of Sanhua-flavor type low alcohol liquor .

  11. 研究了米香型低度白酒运用微孔膜过滤技术的各种组合除浊方法。

    Various combined methods for defecating the rice fragrant spirit with a low degree of alcohol were studied by means of microporous barrier filtration technique .

  12. 原想洗完澡再做饭的,可闻到电饭锅传出来的阵阵米香时,就控制不住了。

    I once wanted to prepare my dinner after the shower . However , when I smell the rice fragrant from the rice cooker , I can not help rushing to the kitchen to make my big dinner !

  13. 其历史悠久,特有的米香和豉香味,玉洁冰清的酒体,绵软甘滑的口感,深受珠三角、华人及港澳同胞的喜爱。

    Because It has a long history , unique to rice and soy flavor , translucent crystal liquor , soft and sweet taste , loved by the Pearl River Delta , the Chinese and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots .