
  • 网络rice;Me TowN
  1. 近年来,米糖公司以市场为导向,通过走技术创新和新产品开发的道路,使公司逐步扭亏为盈,步入了良性发展的轨道。

    In recent years , while transforming into a market-oriented company , Miyi Sugar Co. Ltd. has been given priority to technological innovation and the development of new products .

  2. treat:款待RiceKrispie:米花糖来点米花糖吗?

    Blair : Rice Kris pie treats ? -

  3. 米花糖油脂在贮藏过程中的变化

    The Changes of Oil among the Crunchy Rice candy in Storage

  4. 本文研究了江津油酥米花糖在自然储藏条件下油脂酸败的变化。

    The changes of quality of oil in the crunchy rice candy storing under natural conditions were studied .

  5. 米花糖中的油脂在储藏过程中质量指标的研究

    A Study on the Quality Index of Oil in the Crunchy Rice Candy in the Course of Preservation

  6. 虽然旅居国外多年,飘荡在记忆深处米花糖甜美的气息仍然挥之不去。

    Even though I have lived abroad for years , the fragrance of swelled candy rice still lingers in my memory .

  7. 如果检查一下价格,你会发现,米,糖,所有物品价格都在上涨。

    " If you check about the prices , the rice , the sugar , everything has been rising ," said Singh .

  8. 减少土豆、意大利面、米跟多糖多脂的食物分量,多吃水果跟蔬菜。

    Downsize potatoes , pasta , rice and fatty and sugary foods , and super size fruit and vegetables .

  9. 该文采用微波辅助法提取米邦塔仙人掌多糖,并与热回流提取方法进行比较。

    The microwave-assisted technology for extracting polysaccharide from Opuntia Milpa Alta was studied , compared with hot reflux extraction .

  10. 当时我觉得很奇怪,如果没有这些蓝色、橙色和黄色的代币券,为什么就不能买米、面粉和糖呢?

    It was strange to me why we were not allowed to buy rice , flour and sugar without these little blue , orange and yellow tokens .

  11. 肉、蛋、米、面、糖等在体内的代谢产物为带阴离子的酸根,可使血液偏酸,但此类食品营养丰富,是人们的主要食物。

    Meat , eggs , rice , flour , sugar and so on in the body 's metabolism to bring a product to the radical anion can Piansuan blood , but these foods are rich in nutrition , is the main food .