
  1. 目的通过检测M受体各亚型在心肌上的mRNA表达量,研究大明胶囊对高脂血症大鼠降血脂作用的分子机制。

    Objective To seek the molecular mechanism of decreasing blood lipid effect of Daming Capsule on hyperlipemic rat via studying the mRNA expression of the subtypes of M receptor in the myocardium .

  2. 据韩国电影振兴委员会(KoreanFilmCouncil,简称Kofic)的数据显示,自7月17日在韩国上映以来,《大明猩》已经取得了约84亿韩圆(约合人民币4600万元)的票房。

    Since opening in South Korea on July 17 , the film has pulled in about 8.4 billion won ( $ 7.6 million ) , according to the Korean Film Council , known as Kofic .

  3. 测定了大明湖水中的Cr(Ⅵ),相对标准偏差1.9%,回收率90%~114.0%。

    The standard deviation of the determination of Cr (ⅳ) in Daming lake water is 3.3 × 10 ~ ( - 8 ) % . The recovery is 90.0 % ~ 114.0 % .

  4. 在中国,华谊兄弟将大明猩玩偶送给全国各地的名流,让他们在新浪(SinaCorp.)微博上晒自己与玩偶的合影。

    In China , Huayi Brothers sent Mr. Go dolls to celebrities across the country and got them to pose with the dolls for photos posted to Sina Corp. 's Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service .

  5. 《大明猩》的制作人之一孙长铉(SonJang-hyun)表示,这部电影的成绩还不错,但没有预期的那么好。

    ' It is doing not bad , though not as good as expected , ' said Son Jang-hyun , one of the producers of ' Mr. Go . '

  6. 结果心梗染色面积和心肌酶学指标显示(与模型组相比),大明胶囊灌胃后心肌梗死面积减少(P<0.05),乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和肌酸激酶(CK)的含量降低(P<0.05)。

    Results Compared with model group , contents of myocardial infarct size , lactic acid dehydrogenase ( LDH ) and creatine kinase ( CK ) in adult rats were diminished after intragastric administration of Daming capsule ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 大明:是。这个是传统的英国晚餐。

    Daming : Yes . It 's a traditional English dinner .

  8. 大明湖沉积物中有机质分布特征

    Distribution Characteristics of Organic Material in the Sediment of Daming Lake

  9. 我们能走完长城吗,大明?

    Can we walk all of the Great Wall , Daming ?

  10. 大明和西蒙做了一个中国太空船模型。

    Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship .

  11. 大明,奶奶从美国给你寄了一个包裹来。

    Grandma has sent you a parcel from America , Daming .

  12. 大明正躺在阳光下吃午饭。

    And Daming is eating lunch and lying in the sun .

  13. 大明衣冠今何在?

    Where are the hats and clothes of Ming Dynasty nowadays ?

  14. 和朋友讨论一下大明的儿童节。

    Talk about Daming 's Children 's Day with your friends .

  15. 大明山自然保护区之生态旅游与自然保护

    Ecological Tourism and Nature Reserve Of Daming Mountain Nature Reserve Zone

  16. 昨天,萨姆和大明出去骑自行车玩。

    Sam and Daming went for a bike ride , yesterday .

  17. 杰克森先生:不可以,大明!

    Mr Jackson : No , you can 't , Daming !

  18. 大明在班级淘气吗?不,他不淘气。

    Is Daming naughty in class ? No , he isn 't.

  19. 何亚君:谢谢你,大明,另外也要恭喜你。

    Thanks , Daming . And I should congratulate you too .

  20. 大明:宇航员有没有发现火星上有生命?

    Daming : And have the astronauts discovered life on Mars ?

  21. 大明煤低温氧化过程的固体核磁共振研究

    Solid state NMR study on low-temperature oxidation process of Daming coal

  22. 汤姆:你好,大明。不是,它们是手臂。

    Tom : Hello , Daming . No , they 're arms .

  23. 大明:可以,哎哟!但我不能走路了。

    Daming : Yes . Ouch ! But I can 't walk .

  24. 大明一矿上行开采法的研究与应用

    Study and application of ascending mining method in Daming No.1 Coal Mine

  25. 贝蒂:托尼和大明。他们怎么了?

    Betty : Tony and Daming . What 's happened to them ?

  26. 大明,我是奶奶!我从美国打的电话。

    Daming , it 's Grandma ! I 'm phoning from America .

  27. 那么现在讲这个〈六字大明咒〉。

    Now I will talk about the Six Character Great Bright Mantra .

  28. 周六晚上大明打算去上一节钢琴课是什么意思啊?

    Daming will have a piano lesson on Saturday evening .

  29. 好极了。我去了大明湖。

    It was Great . I went to Daming Lake .

  30. 最后邮差把信件送到了大明手中。

    And then the postman gave the letter to Daming .