
  • 网络peking university first hospital
  1. 方法于2002-122003-09对北京大学第一医院的163例经冠状动脉造影确诊冠心病的患者加作选择性肾动脉造影。测定血浆超敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)和白细胞介素-6(IL-6)质量浓度。

    Methods 163 patients from Peking University First Hospital with confirmed coronary heart disease by coronary angiography underwent selective renal artery angiography from Dec 2002 to Sep 2003.Serum hypersensitive C reactive protein ( hs-CRP ) and Interleukin-6 ( IL-6 ) were measured .

  2. 持续性质量改进(CQI)在临床工作中的应用&北京大学第一医院腹膜透析中心质量管理经验分析

    Application of continuous quality improvement ( CQI ) in clinical work & Analysisof quality management in the center of peritoneal dialysis in Peking University First Hospital

  3. 方法对1978-01~2003-12期间北京大学第一医院收治的201例IBD患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods By the retrospective study , the data of 201 IBD patients was analysed .

  4. 方法:用改良KANE/FISCHER皮肤癣菌鉴定系统对福建沿海某部队采取的69株皮肤癣菌和北京大学第一医院真菌中心保藏的皮肤癣菌ATCC株和临床株13株进行培养鉴定。

    Methods : Using the improved KANE / FISCHER system to identify the ATCC strains and clinical isolates of common dermatophytes .

  5. 王贵强任职北京大学第一医院。

    Wang Guiqiang is with Peking University First Hospital .

  6. 北京大学第一医院第二住院部干部外科病房楼

    The surgical ward building of the second in-patient department of the Peking University First Hospital for officials

  7. 介绍了北京大学第一医院病房楼工程的建设及后期使用管理的经验。

    This article introduces the management experience of ward building after architecture in the first Hospital of PekingUniversity .

  8. 方法回顾性分析北京大学第一医院妇产科2002年1月至2003年12月两年间855例急诊剖宫产的手术指征。

    Methods Analyzed the indication of 855 cases with emergency CS who were admitted in Peking University First Hospital from Jan.2002 to Dec.2003 retrospectively .

  9. 目的本文总结了多年来北京大学第一医院将多媒体技术应用于医学影像学教学的经验,对医学影像学课程多媒体和网络教学的未来进行了展望。

    Problems in teaching medical images together with countermeasures Objective Discussing the experience of radiological education with multimedia in our hospital , and giving the prospect of radiological education with multimedia through network .

  10. 北京大学第一医院发挥医院品牌效应,在医疗机构改革中,努力探索拓宽医疗服务的不同模式。

    The 1st Hospital of Beijing University has given a full play to the effect of hospital brand and has been exploring various models of increasing and widening hospital service in the reformation of medical agencies .

  11. 方法对2005年10月~2006年2月在北京大学第一医院儿科33例确诊为直立不耐受患儿的家长进行问卷调查,并对其中8位家长进行深度访谈。

    Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted in thirty-three parents whose children were diagnosed as orthostatic intolerance in Peking University First Hospital from October , 2005 to February , 2006 . Among them , 8 parents were surveyed by in-depth interview .

  12. 方法本研究对象为于2002年1月-2004年12月间在北京大学第一医院肾内科治疗的持续非卧床腹膜透析病人;根据持续质量改进理念,设计并实施降低腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎的教育路径。

    Methods The study included all CAPD patients treated in Department of Nephrology , the First Hospital of Peking University from Jan. 2002 to Dec. 2004 . An education pathway about preventing peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis was designed and implemented according to the theory of CQI .

  13. 对象:调查对象为2000-04/2003-03于北京大学第一医院神经科门诊就诊的轻度认知障碍患者9例,并选择年龄、性别和受教育程度与之相匹配的正常人9例。

    PARTICIPANTS : Nine inpatients with mild cognitive disorder hospitalized at the Department of Neurology of the First Hospital of Peking University from April 2000 to March 2003 were involved and other 9 healthy people matching in age , gender and the educational level were also involved .

  14. 北京大学第一附属医院刘国礼教授;

    Beijing university first affiliated hospital LiuGuoLi professor ;

  15. 经北京医科大学第一医院制定的失语症评定量表评定为感觉性失语,记忆力及智力评定为正常。

    He was assessed as sensory aphasia with normal memory and intelligence according to aphasia assessment measuring scale made by the First Hospital of Beijing Medical University .