
  • 网络Chinese thought;Chinese Philosophy
  1. 《古代中国思想与当代中国力量》(ancientchinesethought,modernchinesepower)一书的很大一部分,是阎学通及同事撰写的、关于古代中国思想家之国际政治哲学的论文。

    Much of ancient Chinese thought , modern Chinese power is taken up with essays by Yan and his colleagues on the international political philosophy of ancient Chinese thinkers .

  2. 从考古发现认识中国思想的最初源头

    Understandings of the Origin of Chinese Thought based on Archaeological Discoveries

  3. 中国思想传统中的自由语词、概念与观念

    Words , Concepts and Ideas Showing Freedom in Chinese Traditional Ideology

  4. 当代建筑的三个转向与中国思想

    Three Turns of Contemporary Architecture and the Chinese Traditional Thoughts

  5. 中国思想和思想史研究的视角

    Visual angle for studying chinese thoughts and Chinese thoughts history

  6. 中国思想史中身体观研究的新视野

    New Horizon in Study of Body View in History of Chinese Thougths

  7. 中国思想传统中的人性论

    Doctrines of human nature in the tradition of Chinese ideology

  8. 寻求“精英思想”与“民众观念”的统一&对中国思想史的一些思考

    Seeking Unity between Elitism and Populism & Some Viewpoints on Chinese Intellectual History

  9. 文章还梳理与解析了中国思想界在内在精神价值培养问题上的五种误会。

    The paper also pointed out and analyzed five misunderstandings in developing inner spirit in China .

  10. 中国思想参与了欧洲启蒙运动以实践理性取代宗教神学的世俗化进程;

    Second , Chinese thought took part in the course of practical reason instead of theology .

  11. 语境化研究和反现代化叙事&本杰明·艾尔曼的中国思想史研究述评

    Contextualization Research and Anti-modernization Narrative & Commentary on Benjamin Elman 's Research on Chinese Intellectual History

  12. 中国思想界的争论在某种意义上是西方相关争论的延伸。

    In a sense , the arguments around the latter one are the extension of the former .

  13. 陈序经是20世纪中国思想史上“全盘西化”论的代表人物。

    Chen Xujing was a representative of " wholesale westernization " in the20th century history of Chinese thinking .

  14. 新文化保守主义在近代中国思想界究竟扮演怎样的角色,起着怎样的作用?

    What kind of role it play actually in modern China intellectual circles and how it rise the function ?

  15. 而在欧亚大陆的另一端,老子、庄子以及孔子的学生们详尽阐述了中国思想文化;

    At the other end of Eurasia , Lao-tzu , Chuang-tzu and the followers of Confucius elaborated Chinese thought ;

  16. 现代儒学思潮是20世纪20年代以来影响中国思想界的重要社会思潮之一。

    Modern Confucianism thought is one of the important social thoughts which has influenced ideological field of China since 1920s .

  17. 在可选择的多元化的叙述方式中,中国思想的丰富性和独特性将会得到更好的呈现,其“失语”的状态也有望得到改变。

    The richness and uniqueness of Chinese thought should be better revealed and the " murmuring " condition should be changed in the multiple narrations .

  18. 时至清末,中国思想文化界开始高扬中国传统社会所未见的国民意识。

    At the end of Qing people in the fields of thought and culture launched an unprecedented campaign to elevate the national consciousness of the people .

  19. 中国思想史中,孔门仁学所阐发的核心思想就是有关和谐社会的构建问题。

    In China 's intellectual history , the key thought that the theory of the Confucianists ' benevolence elucidates is the construction question about the harmonious society .

  20. 该学案表明,哲学的误读,必然导致思想的遮蔽,这是中国思想界必须汲取的深刻教训。

    The incident indicates that misreading of philosophy inevitably results in thought 's concealment , which is the deep lesson to absorb for thought circles in China .

  21. 《论衡》作为东汉时期著名的哲学著作,在中国思想文化史上有着重要地位。

    Lun Heng is an outstanding philosophical work in the Eastern Han Dynasty , which takes an important position in the history of Chinese ideology and culture .

  22. 由于学术与诗的密切联系,还有学术变,诗也变的现象。现代学者的旧体诗词不同于一般的遗老遗少之作,在现代中国思想学术文化史研究中具有重要的价值。

    The ancient-styled poems of modern scholars are different from those of the past poets and have significance in the researches of Chinese modern thoughts , learning and culture .

  23. 然而,在中国思想史上,对于法治社会的质疑也很多,尤其是明末清初的一些思想家像黄宗羲、王夫之、顾炎武等对此问题有最为集中的讨论。

    However , throughout Chinese ideological history , there have been many suspicions about the rule of law , especially from the thinkers in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty .

  24. 近代中国思想虽然以反传统为其主要特色,但由于其在社会、历史方面的复杂的现代性转型,传统思维在其中仍然扮演着错综复杂的角色。

    Despite the main feature of anti-tradition in modern thought of China , traditional mind still plays a complicated role in the thought history due to modernity transformation in social and historical aspects .

  25. 义作为约束人们社会行为的准则,在历史上曾促进各种社会关系的和谐发展,在中国思想史上具有重要的地位和作用。

    " Yi ", a kind of rule of social behaviors , has ever advanced harmonious development of diversified social relations , and played an important role in the history of Chinese thought .

  26. 宋代孟子升格运动是孟子和孟学命运转变的关键时期,也是中国思想史上的重要历史事件。

    The movement of upgrading the status of Mencius in Song Dynasty is the key period of the fate of the study of Mencius and also the important historical event in Chinese thought history .

  27. 中国思想强调主客、内外之间的和谐互补,在这种语境中,情感与真实的意义在情中是内在联系的。

    Chinese traditional thought insists the harmony and mutuality of subject and object , of inner and outer , and in such a context , the meaning of genuine and passion are relational in Qing .

  28. 吕坤是中国思想发展史上一位进步的思想家,尤其是他以元气为核心的哲学思想在中国哲学史上占有一定地位。

    Lu Kun was an outstanding progressive thinker in the history of Chinese thought , especially his philosophy with YuanQi ( Material Force ) as its core played a notable role in Chinese philosophical history .

  29. 在中国思想史上,圣人被看做是理想人格的化身,儒家思想把追求圣人人格作为实现人生理想的必由之路。

    In the history of Chinese thought , the sage is considered as the embodiment of the ideal personality , and the Confucianism believed that pursuit of the saints ' personality is the only way to realize their ideals .

  30. 吴锐博士的《中国思想的起源》作为一部重建上古史并且追溯较早的新著,足以引起足够的重视,而其中关于文本阐释、研究方法乃至治学方向等内容,亦或仍有进一步讨论的余力。

    As a latest work of rebuilding the pre-ancient history and tracing to the far before , the book deserves enough attention , while in which contents like text expounding , research method and even learning approach may still have left space for further discussion .