
  1. 本文在充分研究中国铁路客运专线建设的实际情况的基础上,提出了基于分散自律体系的客运专线运营调度系统总体方案,并采用多Agent技术构建客运专线运营调度系统。

    This paper is intended to describe the overall solution for the proposed decentralization-and-self-regulation-based traffic dispatching system for passenger-dedicated railway lines and how the multi-agent technology is used in the system .

  2. 中国铁路客运体制改革探析

    Discussion and Analysis on China Railway Passenger Transport Structural Reform

  3. 中国铁路客运网网络性质的研究

    The study of properties of Chinese railway passenger transport network

  4. 10月1日,也就是“十一”长假的第一天,中国铁路客运量达1030万人次。

    On Oct. 1 , the first day of the holiday , Chinese railroads carried 10.3 million passengers .

  5. 中国铁路客运系统可以采用两种不同的网络构建方式来描述.一种是以铁路的站点作为节点,并以轨道作为边,这样生成的网络称为铁路地理网。

    Complex network is adopted to describe the Chinese railway system , and two different ways are used to construct the networks .

  6. 中国铁路客运供需矛盾非常突出,铁路客运具有的双高峰、高峰固定等特点,进一步加剧了供需矛盾;

    The demand-supply gap of China 's railway passenger transportation is very big . Railway passenger transportation in China has two fixed peak periods which makes the demand-supply gap bigger .

  7. 中国铁路迎来客运高峰。

    China railway stations embrace volume peak .

  8. .随着五一假期拉开帷幕,中国铁路的客运量在周六创下单日新高。

    Passenger trips on Chinese railways hit a new single-day high on Saturday , as the May Day holiday

  9. 必须在考虑需求弹性和交叉弹性的基础上,针对中国铁路特性科学制定客运价格。

    It is necessary to set price for passenger transportation according to demand elasticity and cross elasticity of passenger transportation .

  10. 新中国成立以来,铁路客运事业有了很大的发展,为中国的经济高速增长和人民生活水平的提高做出了巨大贡献。

    China was build up in 1949 , the business of railroad passenger transportation has made tremendous progress . Also , it has made great contribution for China 's high speed economic growth and the improvement of Chinese people 's life quality .