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  1. 他的女儿是个《哈利波特》迷,当她在eBay上看到这把椅子后,格雷就在2009年为女儿买了回来。

    He bought the chair in 2009 after his daughter , a Harry Potter fan , saw it on eBay .

  2. 他在序言中写道:我想我是个大萧条迷,就像那些美国内战迷一样。当这位不谙世事的人坦承自己无害的爱好时,几乎没有引起任何骚动。

    I guess I am a Great Depression buff , the same way people are Civil War buffs , he wrote in the preface , and barely a dog barked as the unworldly man confessed to his harmless hobby .