
  • 网络The wall;pink floyd;Wonderwall;Pink Floyd The Wall
  1. 慕斯大概也会来一起看《迷墙》怎么样

    I think , uh , Mouse is coming over . Maybe watch " The Wall " or something ?

  2. 但你知道,《迷墙》并不算是先锋音乐,对吧!

    But " Wonderwall ," it 's not , you know , it 's not an edgy tune , is it ?

  3. 显然,陈鸿志的“迷墙”给出我们所期待著的这种视觉欲望;

    Obviously , Chen Hongzhi 's " The lost wall " produces we is anticipating this kind of visual desire ;

  4. 《迷墙》使得绿洲乐队吸引了大批新粉丝,当中的许多人以前从来都没有买过独立音乐唱片。

    " Wonderwall " brought Oasis an entirely new fan-base , most of whom had never bought an indie record before in their life .

  5. 新时期以来,长期垄断戏剧领域的僵化创作模式,早已成为横在艺术家心中的一道迷墙,阻断艺术天性接通真实、自然与梦境的才力。

    Since the New Period the stifling creation mode dominating in the drama field has become a wall for artists , blocking the collection of art and reality .