
mí shī
  • lose;be off the track;lose (one's way etc.);wilder;maze
迷失 [mí shī]
  • [be off the track;lose (one's way etc.)] 迷惑弄错;分辨不清 [方向、道路等]

  • 迷失方向

  • 迷失道。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

迷失[mí shī]
  1. 我迷失方向时,你帮助引导我,鼓励我。

    When I lose my way , you help guide and cheer me on .

  2. 迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。

    The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation .

  3. 我完全迷失了方向。

    I lost all sense of direction .

  4. 黑暗使他迷失了方向。

    The darkness had disorientated him .

  5. 对于一个迷失了方向的社会,他能做的有很多。

    To a society which has lost its orientation he has much to offer

  6. 他们在烟雾中迷失了方向,向里面胡乱射击了一通。

    They were disorientated by the smoke and were firing blindly into it .

  7. 实际情况是,他认识卡丽娜时正在迷失自我。

    The truth of the matter is that he was having an identity crisis when he met Carina .

  8. 有一阵子这位艺术家完全迷失了方向,其出了名的幽默风趣被伤感而煽情的不知所云取而代之。

    For a while the artist completely lost his way . The famous humour gave way to sentimental nonsense

  9. 如果我们看不到这里的原则问题的话,那么我们已经迷失方向了。

    If we cannot understand that there 's an issue of principle here , then we have lost our way .

  10. 她在迷津中迷失了好几个小时。

    She was lost in the maze for several hours .

  11. 在森林中没有指南针是容易迷失方向的。

    Without a compass , it is easy to lose one 's bearings in the woods .

  12. 迷失在树林中的小孩子们被树叶盖住了。

    The little children lost in the wood were buried in leaves .

  13. 他们在森林里迷失了方向,找不到出路。

    They lost their bearings in the forest and couldn 't find their way out .

  14. 这只狮子是个丑怪的斯芬克斯,跟他们一样迷失在这黑暗的深渊里。

    The lion was a monster Sphinx which was astray like them in that Gulf of darkness .

  15. 多利克说,抑郁常常意味着感觉“迷失在你自己小小的消极而黑暗的世界里”。

    Being depressed can mean feeling " lost in your own small , negative , dark world , " Dowrick says .

  16. 他的黑白照片呈现了一个几乎迷失在时间里的世界。

    His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time .

  17. 但你还是会迷失在书中。

    But you can still get lost in a book .

  18. 风景如此迷人,以致游客们常常迷失在其中。

    The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it .

  19. 倒霉的是,他们的蜡烛熄灭了,在黑暗中迷失了方向。

    Unluckily , their candle is put out and they get lost in the dark .

  20. 像光一样迷失在光里。

    Lost as a light is lost in light .

  21. 其中一位通灵者揪出了一个貌似迷失方向,急需人指点迷津的男人。

    One of the practitioners picked up on a male who seemed lost and in need of direction .

  22. 人们经常会因为因特网上铺天盖地的网赚信息而不知所措,迷失了方向

    Becausethere are plenty of money making ideas that can be found online , people often get confused .

  23. 你就象一只迷失的羊,远离神而走自己的路。

    You are that sheep that is still lost and going his own way , far away from God .

  24. 他丝毫不像是一个迷失在旷无人烟的大沙漠中的孩子。

    Nothing about him gave any suggestion of a child lost in the middle of the desert , a thousand miles from any human habitation .

  25. 裸辞的原因多为长期缺乏工作幸福感,或对工作未来的迷失感日益增加。

    People are doing this mainly because they are not happy with what they 're doing or they feel lost about the future of their career .

  26. 尽管有些梦游者被叫醒后会有攻击性,但是研究人员发现,多数时候梦游者被叫醒时只会感到困惑、迷失方向、惊恐或尴尬。

    Although some people may become aggressive , researchers have found that most of the time sleepwalkers are simply confused , disoriented , scared , or embarrassed .

  27. 坚持再坚持,别让你的视野迷失了那不变的美好真理:

    Hang in there ... and take care to see that you don 't lose sight of the one thing that is constant , beautiful , and true :

  28. 我从来不大愿意以道学家的口吻来说话,可是猴面包树的危险,大家都不大了解,对迷失在小行星上的人来说,危险性非常之大,因此这一回,我贸然打破了我的这种不喜欢教训人的惯例。

    I do not much like to take the tone of a moralist . But the danger of the baobabs is so little understood , and such considerable risks would be run by anyone who might get lost on an asteroid9 , that for once I am breaking through my reserve .

  29. 在著名电视剧集《迷失》(Lost)和《火线警告》(BurnNotice)中,它们也闪亮登场。

    They were featured in TV shows like lost and burn notice .

  30. 如果你在野外迷失了方向或者进退两难,你一点可用的材料也没有,那么你需要FE工具和一个容身之处。

    If you 're lost or stranded in the wild and you have no materials at all , you 'll need FE tools and shelter .