
mí nǐ diàn nǎo
  • Mini computer;minicomputer
  1. 苹果于2007年发布iPhone手机,为高端智能手机设定了全新标准。此类手机价格不菲,可以用作迷你电脑。

    Apple released its iPhone handset in 2007 , and it set a new standard in high-end smartphones expensive mobile phones that double as mini-computers .

  2. 在创办宏达时,王雪红希望生产PDA手机兼具手机功能的迷你电脑但她需要聘请的工程师和其他人员几乎都没什么兴趣。

    When she set up HTC , Ms Wang wanted to make PDA phones mini-computers that can also act as handsets but there was little interest from engineers and others she needed to recruit .

  3. 与此同时,智能手机变成了迷你电脑,取代了笔记本电脑的许多功能。

    At the same time , smart phones have become mini computers that replace a lot of laptop functionality .

  4. 当今,硅谷是世界闻名的美国高科技公司集聚地,还有波士顿的128号公路的迷你电脑业集聚,纽约麦迪森大道的广告业集聚,西密歇根的办公家具集聚,加利福尼亚的娱乐业集聚等。

    For instance , Silicon Valley is famous as the home of high-tech companies , and 128 Highway in Boston gathers mini computer industry .

  5. 提起诉讼的同时,诺基亚正竭力在智能手机领域向苹果发起反击。随着消费者逐渐摒弃传统手机,转而选择可兼用作迷你电脑的通讯设备,智能手机已成为一个高速增长的市场。

    The lawsuit comes as Nokia struggles to mount a fightback against Apple in the fast-growing smartphone market as consumers shift from traditional handsets to phones that double as mini computers .

  6. 2007年,华硕推出了首款上网本(迷你笔记本电脑)EeePC。

    In 2007 Asus unveiled the Eee PC - the first netbook , or miniature laptop .

  7. 就在一年前,谷歌(Google)推出了Nexus7。这款售价为199美元的迷你平板电脑,对苹果公司(Apple)屏幕更大、价格更高的iPad构成了真正的威胁。

    Just a year ago , Google introduced its Nexus 7 , a mini tablet for $ 199 that posed a real challenge to Apple 's bigger , pricier iPad .

  8. 这款全新迷你平板电脑有两种版本可选:16G的价格229美元,32G的售价269美元,均为Wi-Fi版本。

    This new mini tablet comes in two sizes that are Wi-Fi-only : a $ 229 16-gigabyte model and a $ 269 32-gigabyte model .

  9. 低端迷你笔记本电脑的发货量跌幅最大,但IDC认为,影响整个PC市场的是Windows8遇冷。微软公司(Microsoft)推出这款产品的目的是适应平板电脑的崛起。

    Mini Notebooks saw the biggest decline on the low end , but the whole market was affected by what IDC calls weak reception for Windows 8 , Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) answer to the rise of the tablet .

  10. 低端迷你笔记本电脑的发货量跌幅最大,但IDC认为,影响整个PC市场的是“Windows8遇冷”。微软公司(Microsoft)推出这款产品的目的是适应平板电脑的崛起。

    Mini Notebooks saw the biggest decline on the low end , but the whole market was affected by what IDC calls " weak reception for Windows 8 , " Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) answer to the rise of the tablet .

  11. 迷你笔记本电脑行业先锋、台湾的华硕(Asustek)昨日也下调了第四季度利润和发货目标。华硕此前一直是经济低迷时期全球电脑业的一个亮点。

    Asustek , the Taiwanese pioneer in the netbook sector , which had been a bright spot in the global computer industry amid the downturn , also cut its fourth-quarter profit and shipment targets yesterday .

  12. 类似这样小型、廉价的迷你笔记本电脑,或者按照原来的叫法,所谓“网簿”的速度和能力都不如像iMac一样的大电脑,而且在性能方面,它们也落后于大多数笔记本电脑。

    Small , cheap mini-notebooks like this , or " netbooks " as they have come to be called , are not as fast or as capable as a big computer like an iMac , and in performance terms they trail behind most laptops .

  13. 与其他公司的迷你平板电脑价格比较,Ipad迷你的价格并不能使苹果公司拔得头筹。Ipad迷你的价格足足比其竞争对手如“KindleFireHD”,BarnesandNoble's“NookHD”andGoogle's“Nexus7”高出170多美元。

    And around the world , the Ipad mini 's price is NOT helping to give the company a jump start . It sells for around 170 US dollars more than major rivals like the " Kindle Fire HD , " Barnes and Noble 's " Nook HD " and Google 's " Nexus 7 . "

  14. 由于它在几秒内启动,所以,与其把这种宏基电脑看作一个迷你笔记本电脑,倒不如把它看作增强型个人数字助理,例如旧式PalmPilot或者Psion,不过有更好的屏幕和适用的键盘,这样才可能恰如其分。

    Because it boots up in a few seconds , rather than thinking of the Acer as a mini laptop it might make more sense to view it as a beefed-up personal digital assistant , such as an old PalmPilot or Psion , but with a better screen and a proper keyboard .

  15. 苹果公司并不是唯一一家想要主宰迷你平板电脑市场的高科技公司。

    Apple is certainly not the only tech company looking to dominate the ever-more competitive mini tablet market .

  16. 华硕认为,长期而言,迷你型笔记本电脑市场的规模将能够与目前的笔记本市场媲美。

    Asustek believes that in the long term the sub - notebook market will rival that of the existing notebook market in size .

  17. 宏碁股份有限公司(AcerInc.)展示了一个迷你的Windows8平板电脑,这个八英寸的平板电脑拥有台式电脑的功能。

    Acer Inc. showcased a mini Windows 8 tablet that compressed the functions of a desktop into an 8-inch tablet .

  18. 电脑桌和迷你支架让笔记本电脑在使用中更加符合人体工学。

    Lapdesks and mini-stands make laptops more ergonomic on the go .

  19. 尽管名字叫做迷你,但这款7.9寸屏的iPadMini却是迷你平板电脑中的巨人之一。

    Despite its name , the 7.9-inch iPad Mini is one of the largest among the mini-tablets .