
  • 网络miniseries;mini-series
  1. BBC的迷你剧也于去年上映.

    The BBC 's " Little Women " miniseries aired late last year .

  2. 我们浏览了HBO四十年里播放的所有节目(不包括迷你剧),并挑选了以下20部最好看的美剧。

    We took a look at four decades of HBO shows ( not miniseries ) and picked our favorite 20 . 20 .

  3. 最佳迷你剧/电影:《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》(“ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory”,FX)

    Mini-Series or Movie : " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story " ( FX )

  4. 2008年,他还写过一部轰动的英国恐怖迷你剧《死亡片场》(DeadSet),想像出一个僵尸末日世界,发生在《老大哥》(BigBrother)真人秀片场。

    He also wrote a hit British horror mini-series , Dead Set , in 2008 , which imagined a zombie apocalypse taking place around the reality series Big Brother .

  5. 2010年,马克•加蒂斯和史蒂文•莫法特首次联手将柯南•道尔笔下的故事改编成三集的迷你剧,搬上BBC的电视荧幕。。

    The duo first revived Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 's stories for the BBC in 2010 , bringing out three series .

  6. 那年年初,书评家克里斯托弗·莱曼-豪普特(ChristopherLehmann-Haupt)在《纽约时报》上对这部迷你剧的评价几乎高于这部小说。

    Writing in The Times earlier that year , the book critic Christopher Lehmann-Haupt nearly placed the mini-series above the novel .

  7. 若最新消息属实,《越狱》男星多米尼克·珀塞尔和温特沃斯·米勒有望回归由FOX电视台重拍的《越狱》迷你剧。

    If latest reports turn out to be true , ' Prison Break ' stars Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller may feature in a remake of the popular television series by FOX .

  8. 2017年BBC出品的小说迷你剧版则是由MichaelGambon和AngelaLansbury出演。

    And in 2017 , The BBC aired a miniseries version of the novel which featured Michael Gambon and Angela Lansbury .

  9. 目前她正在多伦多——她和丈夫以及两个女儿住在这里——把玛格丽特·阿特伍德(MargaretAtwood)的历史小说《别名格雷斯》(AliasGrace)改编成六集迷你剧。

    She is currently adapting Margaret Atwood 's historical novel " Alias Grace " into a six-part mini-series in Toronto , where she lives with her husband and two daughters .

  10. 这比HBO上一部迷你剧《约翰·亚当斯》的首播高出了22%,加上重播的观众,《太平洋战争》有400万的收视。

    That 's 22 % higher than the debut of HBO 's last miniseries , " John Adams ," and " The Pacific " tally grew to 4 million with its encore airing .

  11. BBC的迷你剧《路德》围绕着一位聪明专注但十分暴力的警探展开,他有时会采用非法的手段处理罪犯。

    The BBC One miniseries " Luther " follows the career of a brilliant , dedicated , but violent police detective who sometimes deals with criminals in ways that are outside the law .

  12. 乔安妮·弗罗盖特(JoanneFroggatt)凭借在《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中的表演获奖,《冰血暴》(Fargo)获得了最佳迷你剧/电影电视奖。

    Joanne Froggatt won for her performance in " Downton Abbey , " while " Fargo " was named the winner in the mini-series or TV movie category .

  13. 星期天晚上,艾美奖颁奖典礼在好莱坞举行。由汤姆汉克斯和斯蒂芬斯比尔伯格联手打造的HBO史诗迷你剧《太平洋战争》众望所归,赢得奖项。

    At the Emmy Awards here in Hollywood on Sunday night , The Pacific , the epic HBO miniseries about World War II , produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg , is expected to sweep .

  14. 2011年,伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(他后来在HBO的电视剧《火线》中扮演斯金格·比尔而广为人知)获得了多次艾美奖提名,并获得迷你剧最佳男主角奖。

    In 2011 , Idris Elba ( the actor then best known for portraying Stringer Bell on HBO 's " The Wire " ) earned the first of multiple Emmy nominations as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries .

  15. 在第66届年度艾美奖上,《神探夏洛克》不仅分获最佳迷你剧/电影男主角和最佳迷你剧/电影男配角,其主创之一史蒂文•莫法特(StevenMoffat)还荣获最佳编剧奖。

    Winning gongs respectively for outstanding lead actor and supporting actor in a mini series or movie , Sherlock 's co-creator Steven Moffat also picked up the best writer trophy at the 66th annual Emmy Awards .

  16. 多默尔主演了Fremantle的澳洲迷你剧《悬崖上的野餐》,该片在Foxtel和亚马逊平台上播放。

    Dormer starred in Fremantle 's Australian period miniseries Picnic at Hanging Rock , which went out on Foxtel and Amazon .

  17. 《一记耳光》(TheSlap),NBC,2月12日播出。乔恩·罗宾·贝茨(JonRobinBaitz)与丽莎·查罗登科(LisaCholodenko)担任制作人,这部剧改编自一部澳大利亚迷你剧,讲述一个后院生日派对失控后带来的后果。

    THE SLAP ( NBC , Feb. 12 ) Jon Robin Baitz and Lisa Cholodenko are producers of this adaptation of an Australian mini-series about the fallout from a momentary loss of control at a backyard birthday party .

  18. 8日,抖森凭借BBC电视剧《夜班经理》中的角色收获首个金球奖——迷你剧/电视电影最佳男主角,该剧改编自约翰·勒·卡雷的小说,讲述了一个参与军火走私的酒店经理的故事。

    Hiddleston won his first Golden Globe on Sunday - for best performance by an actor in a mini-series or TV movie - for his role in the BBC 's adaptation of John le Carre 's novel about a hotel manager involved in arms smuggling .

  19. 最佳电视电影或迷你剧:《冰血暴》,FX;《疑踪》,Starz;《平常的心》,HBO;《奥利芙·基特里奇》(OliveKitteridge),HBO;《真探》,HBO

    Best Television Movie or Mini-series " Fargo " ( FX ) " The Missing " ( Starz ) " The Normal Heart " ( HBO ) " Olive Kitteridge " ( HBO ) " True Detective " ( HBO )

  20. 汤姆在AMC的迷你剧《夜班经理》中的扮演一名退役士兵乔纳森·派因,担任酒店经理的他受雇成为了间谍。抖森因在这部犯罪片中的精彩表现,从11位影星中脱颖而出,受邀进行这次的杂志封面拍摄。

    Tom , who plays Jonathan Pine - a soldier-turned-hotel manager-turned spy - in the AMC miniseries The Night Manager , was one of the 11 stars chosen to bare all for the magazine 's shoot thanks to his performance in the crime drama .

  21. 本尼凭该剧在2013年获得美国BAFTA奖(BritanniaAward)的英国年度最佳艺人,在2014年获得了艾美奖的最佳迷你剧/电视电影男主角。

    The series most recent season earned Cumberbatch the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie in 2014 , after winning the BAFTA / LA Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year in 2013 .

  22. HBO最初可能定位于电影放映和体育赛事播报,但现在这个拥有42年历史的有线电视巨头已经播出了超过100部美剧和20部迷你剧。看看HBO的节目表,毫不夸张地说,该频道开创了当今的电视黄金时代。

    HBO may gotten its start in movies and sports broadcasts , but the cable giant has now aired more than 100 series and 20 miniseries in its 42-year history . And looking at that lineup of shows , it 's not an overstatement to say the channel helped usher in the current golden age of television .

  23. 迷你剧《黑镜子》便是这样一部令人欣喜的作品。

    One such exciting idea is the mini-series Black Mirror .

  24. 最佳电视电影/迷你剧:《狼厅》

    Best television movie or mini-series : " Wolf Hall " ( PBS )

  25. 汤姆·希德勒斯顿在金球奖上荣获了迷你剧类最佳男主角。

    Tom Hiddleston takes best actor in a Mini-Series at the Golden Globes .

  26. 摄影师设计的晚餐迷你剧

    Photographers Create the Tiniest of Dramas onYour Dinner

  27. 这部剧也曾角逐最佳迷你剧奖。

    The show also contended for Outstanding Miniseries .

  28. 主要的艾美奖项还有最佳电视电影奖和基于真实故事拍摄的最佳迷你剧奖。

    Key Emmys also went to television movies and a mini-series based on real-life stories .

  29. 最佳电视电影/迷你剧

    Best television movie or mini-series :

  30. 在真人版的迷你剧集中,这个小和尚由日本当红童星福铃木饰演。

    In the mini series , the boy monk is played by Japan 's popular child star Suzuki Fuku .