
  • 网络The West Wing
  1. 这位《白宫风云》明星说它一直梦想着在高威的大学度过四个月之后能回到他母亲的家乡去学习。

    The West Wing star said he had lived his dream of returning to his mother 's homeland to study after spending four months at university in Galway .

  2. 其中一个实验中,他们先让100个人观看电视剧(《广告狂人》和《白宫风云》)或非虚构类节目(《宇宙解码》和《鲨鱼周:大白鲨的反击》

    In one , they asked about 100 people to first watch either a television drama ( Mad Men or The West Wing ) or a nonfiction program ( How the Universe Works or Shark Week : Jaws Strikes Back ) .

  3. 因作品《白宫风云》(WestWing)而出名的艾伦·索尔金撰写了电影剧本。

    The screenplay was written by Aaron Sorkin of " West Wing " fame .

  4. 这位在《白宫风云》(TheWestWing)中扮演帅哥山姆•希伯恩(SamSeaborn)的电影明星刚刚将两名曾在他家工作的保姆告上法庭,指控她们散布“恶毒的谎言”及勒索。

    The actor , who played the gorgeous Sam Seaborn in The West Wing , has just filed lawsuits against two ex-nannies accusing them respectively of spreading " malicious lies " and of blackmail .

  5. 金球奖观众对抖森的发言反应不一,《白宫风云》中的演员约书亚?马林那是抨击他的人之一。

    West Wing star Joshua Malina was among those to take issue with the speech , which drew a mixed response from the Golden Globes audience .

  6. 其中,研究作者称,观看高质量的电视剧——如《广告狂人》或《白宫风云》——可提高你的情商。

    In it , the authors claim that watching high-quality television dramas - things like Mad Men or The West Wing - can increase your emotional intelligence .