
  1. 论白话运动对新诗生成的影响

    Vernacular Movement and the Formation of Modern Poetry

  2. 中国近代白话文运动的历史透视

    Historical Perspective on the Vernacular Movement of Modern Times in China

  3. 论大众传媒对白话文运动的影响

    The Influence of Mass Media on the Movement of the Vernacular

  4. 白话文运动三部曲:以报刊为中心的考察

    Trilogy of Vernacular Movement : An Examination on the Basis of Newspaper

  5. 话剧语言及其在白话文运动中的意义和价值

    Drama speech and its significance and value in vernacular movement

  6. 论翻译对中国早期白话诗运动的影响

    Research on the Influence of Translation on the Early Chinese New Poetry Movement

  7. 浅谈近代白话文运动与思想启蒙

    On Modern Vernacular Chinese Movement and Thought Enlightenment

  8. 五四白话文运动主将的近代白话报刊实践(1903&1909)

    May Fourth Vernacular Movement s Main Initiators Vernacular Newspaper Practice in Modern Times ( 1903-1909 );

  9. 1920年代的白话文运动展示了更多背景性制约。

    The writings in the vernacular movement in 1920 's showed much more restrictions in background .

  10. 五四白话文运动是一场文学革命,更是一场语言革命。

    The Vernacular Campaign in May 4th Movement was not only a literature revolution , but a linguistic revolution .

  11. 中国文学思想的现代转型是从胡适倡导的现代白话文运动开始的,这既是一次语言工具的革命,也是一次语言思想的革命。

    The modernism of Chinese literary thought took place from the Modern Vernacular Chinese Movement proposed by Hu Shi .

  12. 汉语现代化的起源语境是现代民族国家建立对现代语言的要求,在近现代中国,这首先表现在白话文运动上。

    The modernization of the Chinese language originated from the request of the foundation of modern China for a new modern language .

  13. 《新青年》在现代白话文运动的兴起、发展乃至胜利的全过程中都产生了巨大的推动作用。

    The Journal of New Youth played an important role in the rise , growth and victory of the vernacular movement in modern China .

  14. 20世纪初期白话诗运动在语言体式上完成了中国旧体诗歌的历史转型。

    In the early period of 20 ~ th century , the movement of Bai Hua Shi finishes the historical transition of old Chinese poetic styles .

  15. 语言学上认识的偏差导致了白话文运动对包括诗语、诗体和诗情在内的诗性的轻慢。

    The deviation of this linguistic understanding resulted in the fact that the poetic nature including poetic type , language and passion was treated without proper respect .

  16. 意象派对20世纪中国新诗的影响主要表现在:一、通过胡适、闻一多,美国新诗运动对中国白话诗运动产生了激励与借鉴作用;

    The Influence of Imagist on 20th Century Chinese New Poetry includes : 1.American New Poetry Movement stimulated Influenced Chinese Verse Poetry movement because of Hu Shi Wen Yiduo ;

  17. 语言革新与新学统的建立&论五四白话文运动的学术语言特性

    A Talk about the Academic Characteristic of the Movement about the Written Form of Modern Chinese : On the Relation Between New Academic Tradition and the Innovation of Language

  18. 它与文学学科的建立、文学含义的变迁和五四科学主义、白话文运动等因素有着密切的联系。

    It is closely related to the establishment of Literature Subject , the change of the meaning of WenXue , and the scientism and the vernacular movement of May4th .

  19. 语言重构的两种向度&日本言文一致运动与晚清白话文运动之比较

    Two Dimensions of Language Reconstruction : A Comparison between the Movement of Identification of Japanese Vernacular with Written Language and Vernacular Movement in the Late Qing Dynasty of China

  20. 以胡适为领军人物的白话文运动,从文学创作语言的改革入手,打破了传统的文学格局,使白话入文正式进入了学术视野。

    The vernacular movement led by Hu Shih starts with the literature language reform and stresses the importance of vernacular to literature , which makes the vernacular chinese officially enter the academic field .

  21. 五四白话文运动是一场意义深刻的语言范式革命,鲁迅的思想探索与文体试验对于推动这一场革命自有非比寻常的意义。

    The May 4th Vernacular Movement was a profound revolution in language standard , and Lu Xun 's ideological probe and practice in writing had proffered a unusual significance for promoting the revolution .

  22. 自五四白话文运动肇始,新的语言媒介白话文体造就了与古典文学时代迥然相异的写作者与接受者,白话文写作者与接受者的审美心理、思维方式都发生了显著的变化。

    Since the beginning of the Vermicular Movement during the May 4th Movement , vernacular Chinese , a new language media , has given rise to writers and accepters sharply contrasted with their counterparts in the days of classical literature .

  23. 与文学史的叙述不同,语言学史、文化史和思想史更加注重自晚清以来的语言变革运动和五四白话文运动、文学革命之间的连续性、一贯性。

    Being different from the narration in literary history , the former pays more attention to the continuity between the movement of language transformation since the end of the Qing Dynasty and the May 4th vernacular movement as well as the literary revolution .

  24. 20世纪30年代,上海的《申报》等开展大众语运动,20世纪40年代,延安的《解放日报》改版,实行全民办报,白话文运动成果得到巩固与深化。

    In the 30s of the 20th century , Shen Bao Newspaper in Shanghai promoted the public language movement . In the 40s of the 20th century , the Liberation Daily in Yan'an was reorganized , and the whole public was involved in its publication .

  25. 通过日语中介,大量的新词汇进入了现代汉语,极大地丰富了现代汉语词汇,推动了白话文运动的发展:(3)文学系统由于处在转型期促使了大量转译现象的存在。

    The borrowed words from Japanese came to modern Chinese because of indirect translation , which not only enrich modern Chinese vocabulary , but promote the development of modern vernacular Chinese movement as well ;( 3 ) The turning point of literary system leads to abundant indirect translations .

  26. “白话文”运动阶段;

    2nd , modern Chinese literary moment ; Exercise .

  27. 认识到目前阶段中国图书馆法治建设的主要任务是现代图书馆观念的法律化。(2)“白话文”运动阶段;

    At the moment , that is the legalization of the sense of modern library . 2nd , modern Chinese literary moment ;

  28. 她的白话文创作在晚清白话文运动中具有典范性,并代表着近代散文发展的正确方向。

    Her creative writings in the vernacular stand out as an example in the Vernacular Movement in the late Qing Dynasty , and represent the correct orientation for the development in modern prose writing .

  29. 另外,晚清白话文热潮与五四白话文运动虽有着态度、成效上的不同,但不可否认的是两者有着传承性。

    In addition , the upsurge of the late Qing and modern Chinese vernacular movement , although May 4th movement of the 1919 have the attitude , the effectiveness of the different , but it is undeniable that a transmission of the two .

  30. 在整理国故运动中,新文化人发掘了明清白话小说和历史悠久的古代白话文传统,为白话文运动寻找国语范本和历史的渊源;

    They explored Ming-Qing vernacular novels and ancient vernacular writings in order to look for a vernacular Chinese-language model and its historical origin .