
  • 网络moby dick;Moby-Dick
  1. 为了纪念最伟大的航海小说——《白鲸记》(MobyDick)的作者赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(HermanMelville),这块化石被命名为梅尔维尔鲸(Leviathanmelvillei)。

    The fossil was namedLeviathan melvillei , after Herman Melville , the author of the ultimate seaman 's novel Moby Dick .

  2. 我不明白《白鲸记》里边的所有文学典故。

    I didn 't understand all the Allusionto classical literature in Moby Dick .

  3. 在《白鲸记》中,当Queequeg给Pequod签字时,因为他不识字,他做了一个标记,而不是签下他的名字,在小说中就说,Queequeg,他的标记

    In Moby-Dick , when Queequeg signs on to the Pequod , he makes a mark , because he is illiterate , in place of writing his name , signing his name , and in the novel it says " Queequeg , his mark . "

  4. 讽刺的是,《白鲸记》却未受好评。

    Moby dick , ironically , was not well received .

  5. 你怎么知道我读《白鲸记》的?

    How did you know I was reading Moby dick ?

  6. 《白鲸记》只是小众小说。

    " Moby-Dick " was a small-public novel .

  7. 尽管《白鲸记》最初并未造成轰动,但为何后来会成为经典之作呢?

    Why has Moby Dick since become such a classic despite its initial reception ?

  8. 《莫比-迪克》首版1851年的11月18日,赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的《莫比-迪克》以《白鲸记》的名字首次由伦敦的神学家理查德·宾利出版发行。

    Moby-Dick is 1st published November 181851 , Herman Melville 's Moby-Dick is first published as The Whale by Richard Bentley of London .

  9. 是《古舟子咏》,《白鲸记》,《老人与海》还是《奔腾年代》?

    Is it " The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , " " Moby Dick , " " The Old Man and the Sea , " or Seabiscuit ?

  10. 例如,《戴帽子的猫回来了》,这本书我相信很多人还经常读,又如《白鲸记》。

    So for example , " The Cat in the Hat Comes Back , " a book that I 'm sure we all often return to , like " Moby Dick . "

  11. 所有人都应该可以阅读世界上的著作,不管是晦涩的(莎士比亚,“白鲸记”,圆周率记录到小数点后一百万位),还是轻松的(彼得潘,夏洛克·福尔摩斯,“爱经”)。

    Everyone should have access to the great works of the world , whether heavy ( Shakespeare , " Moby-Dick , " pi to 1m places ) , or light ( Peter Pan , Sherlock Holmes , the " Kama Sutra " ) .