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  • 网络mini-world
  1. 孩子们真得迷上了足球,所以,我们决定举办一次迷你世界杯。

    The children are really obsessed with football , so we decided to organise a mini world cup .

  2. 第一届比赛的获胜作品是来自法国的“迷你世界”小花园。

    The French project " A World in Miniature " was the winner of the first competition ; the international jury was captivated by the small , poetic , biographical garden .

  3. 这种迷你马在世界上许多地方都有发现,特别是在欧洲和美洲。

    Miniature horses are found in many nations , particularly in Europe and the Americas .

  4. 76岁的爱德华兹说道:“我做的都是些日常物品,但都保持着高品质,这就是我的优势所在势。毫无疑问,我的迷你小提琴是世界上最好的。”

    Mr Edwards , 76 , said : ' I make ordinary things but of a very high quality . I know what a violin looks like , that 's why I have a big advantage over other people where making violins is concerned . There 's no doubt my miniature violins are the best in the world . "

  5. 2005年,35岁的他在非洲拍摄迷你剧《直到世界的尽头》。当时,他和两个朋友去到了莫桑比克东北海岸附近的圣卢西亚,去那里学习潜水课程。

    In 2005 , the 35-year-old was in South Africa filming the TV mini-series To The Ends of the Earth and had gone to Santa Lucia , on the northeast coast near Mozambique , to learn scuba-diving with two friends .