
  1. 目的:自拟参芪五虫汤治疗偏头痛临床疗效观察。

    Objective : To observe the effect of self-drawed Shenqi Wuchong decoction on migraine .

  2. 自拟五虫方治疗偏头痛118例疗效观察

    Clinical Effects on the Treatment of 118 Cases of Migraine Patients with Self-prescribed Five Insects Prescription

  3. 发现五龄棉铃虫幼虫对球孢白僵菌有强烈的细胞防御能力,表现为吞噬作用和细胞集结作用。

    The cellular defence ability is very strong in fifth-instar larvae of Heliothis zea , it showed that phagocytosis and cellular nodule formation .

  4. 一般各虫态分布的基本成份是疏松个体群,群内分布是随机的,而基本成份的分布是聚集的,但第五代着虫分布的基本成份似为致密个体群;

    In general , the basic components of distribution are loose colonies ; the distribution patterns of basic components are aggregated and intra-col-ony distribution is random , but nymphs of the fifth-generation occur as compact colony .

  5. 北京地区五种常见鸣虫的鸣声结构

    The sound structure of five species of common chirp insects in Beijing

  6. 本文记述了1961年在湖南滨湖区水稻生长季节中每五日调查稻虫的结果。

    During the rice growing seasons in1961 , the authors conducted a series of observations on the rice insect pests around the Dung-ting Lake of Hunan province .