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  1. 从本实验的结果得知,使用不同学习模式作五连方益智拼图,对孩童的空间学习皆有助益。

    The experimental results demonstrate the boost to child 's spatial ability through diverse learning methods in pentomino games .

  2. 三子一行,同时没有形成五连,加一子可形成活四。

    A row with four stones to which you can add one more stone to attain five in a row .

  3. 应用结构力学知识,建立了五连拱温室受风雪载荷时的半结构计算模型,用有限元法进行了结构优化,求出了它的内力、应力和位移。

    Its structure was optimized , its internal force and stress as well as displacement were gotten with the finite element method .

  4. 回到主场,五连败且有点混乱的灰熊今晚将对阵波特兰开拓者。

    The Griz return home to face the Portland Trail Blazers tonight with a five-game losing streak and a bit of controversy in tow .

  5. 粉丝、米线、河粉、挂面、蜡烛、多包奶、多排火腿肠、多支棒棒冰、多料包方便面、五连包方便面等单体或集合包装。

    Vermicelli , rice line , river vermicelli , fine dried noodles , candle , many package milk , many row ham , many branch , many .

  6. 虽然快船明天的比赛是客场作战,但他们还是想终结球队在斯台普斯中心的五连败&这个他们和湖人共用的主场,其中湖人在主场是8胜4负。

    The Clippers are the road team for Sunday 's matchup , but they 'll try to snap a five-game losing streak at Staples Center-the home court they share with the Lakers , who are8-4 there .

  7. 武汉钢铁(集团)公司冷轧厂1700五连轧机及整机自投产以来,使用了3种形式的主传动轴。

    Three kinds of main transmission shafts have been used in the cold - rolled factory of Wuhan Iron & Steel ( Group ) Corporation since 1700 five - sequential rolling mill was put into operation .

  8. 武钢冷轧厂五机架连轧机过程控制计算机系统

    Process control system of 5 stand tandem millin Cold Rolling Plant of WISCO

  9. 鞍钢冷轧厂五机架连轧机支承辊的使用与维护

    Use of Backup Roll in Angang 's 5 - stand Cold Tandem Mill and Its Maintenance

  10. 太二五16那领五他连得的,随即拿去做买卖,另外赚了五他连得。

    Mt.25:16 Immediately he who had received the five Nakedalents went and traded with-hem and gained another five .

  11. 他在五月份连吃了整整一个月,使自己到九、十月份能身强力壮,去逮地道的人鱼。

    He ate them all through May to be strong in September and October for the truly big fish .

  12. 太二五20那领五他连得的,带著另外的五他连得进前来,说,主啊,你交给我五他连得;

    Mt.25:20 And he who had received the five talents came and brought another five talents , saying , Master , you delivered to me five talents ;

  13. 在冷轧机上,开卷机将钢卷打开,然后将钢带引入五机架连轧机轧成薄带卷。

    In the cold rolling mill , coil open-book will open the machine , and then strip the introduction of a rolling mill stand even with volumes thin .

  14. 我队在最后五分钟内连进两球,反败为胜。

    Our team turned the tables in the last five minutes by scoring two goals successively .

  15. 五机架冷连轧机AGC系统建模及其自适应控制的研究

    Research on Modeling and Adaptive Control for AGC System of Five Stand Cold Continuous Rolling

  16. 2030五机架冷连轧机动态仿真系统

    Dynamic Simulation System of 2030 5-Stand Cold Strip Rolling Mill

  17. 1370五机架冷连轧机张力控制系统研究

    Study on Tension Control System of 1370 Five Stands Tendem Cold Mill

  18. 窄带钢五机架冷连轧机电气控制系统

    Electrical Control System of Narrow Strip of Five-stand Tandem Cold Rolling Mill

  19. 五机架冷连轧机监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Monitor System to Five-stand Cold Tandem Rolling Mill

  20. 光栅式传感器在五机架冷连轧机上的适用性分析

    Analysis of the availability of grating sensor installed on 5 stand tandem mill

  21. 五机架冷连轧机轧制规范优化与自适应研究

    Research of rolling schedule optimization and self-adapting system of five-stand cold rolling mill

  22. 五机架冷连轧机的负荷分配计算

    Load distribution calculation of 5-stand tandem cold rolling mill

  23. 八辊五机架冷连轧机液压压下控制系统控制效能的提高

    Control effect improvement of hydraulic screwdown control system for 8-high 5-stand tandem cold mill

  24. 五机架冷连轧机的改造途径

    Renovation of the five-stand tandem cold mill

  25. 他跑了五英里,连汗都不出,小菜一碟。

    He ran for five miles , and he even didn 't break a sweat .

  26. 并建立了五机架冷连轧机的动态数学模型,并对所建的模型进行了定量的仿真分析。

    The dynamic mold of five stands cold continuous rolling is established , simulated and analyzed .

  27. 声明称:“我们相信,接下来的五份文件会连《X档案》中的特别探员穆德也想要加以利用,试图说服他人外星活动真实存在。”

    The post continued : ' Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity . '

  28. 当时一面白地五环奥林匹克旗首次升起。这面旗是在白色衬底上画有五个互相扣连在一起的不同颜色的圆环。

    The Olympic Flag , with its five interlocking rings of different colors against a white background , was flown for the first time .

  29. 接着,给出确定各种类型五杆机构两连架杆转角空间的数值算法。

    The rotational ranges of the two side links for each type of the mechanism are analyzed , and the corresponding numerical algorithm is developed .

  30. 赫尔南德斯的球衣与纽约洋基的棒球帽一起出现在第五大道,就连贝克汉姆在纽约城也被曼联的墨西哥球星变成了小角色。

    ' Chicharito'shirts mingle with Yankees baseball caps on Fifth Avenue and even David Beckham has been forced to take second billing to Manchester United 's Mexican phenomenon in New York City .