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  • 网络Sleep three
  1. 一个人真正需要的财富只有一点点,而其余的都是用来炫耀的。(纵有广厦千间,夜眠三尺之地)

    There is only so much of fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off .

  2. 观察期间治疗组选取三组针配合眠三针法,结合中药,每天针刺一次,和服食中药一剂,每周5天进行治疗,二周为一个疗程。

    The treatment group was treated with three series of needle method adding sleeping three needles , meantime used Chinese medicine ; both were treated one time a day , and 5 days a week , and 2 weeks was a course .

  3. 2005年泽蛙出眠时间为三月底,四月初,且在气温下降的日期内泽蛙有重新回洞的行为。

    The result suggested that : In the year of 2005 , the rice frog began to come out from hibernation hollows at the end of March .

  4. SD&Ⅲ三眠素诱导家蚕三眠化的效果及对茧丝质量的影响

    Induction of 3-molt silk worm by using of sd - ⅲ and its effect on silk quality

  5. 金鹿三眠素在幼虫3、4龄初期添食,可使四眠蚕诱变为三眠蚕;

    When silkworm is fed with GD in early period 3 or 4 instar , tetramolter can be induced into trimolter .