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  1. 把像谷歌这样的公司拆分成五家小公司并不会阻碍它们的自我重构:随着时间的推移,其中一家小公司会重现母公司的辉煌。

    Breaking up firms like Google into five small ones would not stop remaking themselves : in time , one of them would become great again .

  2. 整个主交互模块可以划分成五个部分:主控制器、LCD液晶显示功能、专用PVC键盘功能、通信功能和电源部分。

    The whole module of communication is divided into five parts : main controller , LCD , PVC , communication and power .

  3. 哦很好呃Rochelle就算把它平摊成五份

    Um , Rochelle , even if we split this five ways ,

  4. 将二氧化碳排放总量的变化分解成五个主要影响因素,即化石燃料的排放系数、能源消费结构、能源强度、人均GDP和人口总数。

    The observed changes were attributed to five different factors , that is , the coeffcient of fossil fuels , the fuel share in total energy consumption , the energy intensity , the GDP per capita and the gross population .

  5. 饲养试验中,以FH生物活性饲料酵母与目前国内推广的几种蛋白源组合成五组饲料,将蛋鸡分五组进行对比试验。

    In breeding experiments , FH biological activity feed yeast and several protein sources which are in spreading at present are combined into five groups of feeds , layers are divided into five groups for the comparative experiment .

  6. 你能把这五元钱换成五个一元的吗?

    Can you transform this five-yuan note into five one-yuan notes ?

  7. 我已经把八十页的报告精炼成五条基本的建议。

    I have distilled my eighty page report into five basic recommendations .

  8. 那个大房间被分隔成五个办公室。

    The large room was partitioned into five offices .

  9. 根据三价动词的词汇&语义特点把动词划分成五个语义小类并概括出每小类动词的语义价模式以及句法价模式。

    In each category , semantic and syntactic valent models of verbs are generalized .

  10. 你能换开一张十美元的钞票吗?请换成五美元的钞票。

    Do you have change for a ten-dollar bill ? I want five-dollar bills .

  11. 英文原文:你要是开了一家铺子,下一步你就学会了开五家铺子。你要是开了一家铺子,不知不觉就会发展成五家铺子。翻译加油站:

    If you opened one store , the next thing you knew you opened five .

  12. 请全换成五元钞票。

    All in five-dollar bills , please .

  13. 吹积成五英尺厚的雪堆。

    Snow drifting to five feet .

  14. 与此同时,还有两个年级的学生在体育馆里排成五条笔直的队伍,跳中式健美操。

    Meanwhile , two grades form five perfect lines in the gym for calisthenics , Chinese style .

  15. 他把支票全兑换成五元一个的金币,给格特露打电话,说要见她。

    He cashed the check into five-dollar gold pieces and telephoned Gertrude that he wanted to see her .

  16. 实验结果表明,该分类器可以很好地将文本中的情感细分成五类。

    The results of experiment turn out that the classifier can divided sentiment in the text into five categories .

  17. 我们来看看这五个节拍器,把这五个节拍器想象成五个大脑。

    So , we 'll look and see five metronomes . Think of these five metronomes as five brains .

  18. 另一艘则分化成五个探测器,进入金星大气层,然后降落到该行星的表面。

    The second spacecraft separated into five probes that entered Venus 's atmosphere and descended to the surface of the planet .

  19. 这款婚纱由谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学时装和工程系学生研制,可演绎成五种新的时尚款式。

    Fashion and engineering students at Sheffield Hallam University developed the wedding dress , which can be transformed into five new fashion pieces .

  20. 过渡层通过共用节点的方法离散成五面体单元,传递轮胎对轮辋的作用力。

    The cushion is meshed using pentahedron elements which nodes are shared with tyre and rim , and the contact forces are transferred .

  21. 他们是用一把铁片磨成的“小刻刀”,将黄色的草纸刻成五颗五角星。

    They are ground into metal plates with a " small knife ", will be carved into five yellow five-pointed star of toilet paper .

  22. 不管你在培训客服人员方面花了多少钱,你需要让他们明白的最本质的东西其实可以概括成五个短语。

    For all the money you spend training your customer service staff , the essence of what you need them to do boils to five key phrases .

  23. 从樽形幼虫变态成五触手幼虫的时间很短(在水温为20-24℃下为1-2天),这是幼虫发育的最关键时期。

    Transformation from doliolaria larva to pentactula larva takes place in a very short time ( 1-2 days at 20-24 ℃) . and is most critical in larval development .

  24. 对应到基础设计教学又可以细分成五个阶段:准备阶段、辨认阶段、联想运用阶段、规划阶段、应用阶段。

    The didactical approach of the basic design also could be separated into five phrases : preparing phrase , identification phrase , associating phrase , programming phrase , applying phrase .

  25. 其中,在分析实物证据时,又划分成五小节进行分别分析。

    Among them , the analysis of material evidence is divided into five separate parts . In first part , it analyzes the characteristics of material evidence and its transformation reliability .

  26. 本试验以晒干后的醋糟作主料,通过添加高梁壳等辅料,配成五种不同的培养料配方栽培平菇,并对五种配方对平菇菌丝体的生长速度和生物学效率进行了研究。

    Five culture media with different proportions of air & dried vinegar waste and other materials were tested for the suitability for hyphae growth and the biological efficiencies of growing Pleurotus ostreatus .

  27. 还有人认为,解剖一部教科书结构体系,一般分解成五个系统:知能系统、范文系统、导学系统、作业系统、符号系统。

    There are people believe that a textbook anatomical structure system , generally broken down into five systems : knowledge and ability system , sample system , operating system and system of signs .

  28. 羽毛球世界联合会把传统的三局两胜、每局21分制改成五局三胜、每局11分制的实验,激发了已经33岁的李宗伟的兴趣。

    The 33-year-old 's interest has been piqued by the Badminton World Federation 's ( BWF ) experiments with an 11-point , best-of-five system , instead of the traditional 21-point , best-of-three format .

  29. 在章鱼皮肤表面,每一平方厘米中大概有两百个这样的色袋,它们可以组合成五种不同的颜色。

    There might be a couple hundred of these color sacks per square millimeter of the octopus ' skin , and depending on the species , they can come in as many as five different colors .

  30. 在研究中,通过可溶性和粘土吸附能力把渣油以及渣油、渣油馏分的热转化产物分离成五种假组分:饱和分、芳香分、胶质、沥青质和焦炭。

    In this study petroleum resids and the thermal conversion products of the resids and of resid fractions were separated by solubility and clay adsorption into five pseudocomponents : saturates , aromatics , resins , asphaltenes , and coke .