
  • 网络cost approach
  1. 成本途径评估机器设备三种贬值率的组合方法

    The Combination of Three Depreciation Rates in Appraising M & E by Cost Approach

  2. 公路施工企业降低项目成本途径的分析

    Analyzing the way of reduce project cost in highway construction enterprises

  3. 降低原煤成本途径的初步探讨

    A Probe into the ways of Reducing Raw Coal Cost s

  4. 对露天铁矿山降低生产成本途径的分析与思考

    Analyses and opinions for ways of reducing the production cost of opencast iron mines

  5. 市场化&优化我国国债融资成本途径的理论与实证探讨

    Marketing : research into optimization the cost of public debt issue by combining of theory and positivism

  6. 提出非持续经营企业应采用市场途径的评估方法,新建企业应采用成本途径的评估方法。

    Put no-continue run factory should introduce current market value , newborn factory should introduce replacement cost .

  7. 系统不需特制的高压气体压缩机,提供了一种制备稠密气体样品的低成本途径。

    It provides a low-price way for preparing dense gaseous sample , because no special made gas compressor is needed .

  8. 利用收益途径、成本途径和市场调查途径三类方法,以延安市宝塔区为例进行了环境价值的评估。

    As a case , the environmental value of Baota district in Yanan city is evaluated by three sorts of method , benefit , cost and market investigation .

  9. 虽然中国的矿业权评估实践开始得较晚,但目前管理体系已建立起来,且在探矿权的评估方面,创建了两种成本途径的方法。

    Although the practice of mining rights appraisal starts late in China , a management system has been established and two cost approaches has been set up with regard to mining rights appraisal up to now .

  10. 降低Internet信息检索成本的途径

    Ways to Lower the Cost of Information Retrieval On Internet

  11. Belt型超高压模具若干问题研究和降低金刚石生产成本的途径

    Research on Some Problems with Belt - type Tools and the Ways of Reducing the Production Costs of Diamond

  12. v.缩编缩编是降低成本的途径之一。

    downsize Downsizing is one way to reduce costs .

  13. 本文借助先进CFD技术,寻找一条提高通风机设计效率、改进设计方法、降低设计成本的途径。

    The thesis manages to search a way to increase efficiency of designing fans , improve design method , reduce design cost under the help of advanced CFD technology .

  14. 对多层H型钢钢结构住宅的经济性能进行分析,并与钢筋混凝土结构住宅和砖混结构住宅进行比较,指出影响多层H型钢钢结构住宅造价的主要因素以及降低成本的途径。

    In this article , authors analyze economic performances of multi-floors H-shape-steel steel structure residences , compare with those of reinforcement concrete structure residences and brick structure residences , and state main factors influencing the cost of multi-floors H-shape-steel steel structure residences and cost-reducing methods .

  15. 不过,Halifax辩称,对于构建投资组合而言,它的服务是一种节约成本的途径。此外,通过定期储蓄,这也是消除市场波动的有效方式。

    Still , Halifax argues that its service is a cost - effective way to start a portfolio , and an effective way to smooth out market fluctuations , through regular savings .

  16. 根据蒸汽转化法制氨过程的工艺特点,从降低合成气中CH4含量的角度出发,对降低合成氨生产能耗与成本的途径进行深入分析。

    According to the characteristics of ammonia plant with steam reforming process , the methods reducing the energy consumption and production cost of ammonia plant were discussed On this basis , a combined purification process of PSA and solvent absorption was put forward .

  17. 降低木质层压板胶耗成本的途径

    Ways for Reducing Cost of Glue Consumption in Wood Laminated Plastic

  18. 关于降低科研成本有效途径的探讨

    Discussion about Effective Approaches to Reduce the Cost of Scientific Research

  19. 降低露天煤矿开采爆破成本的途径与实践

    The Way of Controlling Blasting Cost During Opencast Coal Mining

  20. 降低电泳涂装成本的途径氟树脂涂料及其应用

    Ways to low painting cost of electrophoresis coatings fluororesin coatings

  21. 降低热镀锌钢丝成本的途径

    Methods of Reducing the Cost of Hot - dip Galvanized Steel Wire

  22. 讨论了晶体提高质量、降低成本的途径。

    The way of improving crystal quality and reducing their cost is discussed .

  23. 第三,有针对性地提出了优化我国税收管理成本的途径。

    Thirdly , approaches to optimize the tax administration costs have been proposed .

  24. 浅谈基层施工单位降低成本的途径

    The way to reduce cost for subgrade construction unit

  25. 降低钛合金线材成本的途径

    Ways of Reducing the Cost for Titanium Alloy Rod

  26. 降低胶结充填成本的途径及应用

    Ways and their applications for reducing cementing fill cost

  27. 降低工程机械产品成本的途径

    Approach to reducing product cost of construction machinery

  28. 降低我国原生钛精矿选矿生产成本的途径

    The way to lower the cost of production of primary titanium concentrate in China

  29. 钛材降低成本的途径

    Ways of Reducing the Cost for Titanium Materials

  30. 浅谈降低物流配送成本的途径

    Discussing on Ways of Reducing Logistics Distribution Cost