
dào jīn zì tǎ
  • inverted pyramid
  1. (例外:慈廉区(theTuLiemDistrict)的河内博物馆(theHanoiMuseum),这幢由德国GMP建筑师事务所设计、建成四年的倒金字塔建筑给游客一种漂浮于景致之上的感觉。)

    ( An exception : the Hanoi Museum in the Tu Liem District ; the 4-year-old inverted pyramid by German architecture firm gmp , gives visitors the sense of floating over the landscape . )

  2. 上下大小石牌之间有一定的约束关系和责、权、利关系,它们组成了倒金字塔的组织结构。L上的关系(?)

    There are binding relation and rights-and-obligations relation between upper versus lower Pais and large versus small Pais , which have formed an inverted pyramid structure .

  3. 自然地,其后我们提出了一个复杂的,不能等效成为单层膜的结构,即本征GaAs二维周期倒金字塔结构来作为顶部反射镜应用到半优化的探测器。

    Naturally , we turn to a complicated structure that cannot be equivalent to one single layer , i.e. the 2D ( two dimensional ) periodical reversed pyramidal structure of intrinsic GaAs as the top mirror .

  4. 马尾松种群结构呈倒金字塔型,幼苗缺乏,幼树只有4株·hm-2,但大树较多,达44株·hm-2;

    The population structure of P.massoniana was an inverse pyramid type , with no seedlings and only 4 saplings per hm 2 , but 44 large trees per hm 2 . The spatial distribution patterns of P.massoniana and C.

  5. 地下生物量呈典型的倒金字塔形,空间分布十分不均匀,多集中在地下0~20cm,围栏内群落地下生物量同样高于围栏外地下生物量。

    The under-ground biomass formed a typical reversed pyramid , special distribution was uneven , mainly concentrated in 0 ~ 20 cm under ground . The under ground biomass inside exclosure was also higher than that of the outside .

  6. 这个倒金字塔以及更传统的治理是并存的。

    The inverted pyramid and more orthodox governance coexist .

  7. 记者写时通常按照倒金字塔的格式。

    When writing a news story , the reporters follow an inverted pyramid format .

  8. 本文是一篇倒金字塔形状的典型的新闻故事。

    This is a typical news story , written in an inverted pyramid format .

  9. 我们称之为倒金字塔结构。

    We call it an inverted pyramid .

  10. 所有四个野生种群的年龄结构均呈倒金字塔型,开花个体数少,并且还在不断减少。

    All4 populations have opposite pyramid age structure , and few coning individuals , which is still decreasing .

  11. 他指出,中国获得的金牌通常远多于银牌或铜牌,形成了一个倒金字塔形的奖牌分布。

    He points out that China usually gets far more gold than silvers or bronzes & an inverted medal pyramid .

  12. 其种群结构为倒金字塔形,缺乏幼苗和幼树,为衰老型种群;

    The population was senile form , because its structure was inverse pyramid form , lacking seedlings and juvenile plants .

  13. 同样的,你工作也可以选择倒金字塔的,的规划你的工作进程直到期限那天。

    Similarly , by using the inverted pyramid structure you can easily trim your work when you hit the deadline .

  14. 大楼设计为倒金字塔型,采用中空结构,所有栖身空间都可享受天然照明和透风。

    It is an inverted pyramid with a central void to allow all habitable spaces to enjoy natural lighting and ventilation .

  15. 其次,为了形象化说明复杂系统脆性的概念,提出了多米诺骨牌模型、金字塔与倒金字塔模型、元胞自动机模型等几种基本模型。

    Secondly , domino model , pyramid model , reverse pyramid model , and cellular automaton model have been presented in order to explain the concepts of brittleness clearly .

  16. 多年来,全球经济在我看来好似一座坐落在美国妇女双肩上的倒金字塔,因为我们是全世界的主要消费者。

    For years , my image of the global economy was an inverted pyramid resting on the shoulders of American women , since we are the primary consumers in the world .

  17. 年龄结构虽然呈近似金字塔形,但幼龄及中等个体数少,呈一定的瓶颈现象,其陆生亚种群年龄结构呈倒金字塔形。

    Though the population age structure was approximately pyramid - like , there were few young and middle-aged individuals , and the age structure of terrestrial subpopulation was reversed pyramid - like .

  18. 下一阶段,投资者会从这个倒金字塔的顶端快速下降,将流动性差的资产转换成位于倒金字塔塔尖的实质货币&如黄金。

    The next phase will be the rapid descent of investors down the inverted debt pyramid from illiquid assets such as property into quality money – including gold – at the inverted apex .

  19. 经济倒金字塔现象是金融全球化条件下虚拟经济加速发展的体现,是当代财富积累价值化趋势的反映。

    The economic inverted pyramid is a representation of accelerated development of fictitious economy under the circumstances of financial globalization , and is also , a reflection of the valuing trend of wealth accumulation .

  20. 在可以预见的将来,中国四世同堂式的家庭“金字塔”将迅速演变成”倒金字塔”的家庭结构,“421家庭”将成中国社会的家庭主流。

    In the forcast future , the family construction in China will change from " pyramid struction " to " anti-pyramid struction " . The " 421 " family struction will become the main style in our China .

  21. 消息的主要任务是迅速及时地报道信息,这种讲求时效的报道也就使消息形成了自己的独特结构倒金字塔和基本的表现手法叙述。

    The main task of news coverage of the rapid and timely information , this time-efficient manner so that news reports also formed its own unique structure - " inverted pyramid " and the basic expression - the description .

  22. 郭鹤年曾告诉他,在酒店行业,存在一个“倒金字塔结构”,“员工是公司中最重要的资产”,因为接待客人的不是首席执行官,而是员工。

    Mr Kuok advised him that in hotels there was an " inverse pyramid where the staff are the most important asset in the company " , because they , not the CEO , are the employees who meet the guests .

  23. 25年后,中国将会有比年轻人更多的老年人,这是倒过来的人口金字塔。

    In25 years , China will have ALOT more old people than young people-an inverted population pyramid .