
  • 网络rechuck
  1. 南方山区220kV线路倒杆(塔)原因与抢修对策

    Causes Analysis of 220 kV Line Pole ( Tower ) Collapse in South Mountain Area and Its Repair

  2. 认为罕见的覆冰气候是线路设备损坏的直接原因,冰载荷重过大首先损坏杆塔的薄弱部件,微气候条件对覆冰倒杆起了决定性影响和作用;塔式起重机倒塔原因及对策

    The heavy icing damages the weak part of tower and meteorological condition causes the tower falling down . Reasons of falling down of tower crane and its countermeasures

  3. 覆冰常引起倒杆、断线等输电线路上的重大事故,会对其安全运行造成严重危害。

    The ice can cause the collapse of transmission lines , flashover insulator and other major incidents , so the safe operation of the power system have serious hazards .

  4. 输电线路覆冰会引起导线过载、导线舞动、倒杆(塔)、断线等事故,严重威胁着电力系统的安全运行。

    Power transmission line icing will lead to failures such as wire overweight , wire waving , pole ( tower ) collapse , which threaten the safe operation of electrical power system .

  5. 锥形电杆倒落抱杆整体吊装最优吊点的确定方法

    The determination of the optimum restraint nodes on whole erection of the conical transmission pole

  6. 介绍了施工中吊车起吊式和人字倒落式抱杆组立混凝土电杆的方法以及运行中混凝土电杆的维护。

    The methods of erecting concrete poles , by means of crane hoisting type and falling down type were emphasized .